"Chen and I are back." Zhao Feilong's face is heavy.

It's not that Zhao Feilong is afraid of Chen Yidao. It's just that Chen Yidao is also a top expert. Even the medicine monk in front of him is not sure that he can win Chen Yidao. At present, Chen Yidao has indeed retired, but who can guarantee that Chen Yidao will not go back and attack others? Zhao Feilong and other strong people can stop, others OK?

Can Zhao Chengfeng stop it?

"Is that the damned one coming back?" Monk Yao's face suddenly changed. His smiling face twitched two times unconsciously. Obviously, monk Yao knew Chen Yidao's bad name very well.

"Yes, that's him." Zhao Feilong sighed: "it seems that the next period of time will be busy. Chen Yidao will not die for a day. I'm afraid I won't have peace for a moment."

"Only Mr. Zhao, I'm afraid you can suppress the devil." Monk Yao said with a bitter smile that he knew he was not Chen Yidao's opponent.

Maybe the accomplishments of monk Yao and Chen Yidao are similar, but Chen Yidao's attack ability is too strong. A blunt sword is extremely ferocious, and the sword will see blood! This is Chen Yidao's style.

"I'm afraid I can't hold this guy down now. He has already broken through to the level of Xuanwu. It's only a little bit short of breaking through to the level of Xuanwu. Even if it's difficult for me to cooperate with his fierce sword technique." Zhao Feilong didn't exaggerate. Although he won just now, it's not easy for him to win. His arms are numb now.


Hearing this, monk Yao's face changed again. He couldn't believe it and said, "he, is he so powerful now? Isn't that much more powerful than Qin Yuzi? "

"Qin Yuzi? Hum

Mentioning this person, Zhao Feilong disdained to curl his lips and said contemptuously: "just him? I'll bet Chen Yidao can kill him without fifty moves. His attack power is too bad. "

The medicine monk didn't speak. A layer of sweat came out of his bright head. It was terrible. Although monk Yao has made some progress in recent years, he is far away from Chen.

"Well, let him go with Chen. The next time I see him again, he won't be so lucky." Zhao Feilong waved his hand and was ready to leave. After two steps, he turned back and said, "monk Yao, do you have any medicine on you? Fu Bo was injured by Chen Yidao and suffered a serious internal injury."

Medicine monk smell speech, quickly took a pill to give Zhao Feilong.

"Just one?" Zhao Feilong frowned, some unhappy, "so many years have passed, how can you still be so stingy?"

"Mr. Zhao, I have to."

Monk Yao shook his head with a wry smile. "Isn't this still for your son? A few days ago, he had a decisive battle with Qin Yuzi. Your son was injured by Qin Yuzi and took a lot of medicine from me... "

"Qin Yuzi hurt Chengfeng?" Smell speech, Zhao Feilong brow a twist, the look in the eyes is penetrating Ling lie's kill felling of gas.

Zhao Feilong didn't know about it, but he didn't expect Qin Yuzi to hurt his son. Zhao Feilong couldn't swallow it. At the beginning, Qin Yuzi was just a little follower behind him. Now he dares to fight against Chengfeng. He's good at it.

"Ah." Monk Yao sighed bitterly and said, "well, I'm in trouble. I accidentally let it slip.

"Don't be angry, Mr. Zhao. Although Chengfeng was hurt, Qin Yuzi was also hurt a lot." Yao Heshang said: "that day, the prevailing custom made Qin Yuzi disheartened. Qin Yuzi took the blame and resigned. It's not a loss to be successful. It's just

"Just what?" Zhao Feilong asked.

"It's just that Qin Yuzi has changed now."

After thinking about it, monk Yao didn't hide it for too long. He was afraid that Zhao Feilong would be angry. If something happened to Zhao Chengfeng in the future, he couldn't blame himself, and Zhao Feilong couldn't blame himself.

"Yesterday Chengfeng returned to the army and brought back a man, Qin long, the son of Qin Yuzi. He had two legs and one arm abandoned by Chengfeng. Now he has been imprisoned." Yao Heshang said: "according to Cheng Feng, Qin Yuzi went to Beihai city to kill him for revenge. Finally, Cheng Feng escaped, and then he caught Qin Yuzi's dry son..."

"Qin Yuzi is so bold that he dares to chase Chengfeng? How many lives does he not want? " Zhao Feilong was so angry that he blew his nose and glared at him. He growled, "what do you do for 731? Why don't you chase Qin Yuzi?"

"Well, we also want to catch him and persuade him to defuse the hatred between them. However, Qin long told us that Qin Yuzi had left China, and now he should enter the South Yue Kingdom, which is beyond his reach." Monk Yao grinned bitterly. Well, he still burned himself. It's really wrong. I knew I would not say anything.

"I can't beat the bullshit!"

Zhao Feilong glared and said, "is it true that when Lao Tzu goes to Nanyue to kill people, he dares to compete blindly?" During the conversation, Zhao Feilong's domineering spirit arises spontaneously.

Monk Yao shook his head with a bitter smile and didn't say a word. If others want to say this, monk Yao will scoff. But when Zhao Feilong says this, monk Yao believes that he will dare to do it and can do it.

"Qin Yuzi, you wait for me, I will kill you sooner or later!" Zhao Feilong cursed. He had already made up his mind. As soon as Chen Yidao's affairs were finished, he immediately went to find Qin Yuzi.

"Mr. Zhao, I can understand your feelings. However, Chengfeng said that he wanted to revenge himself and cut off Qin Yuzi's head with his own hands." Yao Heshang said: "moreover, the great leader has already told us that the next time we see Qin Yuzi, even if we can't kill him, we should take him down and give Chengfeng an explanation."

Smell speech, Zhao Feilong complexion this just slightly good-looking some, calculate they will come.

"Since Chengfeng has said that, I will not intervene in this matter for the time being. But, monk Yao, I can remind you that my son entered 731 to sharpen, but not to die. You must take good care of him." Zhao Feilong's last words sound like someone's help, but they are very careful, and they are full of threat.

In this regard, monk Yao can only nod his head.

"By the way, give me another pill. Fauber is badly hurt." Zhao Feilong pointed to the waist of the medicine monk.

Monk Yao said with a bitter smile, "there is no more."

"Then I'll take it myself?" Zhao Feilong's eyes glared and his face was full of banditry.


With a long sigh, the medicine monk had no choice but to take another pill and pass it to Zhao Feilong, with a sore face.

"It's too early, isn't it? Monks are so stingy. They're gone. " With that, Zhao Feilong waved away.

Monk Yao had a bitter smile on his face and felt robbed.

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