"What is it? Escaped from prison? "

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng finished listening, the whole person was stunned. He looked at Tang Wei, and his face was incredible.

"You didn't hear me wrong. Geba escaped from prison naively. He has sent countless people to track him, but he got nothing." Tang Wei's face is dignified, affirming once again.

"Damn it

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help but burst into a rude remark, and said: "it's not that the capital prison is built on iron walls, and you can't even fart? How can ge batian escape from prison? Do the guards eat shit? "

Zhao Chengfeng is really upset. He doesn't mean to aim at anyone. He just feels depressed the more he thinks about it.

When Zhao Chengfeng, Pang Hu and Yuan Shanshan went to ge batian's nest alone, on the one hand, they had to face Ge batian's strict defense, on the other hand, they had to deal with the Chen family, and they almost died several times. Finally, with great effort, he finally got the substantial evidence of Ge batian's crime, and caught the man.

Unexpectedly, it was less than three months, and people ran away.

"It's not the time to get angry. You'd better find a way to catch people back." Tang Wei said in a deep voice, and her face was ugly.

Ge batian's crime is heinous. If the evidence is conclusive, why not kill him? Now it's good, people run away, and the future is endless.

"How? Where can I find a way? "

Zhao Chengfeng tone is not very friendly, indignant way: "method? What can I do? Whoever makes trouble will solve it, and whose child will be taken away. "

Zhao Chengfeng really doesn't want to take care of this. It's too much trouble.

Let's not talk about GE batian's ability. There must be countless ways to escape. Where can I find him? If Ge batian wants to hide, I'm afraid he can't find it all his life.

"Whose child, who will take it away?" Tang Wei white Zhao Chengfeng one eye, youyou way: "Ge batian but you pull down the horse, you say this matter you care?"


Zhao Chengfeng instant no temper, little girl film a mouth blocked Zhao Chengfeng all retreat.

"Don't be angry, either."

Tang Wei didn't fight with Zhao Chengfeng, and then said: "Ge batian was arrested because of you, which is an indisputable fact. If Ge batian's troubles are not solved, I'm afraid many unexpected things will happen later. After all, GE batian is not a good man. He will come back for revenge. "

"Moreover, according to the news from the capital prison, the reason why Ge batian was able to escape from prison smoothly was that someone should help him secretly, otherwise he would never run away."

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng brow twisted into "Sichuan" word, deep voice way: "you mean, the capital prison has ghost?"

"It's just a possibility, not sure." Tang Weidao.


Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of his cigarette and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

In any country, anywhere, there are spies. Although Huaxia is much stronger than before, it is still inevitably invaded by spies.

"Why didn't leader Tang tell me this?" Zhao Chengfeng looks up at Tang Wei and feels strange.

In fact, it was Tang Weiguo who ordered Ge batian to be arrested at the beginning. Now Ge batian has run away, can he sit still?

"Leader Tang is now inspecting abroad. It is estimated that it will take him a week to come back. He has informed my grandfather about this matter and asked him to deal with it." After a pause, Tang Wei said helplessly: "as you know, although my grandfather is almost as good as he was when he was young, I'm afraid that my grandfather's body can't bear it. After thinking about it, I can only call you for help."

Hearing Tang Wei say this, Zhao Chengfeng is a little more comfortable. He would rather let Tang Wei remember his feelings than let leader Tang say something about serving the country.

How much contribution has brother Feng made to the country in his prime years? Does anyone remember him? Did you ever get a dime?

"It's no problem to help. I can't refuse if you don't say it. But now we don't have any clues. How can we start? " Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath of the cigarette, frowning, it is a headache“ Don't forget, GE batian is a great man, and if he really has friends as his insiders, it's just as difficult for us to catch him again. "

Smell speech, Tang Wei is also straight frown, worried.

"At present, we can only go one step at a time, but I think Ge batian's cunning nature should make a trip back to the northwest province. After all, that place is his hometown, and no one will know what he will do later." Zhao Chengfeng speculates, but he doesn't have much hope in his heart.

How could Ge batian not think of it?

"Yes, how can I forget this crop!"

The speaker didn't mean it, but the listener meant it. Tang Wei soon had an idea in her mind and said in a deep voice: "Ge Bao, the son of Ge batian, is still under our monitoring. As long as GE Bao is controlled, he won't worry that GE batian won't show up. Even if he doesn't show up, he doesn't dare to act rashly."

"The method is a good one. I'm afraid those leaders above say that our means are a little despicable, which doesn't conform to the rules of a gentleman." Zhao Chengfeng also thinks this method is good, but he is still worried.

In the past, grandfather Mao did say, "never mind the black and white cats, as long as you can catch mice, that's a good cat." But now it's not the same. What laws, what humanity, and so on, restrict the words and deeds of good people. On another level, the reason why bad people are so rampant is that good people are too kind.

"I don't care so much about the attitude above."

Tang Wei said: "now I just hope my grandfather can be well, healthy and long-lived. If not, I would not agree with my grandfather to take over the northwest military region. Did I wait for GE batian to plot against me in the past? "

"All right!"

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he knew that Tang Wei was really worried. Then he said, "I'll go to the northwest province early the day after tomorrow. I'll let you know if I can catch Ge batian. If I can't catch Ge batian, I'll take ge Bao to Beihai City, and let Ge batian's old man throw a rat out of his way."

"Do you want me to come with you?" Tang Wei suggested that he was also worried that a man could not cope with it alone.


Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "Pang Hu will help in secret. You don't have to worry. But you have to be careful, not only to take care of yourself, but also to take care of the old man. There's something wrong with gintri. Life is gone. It's all up to you now

"Don't worry, I can handle it." Tang Wei nodded heavily, but her eyebrows didn't unfold.


Zhao Chengfeng put out his cigarette end and said, "it's dark now. Do you have a meal together?"

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