"Yes, your father hurt him." The medicine monk affirmed.

"Damn it, you're so old? How can you hurt Chen Yidao Zhao Chengfeng suddenly brightened in front of him. He didn't expect that the old man was so fierce that even Chen Yidao was not his opponent.

It can't blame Zhao Chengfeng. He doesn't know much about his Laozi all the time. He knows that he's the kind of man who never dies. However, he doesn't know whether he's a real bull or a fake bull, and to what extent. After all, he has never seen Zhao Feilong.

"By the way, the old man is not hurt. Chen Yi is not easy." Suddenly thought of what, Zhao Chengfeng quickly asked, look vaguely anxious.

Even if an expert at Chen Yidao's level wants to hurt him, he will have to pay a high price. Zhao Chengfeng is also afraid that his father will be hurt.

"The old man? You, you mean your father? " Monk Yao looks embarrassed. The title of this family is too funny.

Zhao Feilong called his son "smelly boy", while Zhao Chengfeng called his father "old and immortal".

"Of course, I can't call you immortal, can I?" Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes and doubted monk Yao's IQ. He could not even get around this little bend and could not recite the Scriptures.

"You're an interesting father and son."

Hearing this, monk Yao shook his head with a smile and said, "obviously we care about each other, but we have to pretend that we don't agree with each other. It's clear that he's the closest relative. He looks like he doesn't want to see each other. "

"Yes, do you like to say it or not? I'll go." Zhao Chengfeng turned his eyes and left.

Monk Yao was stunned on the spot. After a while, he said, "this smelly boy has a character. Ah, it's just like me talking too much." Shaking his head, monk Yao turned and left.

After breakfast, Zhao Chengfeng takes the captured Tianzhu to Qingyi's residence. As the leader of the 731 army, Qingyi's residence doesn't look very good, but it has a strong aura. The small house is shrouded in fog, which is dreamy and unreal.

"I'm afraid it's the most spiritual place on earth." Zhao Chengfeng thought so. The last time Zhao Feilong explained to him, Zhao Chengfeng understood what Reiki was.

For example, Xia Bingbing is not afraid of cold, and Xia Bingbing has never been ill since she was young.

Another example is yuan Shanshan, who lived in guwu world since childhood. Although the yuan family suffered a lot, it was because Yuan Shanshan not only lived in Huaishu village with strong aura all the year round, but also often contacted with Tianzhu.

You know, the Tianzhu in yuan family's secret place is the real Tianzhu, which is much better than the Tianzhu of breaking Tianna mountain stronghold. Although yuan Shanshan didn't know what cultivation was at that time, over time, the aura sent out by Tianzhu kept moistening yuan Shanshan's body, which is why Zhao Chengfeng's first meeting with Yuan Shanshan brought him a different kind of attraction.

Because of this attraction, Zhao Chengfeng just saved yuan Shanshan in the hands of Yang Zongbing.

There are three forms of aura. The first one is gas, which exists like air. When it gathers more, it forms fog, which is also the lowest form;

The second is that the aura converges into water, just like the fog in winter. The fog is too big and does not disperse for a long time, and finally turns into water drops and fog beads.

The last form forms a solid, like a crystal stone. This kind of crystal stone exists, not to mention Zhao Chengfeng or even Zhao Feilong. After all, the aura on the earth is very thin. How can there be crystal?

"Well, it's good to practice hard and stop dreaming." Zhao Chengfeng mumbled and quickened his pace.

"Chengfeng, here you are." Seeing the arrival of Zhao Chengfeng, Qingyi put away the cold and showed a loving smile.

"Aunt Qingyi came in the morning, and I had the cheek to practice again." Zhao Chengfeng laughs.

"What are you doing, you child? Come on, practice by yourself. I'll go outside and have a look. " Green clothes smile slightly, blue long gown floating, like a fairy general, natural and unrestrained leave.

Looking at the back of Qingyi leaving, Zhao Chengfeng muttered: "I don't know what's good about the old immortal. It's very popular." Shaking his head, Zhao Chengfeng put forward his posture, and his strength surged slowly.

All of a sudden, the fog above Zhao Chengfeng's head formed a whirlpool, and constantly poured into Zhao Chengfeng's body. Even the leaves of Tianzhu, which are placed all around, lean slightly towards Zhao Chengfeng. As time goes on, the leaves gradually wither.

When Zhao Chengfeng opened his eyes, he felt full of vigor and vitality.

"I guess it won't take me a month to break through." Zhao Chengfeng felt the power for a moment, and his face was happy. Originally planned to break through in three months, but unexpectedly, the speed was much faster than I expected.

However, the consumption of Tianzhu is too fast.

"It would be better if Shanshan could open the secret place of yuan family, and brother Feng's cultivation speed could be improved a lot." Zhao Chengfeng muttered to himself.

"It's a common practice. If you want to be quick, you won't be able to achieve it. If you work slowly, you'll have to work hard. Don't worry too much."

At this time, Qingyi came back with food in her hand, handed it to Zhao Cheng and said, "you've practiced too hard. You have to pay more attention to your body. Hurry to eat. It's three o'clock in the afternoon. Don't you feel hungry? "

Zhao Chengfeng said with a simple and honest smile: "I'm really a little hungry. Don't you stop practicing?"

"If you're hungry, eat as fast as you can. Don't stay in 731 for a while. If you go out, you'll lose weight. I guess your father won't be happy." When Zhao Feilong was mentioned, Green's face turned a little red.

"Thank you, aunt green." Zhao Chengfeng is not polite. He brings it over and starts to eat.

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng was happy to eat, Qingyi was also very happy. After a pause, he said, "Chengfeng, it's important to improve his cultivation, but it's not good to go up in the realm of light, and the combat effectiveness has to be improved."

"Just like Chen Yidao, Chen Yidao's accomplishments are not high, just like me and monk Yao, but his attack power is so strong that we can't resist it at all."

Zhao Chengfeng frowned and said, "is it because he is a swordsman?"

"That's just one of the reasons." Tsing Yi shook her head with a smile.

"Why is that?" Zhao Chengfeng is interested.

"I ask you, if you have the same strength level as Gao Zhiqiang, use the same Military Boxing, and no longer rely on speed, are you Gao Zhiqiang's opponent?" Qingyi does not answer rhetorical questions.

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly realized that he was really impatient.

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