"Zhao Chengfeng, you are really arrogant!" Song Cheng's eyes suddenly sank and hummed coldly: "I really think that no one in the 731 is your opponent after two challenges?"

"At least you are not." Zhao Chengfeng glanced at the city of Song Dynasty, with a touch of mockery in the corner of his mouth.

It's just the beginning of Lingwu realm. Do you want to follow my brother?

"Well, well, Zhao Chengfeng, you are really crazy!"

Song Cheng repeatedly applauded, but the fool could see that song Cheng was obviously angry.

"If you are not arrogant, how dare your brother be arrogant? Who dares to bully me? " Zhao Chengfeng gives song Cheng a white look and finds it ridiculous.

People are so selfish that they only allow the state officials to set fire and do not allow the people to light lamps. They can only see other people's sins in their eyes, but they turn a blind eye to their own sins. Just like the song city in front of him, did he ever ask why Zhao Chengfeng beat people? Did he ever care that Song Yu bullied others?

"Don't talk nonsense. I've heard a lot about it. Let's be practical. You have to be able to bully me today." Zhao Chengfeng stands with a negative hand and stands in the front, protecting all members of the yellow team behind him.

Huang group people, Zhao Chengfeng want to bully all right, but if outsiders dare to bully Huang group people, there is no way!


Song Cheng sneered: "you Zhao Chengfeng is crazy enough. I, song Cheng and Song Yun, are not vegetarians either. Today I will fight against you. I'll meet you in the arena at 9:30 tomorrow morning. I'll have a fight with you."

"I'm not free tomorrow morning. Let's have lunch tomorrow afternoon and watch the war. Isn't that better?" Zhao Chengfeng won't waste his time on Song Cheng.

Every morning is the golden period of Zhao Chengfeng's cultivation, but is it necessary for Zhao Chengfeng to waste his time to clean up the small dregs at the beginning of his Lingwu realm? There's no need at all.


When song Cheng heard the words, he was so angry, son of a bitch. He was so arrogant that I had made an appointment to fight. He didn't have time to say that he didn't have time. What did he really take himself as an onion?

Do you know him? The Secretary General of the United Nations is not so busy? Pretend to be a criminal!

"Well, tomorrow noon. We'll see each other at the challenge arena. If anyone doesn't come, he's a bastard!" Song Cheng has put down his cruel words, which is enough to see his anger.

In 731, song Cheng is also the No.1 person. Since he joined 731 for more than ten years, he has made a lot of contributions to the country. He has carried out secret missions for many times, and has a high reputation in 731. Even if the leader of Tian Group, even the leader and vice leader of Tian group meet, they have to say a few words of greetings. However, song Cheng never dreamed that Zhao Chengfeng didn't take himself seriously and was crazy.

"Wait a minute." Zhao Chengfeng suddenly stops song Cheng.

Song Cheng didn't have a good face. He said in a dull voice, "what's the matter?"

"Since it's an engagement, I have to make a little bit of effort. Otherwise, I don't have time to play with you. As I said, my time is very precious." Zhao Chengfeng said slowly.

Smell speech, song Cheng a stuffy blood suffocate in the chest, don't mention much uncomfortable, paralyzed, really think Lao Tzu idle egg pain, isn't it? If you don't cheat too much, can I have time to compete with you?

"What do you want? He said Song Cheng tried to suppress his anger and hummed coldly.

"It's because of the dinner. If Zhao Chengfeng loses, we in the yellow group will take care of the meals of the members of the local group and the Xuan group and deliver them to you every day. On the contrary, if you lose, you will have to take care of the meals of the members of the local group and the Xuan group every day. The deadline is one month. Do you dare to bet?" Zhao Chengfeng thought about it.

"OK, it's a deal!" Song Cheng gritted his teeth and said, "Damn, this guy is too arrogant. He thinks he's going to win, so do you want to hit him in the face in this way?"?

Song Cheng had to agree. Otherwise, he thought he was afraid.

However, Gao Zhiqiang, who just came in, opened his mouth to refute these words, but finally gave up. Gao Zhiqiang is really a little depressed. What does this matter have to do with the selection of team members? Is it necessary to involve himself?

However, Gao Zhiqiang also wants to see how strong Zhao Chengfeng is and where his limit is. After being defeated by Zhao Chengfeng last time, Gao Zhiqiang was convinced, but he didn't admit defeat. As long as he was alive, as long as he had a breath, Gao Zhiqiang would continue to practice and challenge Zhao Chengfeng until he won.

"I hope you can keep your word and break the contract at that time. Don't blame me for being impolite, hum!" With a cold snort, Zhao Cheng turned around and left, surrounded by a large group of Huang group members.

No matter what the result of tomorrow's challenge arena battle is, Zhao Chengfeng's performance has completely conquered the members of the yellow group, and surrounded Zhao Chengfeng one by one, as respectful as a God.

What is the bullying of the group leader? At the critical moment, the team leader is reliable. The people in Xuan group are amazing, aren't they? A slap down, draw Ya son to call what all don't know. Even if it's the Deputy group leader, how can it be? It's not a big deal.

"Thank you, chief. Thank you." A Niu said at this time, his eyes were red and moved.

From small to large, a Niu has never been so protected. Zhao Chengfeng is the first person.

"Ah Niu, you can see that there is no strength but to be bullied. I don't want to say anything more. I just want to tell you that strength is the last word." Zhao Chengfeng looked at a Niu. He said this to a Niu and to everyone.

Zhao Chengfeng can stand up for his team members, fight for them, and even kill for them. But Zhao Chengfeng can't be their umbrella all his life. People depend on himself.

"I know, team leader. I will train crazily in the future. I will never disgrace you." A Niu clenched his teeth.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and corrected: "it's not to humiliate me, it's not to humiliate yourself. Remember, you don't live for me, Zhao Chengfeng, but for yourself. If you don't work hard, don't blame others for looking down on you. Do you understand? "

"I see!"

"Speak up

"I see!"

"I understand. Let's go to dinner. After dinner, we'll have a half-hour rest and start training. We'll be beaten at three o'clock in the afternoon on time." Zhao Chengfeng waves his hand and sends them away, leaving Han Jian behind.

Han Jian is also a human spirit. Without waiting for Zhao Chengfeng to ask questions, he said: "team leader, the song Cheng and Song Yun brothers are very talented. In particular, a tyrant's gun makes the wind and water rise. Few people can fight. You have to be careful in the battle tomorrow."

"Well, I know." Zhao Chengfeng nodded and then asked, "they are both ancient martial arts masters. They must have an extraordinary origin."

"The group leader's eyes are as bright as a torch. You can see it." Han Jian flattered and explained slowly.

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