"Hiss, this..."

"What boxing? It's so powerful. "

"My God, the deputy leader of the local team has been defeated by Zhao Chengfeng. How powerful this guy is."

After a dead silence, whispers slowly spread around the challenge arena, and everyone's eyes were staring at the boss. If he really wanted to speak, Zhao Chengfeng only used one move to defeat song Cheng, the deputy leader of the local team.

What kind of man is this?

"It's too strong. This guy is a pervert."

"I finally understand why Zhao Chengfeng was recruited to 731 when he was young. I'm afraid that half of the 731 troops can't match him."

"Group leader Zhao is powerful!"

"Team leader Zhao, you're a bull!"

"Team leader Zhao is very good!"

What's different from the people in xuanzu and dizu is that the members of huangzu are very excited one by one, waving their fists and yelling excitedly. What's raising their eyebrows? It's called raising your eyebrows!

A Niu, in particular, saw Zhao Chengfeng's fist go out. It was like a dragon crossing the river. It was so majestic and powerful that it swallowed up the mountains and rivers. Although the shooting skills of song city were fierce, it was completely downwind in the face of absolute momentum.

Zhao Chengfeng is not only the strong one in the early Lingwu realm, but also the deputy leader of the local team. This shows how powerful, powerful and domineering Zhao Chengfeng is.

"How is that possible? How did you beat me? " At this time, song Cheng slowly stood up, in a mess. Song Cheng didn't care. What song Cheng cared about was, how could Zhao Chengfeng's fists be so powerful?

Like song Cheng's astonishment, Zhao Chengfeng also looked at his double fists and muttered: "Damn, it's a good fist. It's so powerful. I didn't expect that one move would solve the problem."


The onlookers obviously heard Zhao Chengfeng's words. They didn't say anything for a long time. They didn't know what to say. Is this an act of coercion? You don't know the power of your own skill? Pull the calf.

"NIMA, it's your turn, it's your turn to pretend!"

"Damn it, I'll give you a hundred points for this forced act!"

"I give you 101 points to be proud."

For a moment, people talked about it again. Although many people thought that Zhao Chengfeng was pretending to be forced, they had to say that this forced was quite successful, and Zhao Chengfeng was qualified to be forced. If he was not convinced, he would pretend to be forced?

"You..." only song Cheng, when he heard Zhao Chengfeng's words, was so ashamed that he wanted to find a way to get in. He was beating himself in the face.

In the face of his continuous and fierce shooting, Zhao Chengfeng was extremely calm and easy, and beat himself with only one move. What's his level?

The key point is that Zhao Chengfeng's words make song Cheng feel worse. He hit you in the face and said that he was beaten by accident. This guy is too damaged.

"Oh, are you still fighting?" Zhao Chengfeng was overjoyed. He didn't expect that he had learned Vajra by chance a few days ago. He was so powerful. If he learned the following moves, wouldn't it be more powerful?

In the end, it's the guwu family. How can the yuan family not have some dry goods at the bottom of the box? It's just that the boxing is just fierce and not suitable for yuan Shanshan's training.

"I lost." Song Cheng lowered his head and his face was as white as paper.

Song Cheng didn't get hurt. He just didn't want to lose. There was nothing terrible about losing. Song Cheng could afford to lose, but he didn't expect to lose so simply. He lost his face in front of everyone.

"Ha ha, it's not good to admit defeat. Don't forget the agreement between us." Zhao Chengfeng mouth with a smile, touched his belly and said: "just hungry, I go to the canteen to wait for you."

With that, Zhao Chengfeng smiles at Song Cheng. Surrounded by members of Huang group, he strides toward the canteen.

"Ah, I thought I would win the duel, but I didn't know I lost it?" Watching Zhao Chengfeng leave with the members of Huang group, the remaining members of Xuan group and Di Group don't look so good.

As for the members of Tianzu, basically no one comes to see the challenge arena. After all, the starting price of Tianzu members is the strength of the middle stage of Lingwu realm. As for the leader of Tianzu, he has even reached the level of the early stage of Huanwu realm. How can these cattle people come to see the yellow group fight?

"If we lose, it's all right. The key is for us to suffer. To put it mildly, we have to serve people tea, water and rice when we haven't done anything. Isn't that for us to be servants?"

"That's to say, why do you tie us together as a gamble? It's not fair."

For a moment, the members of xuanzu and dizu complained one after another. Even the members of xuanzu intentionally or unintentionally kept a certain distance from Song Yun, but they didn't give Song Yun any good looks.

At the beginning, Gao Zhiqiang, the leader of Xuan group, dueled with Zhao Chengfeng and exported the cultivation resources. After all, the leader had the right to decide. It was Zhao Chengfeng who took the initiative to challenge. No one could understand how powerful Zhao Chengfeng was; But this time it's a pure disaster. If it wasn't for Song Yun, would there be a challenge? Is it necessary to serve people tea and dinner?

This is my face.

"Forget it. It's no use saying anything. Let's go. Let's admit defeat." Gao Zhiqiang stares back at Song Yun and leads the people of Xuan group to leave.

Although the people in the local group are arrogant, they can also see Zhao Chengfeng's means. Fools can see that Zhao Chengfeng is not easy to be provoked. He has strong strength, and his style of acting is domineering and tough. If he doesn't fulfill his promise, I'm afraid there will be disaster.

"Big brother, now, now what to do?" Song Yun's face is very pale. He can only place all his hopes on his elder brother.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't win. Now he has become the target of xuanzu. It's hard to live in the future.

"I'm willing to accept defeat." The face of song city is also very ugly.

It's not terrible to lose. At least it's a little difficult for song Cheng to fulfill his promise.

"Brother, do we really want to bring food to that smelly boy?" As soon as Song Yun heard this, his face became more and more ugly.

Song Cheng nodded heavily and sighed: "as a warrior, I am willing to accept defeat. How can the words spoken in front of so many people not count? "

"..." Song Yun doesn't speak any more. He is still very depressed. He hates Zhao Chengfeng, son of a bitch. As the leader of Huang group, can he not be so fierce?

It's true that the leaders above, with Zhao Chengfeng's strength, are not too condescending to be the leader of Huang group?

"Zhao Chengfeng, I will defeat you one day." Song city should be free and easy. He has decided to challenge Zhao Chengfeng one day.

On the far wall, there were two people looking at the direction of the challenge arena. One of them muttered: "tut tut Tut, Huang group is amazing. He actually stepped down all the people in the group. Zhao Chengfeng is very great."

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