"It makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?" Zhao Chengfeng was serious and said, "let's go and take everyone to the edge of the challenge arena. For the honor of our yellow team, I have to win today."

Han Jian nodded, but still said: "team leader Zhao, on the first day you took office, you fought with others to challenge your superiors. I know you are not weak, but we are all colleagues of the same unit. I hope you can be merciful and don't hurt team leader Gao's self-esteem."

"Self esteem is not given by others, but earned by oneself." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said no.

Han Jianhu body a shock, suddenly understand what.

After six days, Zhao Chengfeng once again stood on the challenge arena. However, the opponent on the challenge arena changed from Qin Yuzi to Gao Zhiqiang, the leader of Xuan group. As for the spectators around the challenge arena, they were the same people.

Gao Zhiqiang, as his name implies, is tall and strong. His sword eyebrows and tiger eyes are very brave. He stands upright, like a sharp blade that is ready to come out of its sheath at any time.

However, Gao Zhiqiang is very uncomfortable at this moment. They all say that there are three fires in his new post. It's no problem, but Zhao Chengfeng's fire didn't burn to his jurisdiction. Instead, it burned to his own. Obviously, he took himself as a soft persimmon to make himself famous in the 731 army.

Gao Zhiqiang can't swallow this tone. Although he knows Zhao Chengfeng's strength, he won't fight for steamed bread. Even if he is defeated by Zhao Chengfeng, he won't shrink back.

Because Gao Zhiqiang is not only an old martial arts realm late master, but also a soldier!

"Zhao Chengfeng, are you going to challenge me?" Seeing Zhao Chengfeng come to the stage, Gao Zhiqiang's tiger eyes flash and stare at Zhao Chengfeng.

"That's right!"

Zhao Chengfeng said: "I want to challenge you. If I win, our Huang group's training places, including residence, will be exchanged with you?"

"What if you lose?" Gao Zhiqiang is very cold. Han Jian said this when he came here just now.

"If I lose, my yellow group members, including me, Zhao Chengfeng, can give you both feces and urine." Zhao Chengfeng has a confident face. He can beat Gao Zhiqiang even if he doesn't break through or learn how to take life.

After all, Gao Zhiqiang has only the strength of the later period of guwu realm.

"Well, I promise you, come on, fight!" Gao Zhiqiang gave a big drink and took the lead in rushing at Zhao Chengfeng.

"Military Boxing?"

Zhao Chengfeng frowned and exclaimed. He didn't expect that Gao Zhiqiang, the leader of Xuan group, would use military boxing. To Zhao Chengfeng's surprise, Gao Zhiqiang's Military Boxing is more powerful and powerful!


Gao Zhiqiang smashed a lunge punch, and went straight to Zhao Chengfeng's face. The speed of the punch was extremely fast. Before the punch arrived, the style of the punch had arrived.

"It's a tough fight." As soon as Zhao Chengfeng's pupil shrinks, his neck leans away.

However, Gao Zhiqiang changed his moves in the middle of the way and made a kick to the elbow.

"Damn, so fast!"

Zhao Chengfeng was shocked. He didn't expect that Gao Zhiqiang's Military Boxing was so powerful. The simple moves were superb. The moves were closely linked, but the simplest moves produced a killing move.

Although Gao Zhiqiang's moves are simple, even for those who have been soldiers, he is more fierce and knows how to use them. The moves are continuous, just like waves. Wave after wave, he attacks Zhao Chengfeng.

"Grandma's, it's tolerable, which is intolerable!"

There is no way to retreat, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly burst out to drink, momentum rising, boxing relative, with it.

"Bang bang!"

Between a few breaths, the two have gone through more than ten moves in a row, and they are surprised to find that Zhao Chengfeng is also using Military Boxing, but Zhao Chengfeng is not as skilled as Gao Zhiqiang. There is a pause in the connection between moves. Gradually, Zhao Chengfeng actually fell.


All of a sudden, Gao Zhiqiang takes advantage of the good opportunity. When Zhao Chengfeng moves slowly, he takes advantage of this opportunity to move forward and takes a "bow step by palm" to Zhao Chengfeng's chest.

"Kick, kick, kick!"

Zhao Chengfeng took three steps in a row, then stopped and showed a surprised expression. I lost.

"It seems that I'm really careless. How can I be the leader of the Xuan group of 731 army without some real skills?" Zhao Chengfeng secretly said that he admired Gao Zhiqiang.

However, it also aroused Zhao Chengfeng's war spirit.

"Ah, this..."

"No? Our group leader is the one who can fight with the team leader. Is he going to lose? "

For a moment, the onlookers on one side were silly. They didn't expect Zhao Chengfeng to lose the first round. He lost quickly and neatly.

"Are you still coming?" Gao Zhiqiang defeated Zhao Chengfeng for the time being, but did not pursue him while winning. This is a martial arts contest, not a gamble of life and death. There is no need to kill him.

What's more, Gao Zhiqiang knows very well that Zhao Chengfeng hasn't drawn his sword yet, but when he draws his sword, he probably has no chance of winning. From this point of view, Zhao Chengfeng is also a character.

"Come, you must come!"

Zhao Chengfeng rubbed his chest and said, "I admit that you are really good. At least I will fight you with Military Boxing. I'm not your opponent, but that doesn't mean I will give up!"

"Let's make you lose. Come again!" Gao Zhiqiang gave a big drink and jumped on it again, more fierce and fierce than before.

"The Dragon leads the Phoenix!"

Not to be outdone, Zhao Chengfeng repeatedly staggered at his feet, and the whole person turned into a shadow, turning around Gao Zhiqiang.

"Bang bang!"

Zhao Chengfeng punches repeatedly, one punch is faster than the other, and one punch is more fierce than the other.


All of a sudden, Zhao Chengfeng claps out, Gao Zhiqiang's huge body falls out, splashing yellow dust on the ground, and his face turns pale.

"You win. I'm not your opponent." Gao Zhiqiang hates the way, in the heart is very bad taste son.

Gao Zhiqiang can see that the reason why Zhao Chengfeng lost to himself in the previous round was that he didn't have enough understanding of Military Boxing. But once his real strength broke out, he was definitely not Zhao Chengfeng's opponent.

Just like now, as soon as Zhao Chengfeng works hard, he can't even see his people. How can he fight? It's almost like being beaten all the time.

"It's a pill. Take it. It's good for your health." Zhao Chengfeng comes forward, pulls up Gao Zhiqiang and hands him a black pill.

Gao Zhiqiang was stunned. He immediately took it and put it into his mouth. A cool feeling came from his throat, and the surging Qi and blood were also pressed down. This is an excellent healing medicine.

"You're very good. If you don't take advantage of speed, it's hard for me to beat you." Zhao Chengfeng said truthfully.

Gao Zhiqiang suddenly laughed, "I'm convinced that I lost."

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