The window was slowly lowered, revealing three exquisite faces.

"Oh, Zhao Chengfeng, you are really brave. You really came out to pick up girls." It's Xia Bingbing who is staring at Zhao Chengfeng.

Good guy, they are not together for a few hours. This guy can't wait to cheat. As soon as he goes out, he colludes with Tang Wei.

"Ha ha, it's Bingbing. Didn't you go to the hotel for dinner? Why are you here? " Zhao Chengfeng chats and laughs. He is depressed in his heart.

Uncle, it's too bad. How did you meet these three people?

"Do you care where we eat?" Song Sisi looks at Zhao Chengfeng discontentedly, and his eyes immediately fall on Tang Wei.

This is the first time that song Sisi meets Tang Wei. He is extremely uncomfortable because he feels that even though the girl in front of him is dressed simply and looks up to the sky, she is still very beautiful, especially the handsome face with a little bit of coldness, and the perfect figure that seems to be familiar, which makes people envious.

"What a big coyote. If you don't meet him in the office in the afternoon, you can change it when you go out. Damn it." Song Sisi felt a little uncomfortable.

Even Liu Shiyun is not happy at the moment. To tell you the truth, before leaving the company in the afternoon, Liu Shiyun was quite moved by song Sisi's advice and bewitching. But who knows, Zhao Chengfeng colluded with him as soon as he left.

"Well, what do you think? We just came out for dinner. " Zhao Chengfeng headache, heart said these three women are not to the hotel to eat it? Why are you running to a big stall?

"I think you think too much. I have nothing to do with him. OK, that's it. Goodbye!" When did Tang Wei get such a strange look? Looking back at Zhao Chengfeng, he turned around and left.

"Ah, Weiwei, you..." Zhao Chengfeng wanted to chase, but Tang Wei got on the bus and left.

"What? I'm still reluctant to part with you, aren't I? "

Xia Bingbing coldly glanced at Zhao Chengfeng and hummed: "if you really want to give up, go after it. What are you doing in a daze?"

"I'm going after you. Don't you misunderstand me more?" Zhao Chengfeng has a headache, but he can't help it. I just hope Tang Wei doesn't take it to heart.

Their relationship had not been very good, and they could not cross the gap, but now they are better. After being tossed by Xia Bingbing's three daughters, they are even more hopeless.

"Did you misunderstand you? Didn't you count it in your heart?" Xia Bingbing stares at Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, with a touch of irony in the corner of her mouth.

Xia Bingbing knows his man too well. If he is a beauty, he is not interested.

"Well, I can't tell you where you are going? Take me, I haven't eaten yet... "With that, Zhao Chengfeng is about to get on the bus.

But Xia Bingbing didn't give Zhao Chengfeng a chance, so he started the car and left, "goodbye, we three fight the landlord, you continue to wave you."

With that, Xia Bingbing suddenly increases the speed, leaving Zhao Chengfeng with a row of tail lights.

"Damn it, you're doing damage."

Looking at the taillights leaving, Zhao Chengfeng can't help shouting abuse. Uncle, brother Feng has a little time. He comes out to eat with Tang Wei. He doesn't say anything. He doesn't take it with him before he leaves. Is it decent?

"A group of bad women, I won't play with you." As soon as Zhao Chengfeng gets angry, he reaches out to stop the car and leaves. He thinks that if he doesn't stay here, he will stay there.

Can a man as good as brother Feng not find shelter?


The next morning, when Zhao Chengfeng woke up, Yuan Shanshan had already got up and went to the morning class. Today was yuan Shanshan's last day of class, and she had to go back to her hometown tomorrow.

After Xia Bingbing left last night, Zhao Chengfeng went to Yuan Shanshan's side, which was also a place to sleep. Not surprisingly, he was very passionate last night.

"Didi... Didi..."

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng wakes up, the phone rings. Zhao Chengfeng feels it out from under his pillow. It's Xia Bingbing.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Zhao Chengfeng's tone is not very friendly. He is still upset about what happened last night.

"What do you want me to do?"

Xia Bingbing's tone was even more unfriendly and asked, "what did you do last night? Why doesn't the night end? What time is it now? Why don't you go to work? "

"Last night, oh, I'm sorry, I cheated again accidentally last night; As for why I didn't go to work today, I didn't get up early because I played too late last night. Well, are you satisfied with my explanation? " Zhao Chengfeng lit up a cigarette and said with a smile.


Xia Bingbing sneered and said sarcastically: "you are still cheating like that. Who wants you? Derailment, I think you're almost on the track. Come on, get back to work, or I'll take care of you. "

"I really want to see how you deal with me. Is it a whip or a drop of wax?" Smell speech, the corner of Zhao Chengfeng's mouth stirs up an evil smile.

"What whip?" But Xia Bingbing doesn't understand it at all.


Zhao Chengfeng suddenly lost interest, with a person who doesn't know anything joke, don't ask for no fun?

"It's nothing. I'll come back to the company later. I'll go after the design of Xiaohe. I still have something to do. I think I'll go out for a while." Zhao Chengfeng said seriously.

On the other side of the phone, when Xia Bingbing heard that Zhao Chengfeng was going to leave, she hesitated, but finally said, "let's go to the company later."

After getting up and washing up, Yuan Shanshan came back after class and brought Zhao Chengfeng lunch.

"Shanshan, I'll go to the company later. After class in the afternoon, you should pack up your things and let's start early tomorrow morning, OK?" Zhao Chengfeng said as he ate lunch.

Yuan Shanshan nodded and said, "I have no problem. After class in the afternoon, I will buy some things. We can meet at the airport tomorrow morning."


After a pause, Zhao Chengfeng said again: "by the way, GE batian has escaped from prison. I estimate that he is very likely to return to the northwest province. This time, he will be busy."

"Did you escape?"

Referring to ge batian, Yuan Shanshan's indifferent face suddenly became ferocious, gritting her teeth and saying, "that's just right. Let's settle the old accounts together with the new ones."

"It's no problem to settle accounts, but you have to learn how to protect yourself. I'm afraid I can't take care of you. The last time you prepared the chemical bomb, I think you can prepare some. The effect of that thing is good. There must be no problem in self-defense." Zhao Chengfeng suggested.

"I've got these things ready for a long time." Yuan Shanshan said.

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