The next day, the sun rose as usual. The disciples practiced in the yard early. Chen Gaowang walked in the yard with his hands on his back. He was in a beautiful mood. It was not because the disciples were obedient, but because Chen Gaowang had been a star ten from now on.

Ten hearts are the top people in potian. Besides ten spades, the leader of the group, the rank of the group is not low.

"Master, I can see that you are in a good mood today." The apprentice asked with a smile as he served tea.

Don't apprentices need an eye power?

"Ha ha, Xiao Yu, you are smart enough." Chen Gaowang took a sip from his teacup and praised his apprentice with a smile.

Xiaoyu is the most gifted apprentice at present. Chen Gaowang has also thought privately that if he can't keep the incense for the Chen family even if he marries a young daughter-in-law, he should take this boy as a dry son.

However, I'm afraid things have changed now. Once he joined the Po Tian, Chen Gaowang estimated that he would be more busy, and even his family would have no time to take care of him. Last night, Chen Gaowang didn't sleep all night. He also thought about whether he wanted to disband these apprentices in his family. He devoted himself to fighting for more Tianzhu, so as to seek a breakthrough.

"The master praised me falsely. I'm afraid." Xiaoyu was modest, but he was excited“ But Shifu is fresh and fresh today. I wonder if something good happened to him? "

"Your eyes are poisonous enough."

Chen Gaowang pointed to Xiaoyu with a smile, but he didn't hide it. He said: "I'm afraid Shifu will be very busy next, because Shifu, I..."


Just at this time, an off-road vehicle ran into the door at a high speed, and it directly broke through the door. The people were scared to hide and scream.

"How do you drive? Can you drive? " Xiaoyu is anxious and angry. Who is it? Did you wake up early in the morning or drink driving? How did you just bump in?

However, instead of speaking, Chen Gaowang looks to the other side of the car. The people on the car come down, not others. It's Zhao Chengfeng, who has given a message to cut off his head.

"I didn't expect that you were really not afraid of death. How dare you come." Chen Gaowang slightly narrowed his eyes and slowly stood up. His old face was full of cold and murderous feelings. The momentum around him was rising, and Zhao Chengfeng had been locked in.

If Zhao Chengfeng does anything rash, Chen Gaowang will attack him quickly and give him a fatal blow.

"I didn't expect you to be so disobedient."

Zhao Chengfeng got out of the car, lit a cigarette leisurely and took a puff. Then he said, "let's wash it clean, stretch your neck and wait for Laozi to chop your head. It's good for you. You didn't take a bath last night. Isn't it clear that you want to smear Laozi's knife?"

With that, Zhao Chengfeng takes the Xuanyuan sword from the car, which is still the simple scabbard. However, looking at the ordinary, the brake is too heavy.

"Zhao Chengfeng, there's a way to heaven. If you don't go, there's no way to hell. Today, this is your burial place. I'm going to cut off your head and pay homage to my two dead sons!"

With Chen Gaowang's outburst, the disciples understood and saw clearly that the young boy in front of him was the enemy of the master.

"Come on, you can die without boasting?"

Zhao Chengfeng turned his eyes and said sarcastically, "don't you forget how your two sons died and how Laozi left you last time? Have you forgotten how your ten masters of the Chen family died? "

"Today, I want you to have no way to go to heaven and no way to go down to earth

Chen Gaowang's anger soared. He suddenly burst into a strong sense of killing. He leaped into the air like an eagle. Then an apprentice threw a knife into the air.


The sword came out of its sheath and made a dull sound.


Zhao Chengfeng shook his head. If it was in the past, Zhao Chengfeng might Dodge, but today? Then you can only ha ha. How can the experts in Lingwu realm be comparable to those in the later period of guwu realm?

"To split Huashan!"

Chen Gaowang gave a loud drink and chopped Zhao Chengfeng's head heavily.

"Paralyze you!"

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help but burst out a rude remark, and the sword came out of its sheath in an instant.


Xuanyuan sword's voice is obviously much lighter than the Dragon's. It's not very loud and has strong penetrating power. The most important thing is that at the moment when the energy fills the body of the sword, the white light is dazzling!


With a crisp sound, Chen Gaowang's sword broke in midair, and the rest of his strength peeled off a wisp of white hair. If he hadn't dodged in time, it would have been Chen Gaowang's neck.

"Ah, this..."

Chen Gaowang stumbled to the ground, retreated several steps in a row, and then steadied his pace. He looked at Zhao Chengfeng in a dazed way. His eyes were full of surprise. His inner strength was not only more profound, but also more advanced.

It is enough to prove that Zhao Chengfeng has broken through. He is not an expert in the ancient martial arts realm, but an expert in the Lingwu realm!

"You, you broke through?" Chen Gaowang looked at the young man in front of him. In less than three months, he broke through.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded with a smile, "I can't see that you still have some eyesight, you can."

"Why? Why did I study hard for many years, but I failed to break through, and you broke through when you were so young, why? " All of a sudden, Chen Gaowang looked up at the sky and roared like a madman.

"I can answer that question."

Zhao Chengfeng said solemnly, "in fact, it's not your fault that you don't practice hard, and it's not your fault that you don't have good skills."

"Why is that? Why didn't I break through? " Chen Gaowang can't wait to ask, very want to find out the reason.


Zhao Chengfeng sighed: "this problem is easy to explain, because you are too stupid, because you are too stupid, your brain is not smart, and you have no savvy, so you can't break through all the time."


Chen Gaowang's face was red, and he almost smoked. The goddamn bastard was so much nothing.

"Don't worry about you. How about I give you three minutes to think about it? Do you want to stretch your neck or let me cut off your limbs, oh no, five limbs, bit by bit and send them to Huaishu village for a memorial ceremony?" Zhao Chengfeng doesn't care about Chen Gaowang's expression or the latter's attitude. Straight to the point.

"Huaishu village? You, you really have something to do with the yuan family back then! "

As soon as he heard of Huaishu village, Chen Gaowang's face became extremely ugly. Is the secret of that year finally going to be made public?

"He has nothing to do with the yuan family, but I have something to do with the yuan family." At this time, a woman came in with hate in her eyes.

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