With that, Zhao Chengfeng's eyes flashed a strange light again.

"Don't talk nonsense. What are you envious of? If you really like it, why don't you marry a foreign woman? " Xia Bingbing can't help but stare at Zhao Chengfeng. She doesn't know about weidora.

"You don't say that although European and American women are big, I like to see them. I don't like it if I'm allowed to fight myself." Zhao Chengfeng is right.

Xia Bingbing gnashes her teeth with hatred. This guy is a little bit on his nose and face, and he has to be on his face.

"Why? Don't you like this type very much? " Liu Shiyun came slowly, with a strong smell of acetic acid.

"Who says I like this type? I don't like it at all, OK Zhao Chengfeng argued.

"Why not?" Liu Shiyun then asked.

"Because I don't feel good, it's not smooth enough, it's not warm enough, it's not..."


Before Zhao Chengfeng finished speaking, Xia Bingbing couldn't listen any more. Her face turned red and blue. She was so ugly that she really wanted to give Zhao Chengfeng a big mouth.

Damn bastard, playing hooligans don't look at the occasion, but in the company, there are other female colleagues here, don't you know to be a little more restrained?

"Now you can tell me what kind of materials you want to use and what kind of color you want to use. Don't talk so much, and don't care what you feel." Xia Bingbing hummed coldly.

Zhao Chengfeng said: "I just want to elaborate on the main issues. Sometimes I have to be more careful so that you can understand it."

"Now don't talk nonsense, say what materials and colors you need, and don't say anything else!" Xia Bingbing once again, eyes are very aggressive staring at Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng said, "OK, I think the fabric is made of silk. China is a country of silk, and the silk is glossy and smooth, and the texture is very good..."

"Not to mention the sense of quality, not to mention the sense of hand. We are not interested in this. Just use comfort instead." Xia Bingbing once again interrupted Zhao Chengfeng. You son of a bitch, if you don't keep an eye on him, I don't know when to make trouble for you. You can say anything shameless with that mouth.

"Next, color, how to match the colors." Xia Bingbing asked directly.

Zhao Chengfeng's face was chatting. After thinking about it, he said, "I think it's better to be bold in color matching. It's bold and simple at the same time, so it's better."

"I don't have any other specific ideas. Anyway, you can see more fashion shows and match colors with the dress of European and American women. Anyway, it mainly highlights the independent and enthusiastic personality of European and American women stars. They love freedom..."

"All right."

Hearing this, Xia Bingbing once again interrupted Zhao Chengfeng, looked at he Bingting and Hu Lingling, and said in a deep voice, "you'll modify them according to these two aspects. After the modification, you can send them directly to the workshop and ask the production department to take out the samples tomorrow morning at the latest. We'll discuss them then."

"Yes, Mr. Xia."

"Yes, Mr. Xia."

He pinting and Hu Lingling nodded, took the design and left the small meeting room.

"Well, Shiyun, let's go, too." Xia Bingbing finished, not bird Zhao Chengfeng, pulling Liu Shiyun out of the meeting room.

For a moment, only Zhao Chengfeng was left alone in the conference room.

"Ah, I..."

Zhao Chengfeng wants to open his mouth, but as soon as he opens his mouth, the door is closed. Bang, it's very loud.

"Damn, isn't this a typical bridge breaking? What do you think of brother Feng? Use me. " Zhao Chengfeng angrily scolded for a while, and finally out of the meeting room.

Looking at the door of Xia Bingbing's office, Zhao Chengfeng didn't go in the end. Is he waiting to be criticized now?

"Hum, since you don't appreciate brother Feng's talent, I can only cheat." Zhao Chengfeng snorted and walked downstairs with a cigarette in his mouth.

Just out of the company, he Yongfei came back from a distance. It seems that he Yongfei just came back from the tax bureau. As the finance of the company, he Yongfei has to go to the tax bureau at least twice a week.

"Hi, Phil. Busy. Have you eaten yet?" Seeing his beautiful and sexy sister-in-law, Zhao Chengfeng's unhappiness disappeared in an instant.

At this moment, Zhao Chengfeng thinks that Xia Bingbing is not good for nothing. At least when he marries himself, he brings such a beautiful and potential sister-in-law.

Don't men dream like sleeping on a drunken knee?

"Well, stay away from me!"

When he Yongfei saw Zhao Chengfeng, she was in a good mood. She was angry and blushed. She seemed to think of the events of the previous two days.

Now ye Liangcheng is really the rule, not to mention ye Liangchen dare not call, send text messages to harass himself, even ye Liangchen's family dare not call to ask.

However, there is one more Zhao Chengfeng. One more Zhao Chengfeng is worth thousands of Ye Liangchen, especially his shamelessness.

"Come on, Phil, aren't you tearing down the bridge?" Zhao Chengfeng stopped he Yongfei's way and said, "how can I say that my brother-in-law has helped you so much? Why don't you thank me? That's not interesting enough. "

"I thank you? I don't mean enough? "

He Yongfei's lungs almost burst when he heard this. Damn bastard, he was kissing himself and hugging himself. Oh, by the way, he touched himself and took advantage of the boss. At last, he said that he didn't mean enough?

"Can you still order a face? You don't know how much you take advantage of me, do you? " He Yongfei gritted his teeth.

"I take advantage of you? No, "he said

Zhao Chengfeng said: "I remember that I helped you block ye Liangchen's harassment, so you still kiss me and hold me. Have you forgotten all these?"

"You, you... You shut up!"

In the end, he Yongfei almost roared out and his face turned white.

"Why should I shut up? Am I right?" Zhao Chengfeng asked: "do you want to deny that you kiss me?"

"I bah, you, you... I ignore you." He Yongfei saw a lot of people passing by. He was also very embarrassed. He stamped his feet in anger and ran away.

Who is Zhao Chengfeng? Naturally, I'm going to catch up, all the way to he Yongfei's office.

"Asshole, get out of here. I don't want to see you." He Yongfei saw that Zhao Chengfeng actually followed him, and naturally he didn't have a good face.

Zhao Chengfeng was not so obedient. Instead, he sat down on the chair with a naughty smile and said with a smile, "why do I have to roll? It doesn't matter if you don't want to see me. I just want to see you, and I'd love to see you. "

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