The next day, destined to be an unusual day, many people had lunch early and moved closer to the challenge arena. On the challenge arena stood a man, song Cheng, the deputy leader of the local team, who was also an early master of Lingwu realm.

With a long gun on his back, song Cheng stood quietly on the challenge arena, waiting for his opponent.

"Let's guess, who can win this battle?"

"It's necessary to say that it must be the same as Songcheng. You know, Songcheng is the deputy leader of the local team. Although it's only the deputy leader, its real strength is almost the same as that of the local team leader. Although Zhao Chengfeng is powerful, it's only the leader of Huang team after all. There's a gap of 18000 Li between them. How can he win?"

After hearing this analysis, many people nodded their heads. This is true. The gap is just in front of everyone's eyes. It's useless to say more.

"Ladies and gentlemen, don't forget one thing. On the first day of entering 731, Zhao Chengfeng challenged the former team leader. Didn't you see his performance in the challenge arena that day?" At this time, a supporter of Zhao Chengfeng said that he was unconvinced and said slowly.


In this regard, the members of the local team disdained to say: "yes, we all saw the first day's challenge, but what was the result? Didn't Zhao Chengfeng still lose? And it's said that he's been in bed for several days. "

"Are you his opponent?"


For a moment, before the challenge arena war started, the following supporters started to quarrel.

"All right, don't make any noise. Just wait. What's the noise?" Xuan group leader Gao Zhiqiang glared at everyone discontentedly, and he was also guessing who would win or lose.

To tell you the truth, the members of the Xuan group were completely innocent. Zhao Chengfeng lost. Although the members of the Xuan group were very helpful, it was really a kind of enjoyment to have people bring water and food every day. Gao Zhiqiang didn't think it was very glorious. After all, he didn't want to take advantage of it; But if Zhao Chengfeng wins, the members of Xuan group will be miserable. Besides training every day, they have to serve the members of Huang group who are a little lower than themselves. It's too shameful and absurd.

When he heard the noise, Gao Zhiqiang couldn't help but stare at everyone. A group of busy owners, who have the skill of playing bus, rush to work with people? Can we do something more serious besides blind comparison?

"Well, if Zhao Chengfeng doesn't come yet, is he afraid to admit his advice?" After about ten minutes, someone mumbled.

"Is, Zhao Chengfeng spectrum is too big, we so many people wait for him, still don't come over, not like words."

"People who are too arrogant don't come to a good end."

Once again, more than half of the spectators have no good impression of Zhao Chengfeng. It's almost one o'clock in the afternoon. Don't you know how to fool people?

"Ah, Han Jian, what happened to your group leader? Do you still want to fight? " At this time, Song Yun, song Cheng's younger brother, can't wait. He yells at Han Jian directly, "if you want to admit defeat, you should say it earlier, so that we wait for him in vain. Do you really think you are an uncle?"

Han Jian and other members of the yellow team smell the speech, and their faces are not good-looking. Yes, why hasn't the team leader come yet?

"What does it matter to you whether our group leader comes or not? Do you fight him? " A Niu snorted coldly, and a pair of eyes full of hatred stared at Song Yun.

Being bullied by Song Yun, a Niu will remember it all his life. Team leader Zhao is right, no strength, can only let others bully, this is the reality! A Niu, who was awakened by Zhao Chengfeng, was most grateful to Zhao Chengfeng in his life. Therefore, when Zhao Chengfeng was humiliated by Song Yun, a Niu was the first to jump out.

"Oh, did you get enough yesterday?" Song Yun's mouth calls up a touch of ridicule, and his heart says that you are not a member of the yellow group? Dare you challenge me?

"Isn't your face still swollen?" It's not shameful to be beaten. What's shameful is to be trampled on all one's life and lose the confidence and courage to get up.


Sure enough, as soon as Song Yun heard this, his face turned white and red and white instantly. It was more vicious than slapping himself. He was slapped in the face by Zhao Chengfeng in the canteen yesterday, and he was slapped in the face again today.

Shame, great shame!

"Well, if you have the ability, let's fight alone now. If you lose, you're a son of a bitch? Do you dare? " Song Yu angrily clenched her fist and was about to challenge a Niu on the spot.

One side of Gao Zhiqiang smell speech, brow a frown, heart said Song Yun you mother also want to shameless? Are the members of the Xuan group going to challenge the members of the Huang group to soften the persimmon?

"Do you want to fight with me?" At this time, Zhao Chengfeng slowly came over, his voice is flat, but Zhao Chengfeng's eyes are very cold, staring at Song Yun, this is a son of a bitch who remembers to eat or fight.

Do you really think that with his brother's strength in the early stage of Lingwu realm, he can be unscrupulous?

"I..." Song Yun smell speech, an old face more ugly.

Paralyzed, I want to have the strength to single you, as for now? I fell out with you in the canteen yesterday, OK?

"Why don't you come on stage now, let's do some exercises, and I'll let you have one hand and one foot?" Zhao Chengfeng stares at Song Yun with a smile, looking at Song Yun's changing old face with a sneer.

Nowadays, there are always a lot of self righteous people who always think how great they are. In fact, they are just rubbish, just like Song Yun. Do you really think that with the help of the Song family and his brother song Cheng's early strength of Lingwu realm, they can ascend to the sky?

I think too much.

Think about Chiba Zhou zuocheng, think about Chen Banxian, think about Chen Yidao, think about Magu, let alone Song Yun. Even Zhao Chengfeng has to give up in the face of these great powers.

"Zhao Chengfeng, your opponent is me." At this time, song Cheng opened his eyes slightly, staring at Zhao Chengfeng in front of him. There were many murders hidden in his dark eyes.

Song Cheng hates Zhao Chengfeng very much. Is this a son of a bitch who humiliates his brother in front of so many people?

"Are you flattering yourself?" Zhao Chengfeng raised his eyebrows, "it's true that in this world, in the eyes of ordinary people, the strength of Lingwu realm in the early stage is very powerful, but it's nothing in front of me."

"Arrogant guy, do you really think that if you have the ability to fight with the former captain, you will be invincible? Don't forget that you lost that battle. " Song Cheng sneered.

"I lost then, but I will win in the end." Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath, and the energy in his body immediately began to move. Even the air around Zhao Chengfeng became restless.

Zhao Chengfeng is going to do it.

"But today, you will be defeated!" Zhao Chengfeng suddenly stares at the song city, and his dark eyes reflect a strong sense of war.

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