Yida department store, after the joint attack of Beihai chamber of Commerce, has not declined. On the contrary, under the control of Wang Chenglin, the actual person in charge, Yida department store has become more spectacular and lively.

Even though the weather is cold, Yida department store still has many guests. The elderly and children who rub with the air conditioning and entertainment equipment occupy the best position early. Even when Zhao Chengfeng came early in the morning, there were few free parking lots under Yida department store.

"The old man Wang Chenglin is quite resourceful." Zhao Chengfeng went into the lift and went straight to the third floor. The Sales Department of perfume lily company was on the third floor, occupying the absolute gold port. It not only ensures the sales volume of the products, but also brings a certain popularity to Yida department store. You know, the product spokesperson of perfume lily is Ann white.

Anbai, a superstar who has been popular all over the country, is the goddess of countless people's dreams.

"Get out of the way, asshole." However, at this time, perfume lily Sales Department doorway, but encountered a bit of trouble.

Song Sisi stares at the young man in front of him with a pretty face. I don't know where the bastard came from. He met him downstairs early in the morning and wanted to be his girlfriend.

Funny, how does song Sisi fall in love with the gangsters who kill Matt? Not to mention, song Sisi now has a boyfriend, no, not a boyfriend, but a man.

"Tut Tut, it's hot enough. I like it." Cao Deshuang stares at Song Sisi with a bad smile. Especially when a woman is angry, her chest rises and falls sharply, which is very good-looking.

It's not that Cao Deshuang has never seen a beautiful woman, but it's really rare to see such a top-notch beauty. The bee's waist is cocky and the long legs are slim and straight. Just these long legs, Cao Deshuang can play for a year.

"Will you go away? If you don't go away, I'll call security Song Sisi glared at him angrily. He was stared at by the guy who killed Matt. He felt like a caterpillar crawling all over his body, which was very uncomfortable.

Anyway, song Sisi doesn't like such eyes, and his body only belongs to one person, his name is Zhao Chengfeng!

"Go away? You must go away. If you say go away, I'll go away! "

Cao Deshuang heard the speech and said with a smile: "however, we are going to roll together. I like to roll in bed. What about you?"

"Shameless hooligan!" Song Sisi was so furious that his lung was about to explode. For a long time, he had never met such a wild man. He dared to humiliate himself. In a rage, song Sisi raised his hand to fight.


Cao Deshuang is a man with quick eyes and strong hands. He grabs song Sisi's wrist and says with a smile instead of anger: "it's really hot. I like it. Ouch, it's so fragrant. It's white. It's like a shelled egg. Tut Tut, it's so tender..." and he's going to kiss song Sisi's hand.

"Asshole, let me go, let me go..." Song Sisi was startled and struggled, but how could he be Cao Deshuang's opponent?

For Cao Deshuang, the more he struggles, the happier he is. What's the point of lying straight in bed and waiting for him to go to bed? Is it different from playing hooker?

"Shout, shout, shout hard. If you don't, I won't like it. Ha ha..." Cao Deshuang became more and more arrogant.

The style of killing Matt is very striking. Even if someone sees it, they dare not say anything. How many people are not lusty these days? And anyone who dares to molest a good woman in broad daylight is not an ordinary person.

"Help, help..." Song Sisi cried.

"Help? Ha ha, that's funny... "


However, before Cao Deshuang could laugh, a strong wind suddenly blew. Cao Deshuang's body seemed to be hit by a huge stone and flew out. He hit the opposite railing heavily and bounced back to the ground.

"Oh, my God, who hit me? Stand up. " Cao Deshuang is so painful that tears are almost falling out, paralyzed. Isn't it clear that he is attacking himself?

"Ah, Chengfeng, here you are." Song Sisi finally broke away from the devil's hand, looked up and saw that it was Zhao Chengfeng. He was excited and aggrieved, and his tears flowed down. He didn't know what to say.

Zhao Chengfeng hugged the woman, patted the woman on the back and said in a soft voice: "OK, OK, it's OK. You can rest assured that no one can hurt you with me. I will protect you. Don't cry."

Who knows, Zhao Chengfeng is not comforted, but song Sisi's cry is louder when he comforts him. It seems that he wants to cry out all the grievances in his heart.

Zhao Chengfeng has no choice but to let the woman lean in his arms, but he blames himself for not protecting the woman. Of course, while blaming himself, Zhao Chengfeng is not satisfied with Wang Chenglin.

Damn, since we know what perfume lily is, why don't we have security protection?

"Smelly boy, did you kick me just now?" At this time, Cao Deshuang got up from the ground and saw the beautiful woman he saw lying in Zhao Chengfeng's arms. He was so angry that he couldn't fight.

Grandma, it's a big plate of delicious food. I haven't had time to eat it. I have to be chewed by others first. Do you think it's irritating?

"That's right. I'm not only going to kick you, but I'm going to hit you until I kill you." Zhao Chengfeng's eyes are cold and he stares at Cao Deshuang.

Matt's hairstyle looks like a pheasant's tail. It's colorful and has bad tattoos on his neck and back of his hand. It's not a good bird!

"Good boy, I'll see how I kill you today. Don't run. I'll call someone right away." Although Cao Deshuang was angry, he did not dare to move casually. As soon as he got the kick, Cao Deshuang decided that he was not the opponent of the man in front of him.

"Who is it? Well, call it whatever you want When Zhao Chengfeng heard the speech, he laughed more and more gloomily. "If anyone doesn't call people today, who's the son of a bitch."

"Good boy, that's what you said. I tell you, my brother Feng is the most powerful man. At the beginning, he was the one who even the first master of Beihai City dared to beat. If you beat me today, you must be finished. You wait." Cao Deshuang threatened to make a phone call.

Zhao Chengfeng smell speech, brow a wrinkly, "which wind elder brother?"

"Well, you know you're scared?" Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng frowned, Cao Deshuang thought that Zhao Chengfeng was afraid. He became more proud with a smile and said, "OK, I'll tell you to make you more afraid. My brother Feng is Zhao Chengfeng, the unique Cowman in Beihai city. There are many of his people in the oranges. "


Zhao Chengfeng hears the speech, but shakes his head. He really has the master who pulls the tiger skin flag, but doesn't this mean that he has ruined his reputation?

"Brother Feng? Ha ha, idiot. " Song Sisi heard it, stopped crying and scolded.

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