Three days, blinking.

"Chengfeng, slow down. You haven't fully recovered. Lie down for another two days." Qingyi watched Zhao Chengfeng want to get up and walk, some worry, eyes full of love.

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "it's OK, aunt Qingyi. I know my body very well. The master's medicine is too effective. Now I feel that I can fight with Qin Yuzi."

"You, you know how to fight with people. No wonder you are hurt all over." Qingyi has no choice but to shake her head. She has no choice but to let Zhao Chengfeng.

"Aunt Qingyi, you don't have to worry about me. I'll just walk around by myself. You're busy."

"What can I do for you? I'll go around with you. It's a secret base. It's guarded everywhere. No one leads you. I don't know if you're arrested. " Tsing Yi Road.

However, as soon as they went out, monk Yao came over with a smile.

"Ha ha, I knew you could walk on the ground today." Monk Yao said with a smile, "it's Lao Zhao's son. It's recovering too fast."

"The main reason is that the master's medical skill is good, and the skilful hand returns to life." Zhao Chengfeng flatters.

"You, you." Medicine monk smell speech proud smile.

Maybe in the cultivation, ten medicine monks are not necessarily Zhao Feilong's opponents, but in the medical skills, one hundred Zhao Feilong are not necessarily equal to the medicine monk, which is very confident.

"By the way, master, you come here early in the morning. Is there something wrong?" Zhao Chengfeng asked, in the past few days, he didn't see his doctor only at night? Why did you come here early today?

Monk Yao said with a smile: "how can you use your body to look again? After a few days of recuperation, he will be able to recover himself. It's the big leader who comes here and says he wants to see you. Do you want to go there? "

"All right." Zhao Chengfeng did not refuse.

"Since the big leader wants to see you, then you go, pay more attention to your body, don't move, I won't go..." Qingyi heard that the big leader wants to see Zhao Chengfeng, so she chose to avoid.

"Qingyi, I'm afraid you have to go there. The big leader said that you should go there too. He said that there was something to announce." The medicine monk said with a bitter smile.

Smell speech, green dress Xiu eyebrow tiny Cu, finally ordered to nod, three people passed together.

Tang Aotian also has his own office in base 731. After all, this place is very safe and has plenty of aura, which is also good for people's health. The only problem is that the signal is not very stable and can't keep in touch with the outside world at any time.

"Big leader, they're here." The medicine monk said with a smile.

Zhao Chengfeng said hello immediately, but Qingyi didn't open his mouth. He just nodded to the leader and gave up.

"Chengfeng, is your injury OK?" Tang Aotian asked with concern.

"Thanks for your concern. Under the master's care, it's no big problem. You can recover after a few days' rest." Zhao Chengfeng responded that he did not forget to show his merit for the medicine monk.

Hearing the speech, Tang Aotian breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "it's OK, you, don't be so impulsive in the future. Sometimes it's no big deal to lower your head. A man can bend and stretch. There's no need to put himself in danger every time."

"Boy, remember, I'll be careful next time." Zhao Chengfeng said, "next time, I will cut off Qin Yuzi's head. Paralyzed

"Big leader, what can I do for you?" Green clothes don't like these face words, straight way: "Chengfeng hurt early healing, if nothing special, I want to let Chengfeng have a good rest."

"Qingyi, you..." monk Yao's face changed and he gave Qingyi a wink. Although this is Tsing Yi's character all the time, how can we give the leadership face?

However, Qingyi was not moved.

"This is the bull man!" Zhao Chengfeng can't help but give a thumbs up to Qingyi. He doesn't even need to give face to the leader. What a cow!

However, after careful consideration, Zhao Chengfeng will understand. Such powerful masters as Tsing Yi have been living a leisurely life. They are free and unrestrained. They never pay attention to politics, let alone respect leaders. It's good for them to stay well in the 731 army and make efforts when necessary. What else do you want to do?

This is also the pride of the ancient martial arts masters.

"Sit down first. Let's talk slowly." Tang Aotian is not angry. Qingyi has always been.

Three people smell speech to sit down, one side of the Secretary pour good tea, then backed out.

"Qin Yuzi took the blame and resigned. Now the 731 army needs a captain." Tang Aotian lit up a cigarette, took a puff, and twisted his brow into a knot in one's heart.

"Ah? He's gone? " Monk Yao was surprised when he heard that.

Not only monk Yao was shocked, but even Zhao Chengfeng was shocked. Qin Yuzi's departure meant that the strength of 731 army was weak again?

"What's strange? He made such a big mistake. Does he mean to stay at 731?" What is different from Zhao Chengfeng and monk Yao is that Qingyi thinks it should be. It seems that she is eager for Qin Yuzi to resign.

Tang Aotian was slightly stunned when he heard the speech, and immediately said: "yes, Lao Qin has really gone too far this time. Even if he does not resign, I will give him some punishment. However, in other words, these old Qin are with me. They have no credit but also hard work. Old Qin is also a top expert. Without him, our strength will be weakened. The most important thing at present is that 731 needs a leader without a team leader

"Then master or aunt Qingyi, what's the trouble?" Zhao Chengfeng blurted out that he didn't think it was a problem.

From Zhao Chengfeng's point of view, Qin Yuzi was no more powerful than monk Qingyi and Yao, and even less powerful than monk Yao.

"How can I be a captain? Why don't you come to Qingyi? " Monk Yao shook his head, even if he refused, he was smiling.

"You are really not suitable to be a captain. I lack a bodyguard around me. It can only be you." Tang Aotian said, looking back at Qingyi, said: "Qingyi, or this captain you do it."

"All right." Tsing Yi hesitated for a moment and finally nodded.

According to Tsing Yi's idea, wouldn't it be better to get that man back to be the team leader? This 731 was originally created by him.

"It's very nice of you to promise."

Tang Aotian was overjoyed and said to Zhao Chengfeng, "Chengfeng, you have proved your ability in the challenge arena. How about that? Do you want to join 731? "

Without waiting for Zhao Chengfeng to answer, Qingyi looks forward to Zhao Chengfeng.

"I asked old man Qin to resign. Can I refuse again?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

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