"One, one move?" Gerhardt felt a chill on her back, and the strength she just mentioned was just like a frustrated ball.

Ge batian always knew that Zhao Chengfeng was very powerful. After entering the capital prison, he just knew the details of Zhao Chengfeng. It was not powerful, it was quite powerful.

However, GE batian never dreamed that Chen Gaowang, who is known as the first master in the southwest province, could not make a move in Zhao Chengfeng's hands!

How strong should Zhao Chengfeng be?

"Ha ha, you can't believe it, but you can't prove it, because Chen Gaowang is dead, and he can't die any more." Zhao Chengfeng a smile, the vast moonlight, a grin exposed a mouthful of white teeth.

"Zhao Chengfeng, can't we really talk about the terms?" Ge batian took a deep breath, holding a trace of hope in his heart.

You can die by yourself, but you'd better leave a seed for GE family. As long as GE Bao does not die, he will have a chance to make a comeback and revenge in the future. When he is old, he has become a wanted criminal in China. Even if he does not die, he will not dare to appear in public. He will have to be frightened for a lifetime.

In fact, GE batian knows better than anyone. At first glance, he really escaped from the most rigorous prison in China, but if China wants to fight, even if he escapes to the ends of the earth, even if he digs three feet, China can find himself out. It's up to Huaxia to compete with you.

"Conditions? Ha ha, it depends on what kind of terms you offer. " Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng smile more happy.

Zhao Chengfeng's consistent style is not to take advantage of a cheap son of a bitch. Ge batian has been in the northwest province for so many years. He must have hidden a small Treasury, but the number is not small. After all, GE batian had dealings with the drug lords of South Vietnam. Who didn't know that drugs were a profiteering industry?

"I have 1.3 billion on hand. I'll give you all 1.3 billion. You can give my son a way to live, and I'll take the initiative to die, OK?" Ge batian gritted his teeth and let it go.

Uncle's, leave green hill in, don't worry about firewood.


When GE Bao heard this, he suddenly became impatient and said to Zhao Chengfeng, "Zhao Chengfeng, you kill me, I'll die. You let my father go."

"Be obedient, leopard!" Ge batian drank violently.

However, Ge Bao is also a stubborn donkey, stubborn way: "no, Dad, you go, I now anyway have become useless, I now have no hope, you go..."


Geba is in a hurry. He slaps gebao in the past.

"Don't you even listen to me? Do you want me to send the white haired man to the black haired man? That's it. " Ge batian stares at his son, conveying the deep meaning that only father and son can understand.

"Pa pa pa."

Zhao Chengfeng clapped his hands and said, "father and son are really affectionate. It's really moving. Then, it seems that I can't agree. If I don't agree, will you say I'm inhuman?"

"So you agree?" Ge batian was glad to hear that.


Zhao Chengfeng nodded, which was regarded as acquiescence, and then said: "however, I have two conditions. First, I want to see the money into my account immediately. For this reason, I only give you ten minutes; Second, you don't have to bother to commit suicide. I can give you a ride and keep it so that you can die more neatly. How about that? "

"Well, I promise you!"

Ge batian gritted his teeth with hatred. He said that this son of a bitch really didn't see rabbits and eagles. Unfortunately, today's Ge batian has no conditions and qualifications for negotiation, and can only accept it.

"Well, my account number is..." after hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng gave Ge batian his card number.

Ge batian was not ambiguous. He pressed on his mobile phone for a while, and the money soon came to the account, 1.3 billion yuan, a lot of money.

"Tut Tut, it's really a rich man. With 1.3 billion yuan, he doesn't even blink his eyelids. What, I ask, you don't hide it anymore?" Zhao Chengfeng counts carefully several times and looks at GE batian.

On hearing this, Geba's mouth trembled. This damned son of a bitch is really thick skinned. He still thinks about it.

"Zhao Chengfeng, although Ge batian has done a lot of unreasonable things, he can be regarded as a man of indomitable spirit. How can he cheat you with a spit and a nail?" Ge batian asked, snorting, to vent his dissatisfaction.

Now, GE batian, a prisoner, can only express his unhappiness in this powerless way.

"A man of indomitable spirit? Ha ha. "

Before Zhao Chengfeng opened his mouth, a beautiful shadow slowly came out behind him. With the voice of indifference to the bone marrow, he stared at GE batian in the vast moonlight. Yuan Shanshan would know the enemy who killed his father even if he turned to ashes.

"No, you are not a man, even you are not a man!"

Yuan Shanshan walked forward step by step, went to Zhao Chengfeng and settled down, and said, "if you are a human, why do you poison the yuan family? Why should we make trouble and harm more than 300 people in Huaishu village? Why? "

Yuan Shanshan became more and more excited. At the end, she almost roared out.

"You, who are you?" Ge batian looks at the woman in front of him. Like Chen Gaowang, he feels that she is very familiar with her, but he can't remember who she is.

"Who am I? Ha ha. "

Yuan Shanshan laughs coldly. "I'm yuan Shanshan, the elder daughter of Yuan Changge. I'm yuan Shanshan."


Ge batian was so scared that he almost sat down on the ground. He didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng had come to the capital prison to tell him that everything was true.

The people of yuan family didn't kill them!

"It's amazing, isn't it? I'm curious why I didn't die, right? " Yuan Shanshan laughed, but the smile stopped suddenly, and growled: "then I'll tell you that I exist for revenge, to kill you bastards and animals! Go to hell

The voice fell, Yuan Shanshan took the lead to jump up, "choking" a, long sword scabbard, straight to gebatian heart position.

"Shanshan, be careful!"

Zhao Chengfeng was startled and rushed up. Who can guarantee Ge batian not to resist?


What Zhao Chengfeng didn't expect was that GE batian didn't resist, and Yuan Shanshan let his sword pierce into his heart and burst out with blood.


Ge Bao's eyes suddenly turned red. Unfortunately, he couldn't help it.

"I hope you will keep your word and let my son go." Ge batian finished this sentence with his last strength and immediately fell down.

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