"You, you are shameless!" Ye Zhuqing suddenly shook his head and angrily scolded: "let me go, otherwise, after a while, the police will come, you can't afford to go, I'm afraid you can't even keep your job."

"Can't take it? Ha ha ha

Hearing the speech, Wang Fan laughed louder and louder, as if he had heard the best joke in the world.

"Xiao Ye, Xiao Ye, I'm afraid you don't know my Wang Pang's ability. I tell you, in the capital, my Wang Pang is heaven!" Wang Fan said with a proud face: "by the way, this Jingxi Hotel is owned by my brother. You are hoarse and nobody will take care of you. Even your subordinates are estimated to be killed now. call the police? Ha ha. "

Wang Pang is not afraid to report to the police. As a young man in Beijing, Wang Fan, depending on his family, has a small section chief in the Judicial Bureau. Although he is only a small section chief, he is a real department with real power. Moreover, he is at the foot of the Emperor. When local officials come, they have to offer sacrifices. It is estimated that even local municipal leaders will have to smile.

This is real power. Even if Wang pangzi doesn't have the ability to fart, he's just a humanoid stamping machine.

This is also why ye zhuqingming knows that Wang pangzi is a shameless hooligan, but he has to attend the meeting. If the company wants to develop, some articles of association must be handled by the Judicial Bureau.

"You..." ye Zhuqing's heart is half cold when he hears the words. What's more, he can't bear it. His medicine is fully used, and his head is dizzy. He seems to faint if he doesn't pay attention to it.

"Xiao Ye, don't struggle. Follow me, Wang fatty, and keep your popular and spicy food. Come on..." seeing ye Zhuqing's eyes blurred and his steps flighty, Wang Fan smiles and forces him up slowly.

"Bang Dang!"

However, at this time, ye Zhuqing burst out with great strength. With his last strength, he waved the bottle and hit Wang pangzi on the head. Instantly, blood burst out and glass fragments splashed.

"Oh, my God, my head..." Wang Pang hit a staggering, a touch, all blood“ Bitch, how dare you hit me? I have to go to you today. I'm paralyzed... "

Ye Zhuqing laughs miserably and says in her heart, is her fate coming? This thought while he was still sober, while Wang fat man was overjoyed, he tried hard to strike. However, when he went down a bottle of wine, Wang fat man not only didn't faint, but angered the latter.

At this time, ye Zhuqing could no longer resist the attack of the drug. As soon as she was soft, she slowly lay on the table and tried to open her eyes



The door suddenly didn't kick open, and Wang pangzi turned around with blood on his head.


As soon as the figure in front of him flashed, Wang pangzi, who weighed nearly 200 Jin, flew up, hit the wall directly, and then fell on the ground. The huge dull sound came, as if there had been an earthquake.

"Damn, who are you?" Wang Pang's pain made him gasp. This kick made Wang Pang's intestines curl and his forehead sweat.

"Xiaoqing, are you OK, Xiaoqing?" Zhao Chengfeng has no time to take care of Wang pangzi. He picks up ye Zhuqing and has a look.

"Chengfeng, you..." ye Zhuqing's eyelids moved. Before he finished his sentence, he was in a complete coma. When the man came, he didn't need to support himself any more.

"Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing!"

Zhao Chengfeng shakes two times and gives ye Zhuqing a pill. It's the detoxification pill given by the medicine monk. It seems that ye Zhuqing has been drugged.

"Madman, what's the matter? Which one are you doing? " At this time, Nangong Ming and Xu Jiaojiao come over. Seeing the mess in the room, Nangong Ming wine wakes up more than half of the time.

Zhao Chengfeng usually doesn't do it. Once he does it, it will be a big event.

"Brother Feng, this..." Xu Jiaojiao was also scared. Because Chengkang's legs were inconvenient, just heard the noise outside, Xu Jiaojiao replaced Chengkang and came out with Nangong ming to have a look.

Who knows, a few people outside surrounded a man and beat him, but the hotel didn't care. When they heard Zhao Chengfeng's voice, they found him. At the door, a fat man was lying on the ground bloody and groaning.

After all, Xu Jiaojiao just graduated from heavy snow. When did she see such scenes? But scared straight shiver, Leng is don't know what to say.

"Jiaojiao, you should help Xiaoqing to have a rest first. She should have been drugged with sweat. Don't worry about other things." It's good for Zhao Chengfeng to see that Xu Jiaojiao is here. After all, Xu Jiaojiao is a nurse. She knows some nursing knowledge, but she can't, and she can send ye Zhuqing to the hospital.


Xu Jiaojiao nodded, picked up ye Zhuqing and left.

"Nangong young master, yes, it's me. I'm wang pangzi. You see..." Wang pangzi now sees the person coming. Isn't he the most influential person in the capital recently?

"Screw you!"

Nangong Ming rushes over and kicks.

"Son of a bitch, open your eyes wide. Who are you going to bully? You dare to bully my nangongming brother's woman. Are you going to die?" As soon as Nangong saw ye Zhuqing lying on the table, he immediately understood what was going on.

Most of the time, it's Wang pangzi who fights for his power. He asks people to eat and take cards. But it's obvious that Wang pangzi's demands are not simple. He takes a fancy to ye Zhuqing.

Yes, ye Zhuqing is really beautiful and sexy, which is no less than the big stars on the screen. But can she be touched by ordinary people?

"Nangong junior, I..."

"Bang Dang!"

Nangong Ming didn't give Wang pangzi a chance to speak at all. He picked up the wine bottle and smashed it.

This time, Wang pangzi couldn't resist. He fell on the ground and passed out.

"Flatterer, dare to beat my Nangong Ming brother's daughter-in-law's idea, I won't kill you." Nangong Ming claps his hands and says hatefully.

Zhao Chengfeng just wants to leave with Nangong Ming. After all, Wang fan is just a coward. There's no need to kill him. There are so many people coming and going. It's hard to avoid bad influence. With Zhao Chengfeng's ability, it's very easy to kill Wang Fan.

At least, in the future, Wang fan is afraid that he will no longer be able to serve as a small section chief.

"Wang Shao, you..."

At this time, two of Wang Fan's men ran in. When they saw that Wang Fan was lying in a pool of blood, they were so anxious that they blocked the door and said, "neither of you can go. How dare you beat Wang Shao!"

"Oh, just a fat Wang dares to call himself Wang Shao. Tut Tut, that's thick skinned." Nangong Ming is not afraid at all. He won't let go, will he? OK, just sit down.

Nangong Ming took out a cigarette and lit it. He pointed to the two humanitarians and said, "go and move out your backers. If you don't have a decent person today, I really won't go."

"Good boy, you have a good voice. You wait!" The other one snorted coldly and turned to call someone.

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