"If you want to go, I won't stop you, but I have to tell you something." Tang Aotian was not surprised by Zhao Chengfeng's decision.

If Zhao Chengfeng doesn't go, it will surprise Tang Aotian. Let's not talk about the countless relationships between Zhao Chengfeng and Tang Wei. It is estimated that if an ordinary person is caught by the Mafia because of him, he will do it.

"Leaders, please say, but I hope you can say it quickly. I'm really in a hurry now." Zhao Chengfeng can't wait. Every minute of delay, Tang Wei is in danger.

Zhao Chengfeng knows what kind of scum the Mafia is.

"I can understand that Chengfeng is eager to save people, but don't be impulsive when things happen." Tang Aotian said: "when there is a big event, there is calmness. Impulse is the devil. For one thing, Sicilian church is the home of Mafia. Do you rush to die or save people

At the end of the speech, Tang Aotian's language became more serious, even with a certain criticism flavor.

"I..." Zhao Chengfeng opened his mouth and swallowed it again. He sat down and looked embarrassed.

Indeed, Zhao Chengfeng is too impulsive.

However, it's understandable that Zhao Chengfeng and Tang Wei are in love. Three days before Tang Wei left, she had to sleep Zhao Chengfeng three or five times every day. That's crazy.

As the saying goes: "love grows with each passing day". Regardless of whether the "day" is a verb or a noun, their feelings are already very deep, and Zhao Chengfeng's worries are reasonable.

What makes Zhao Chengfeng most depressed is that the Mafia people can actually investigate their relationship with Tang Wei. From this point of view, the Mafia is still great, worthy of being a triad that has been handed down for hundreds of years.

"Chengfeng, I believe you also understand that the Mafia must have set up layers of ambush in Sicily, waiting for you to jump into the pit of fire." Tang Aotian took a puff of smoke and said in a dull voice: "therefore, if this rescue plan must be made perfectly, then you can take action. This is the first thing you have to do at present."

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng nodded, agree.

"Second point." Tang Aotian then stretched out two fingers and continued: "it's the problem of reinforcements. I admit that you are very capable, but you can't beat four hands with two fists, not to mention Sicily, who is not familiar with the land of life? So, you have to have helpers, and the level of helpers can't be too low, which is very important

Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng frowned. Now if he wants to find a helper, I'm afraid he can only find a long. Panghu's strength is certainly good, but as soon as panghu leaves, who will guard Beihai City?

It is very difficult to rely on Zhao Chengfeng and a long alone.

"The third point is to meet."

Looking at Zhao Cheng, Tang Aotian said: "with your stinky personality, the church will be turned upside down. You know, the Mafia is the local leader, and the local people believe in the church. It can be said that all the people are soldiers. Even if you succeed in saving people, it's even more difficult to break through."

"I see. I'll make arrangements." Zhao Chengfeng nodded gratefully. If it wasn't for Tang Aotian's warning, Zhao Chengfeng might have made a lot of mistakes, which are likely to lead to failure.

Once the action fails, it means Tang Weixiang's death. This consequence is unacceptable to Zhao Chengfeng.

"Understand? What do you understand? " Tang Aotian glanced at Zhao Chengfeng and said faintly, "I heard that you are training members of Huang group recently, and the effect is not bad, but training and actual combat are two different things. If necessary, you still need to find opportunities to practice more. Mr. Deng is right. Practice is the truth, right?"

"Thank you for your support!" Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng a face of ecstasy, don't understand Tang Aotian words meaning, Zhao Chengfeng white long a brain.

This is definitely a big gift from Tang Aotian, and also the greatest support.

"You thank me. I can't help you." Tang Aotian paused, his face was shocked, and he said: "what the hell is Munich military academy? Even the safety of our cadets is not well protected. I'm so disappointed. Our cadets are all national treasure level talents. We have to make an explanation. Well, yes, I'll send someone to contact the person in charge of Munich military academy immediately tomorrow. I have to give us an explanation. We have to find our cadets. It's too shameful! "

Zhao Chengfeng a Leng, heart says big leader these a few meanings? It's too fast, isn't it?

However, in a twinkling of an eye, Zhao Chengfeng understood that he admired Tang Aotian with all his heart. He was a great leader, and his means and insight were beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

You know, Munich military academy is the most famous military academy in Germany, which is also among the top military academies in the world. Germany is also a military power, and has extraordinary influence in the world.

This time Tang Wei was arrested, of course, because of the Mafia. But after all, there was no one in the German territory, and no one during her study at the military academy in Munich. Once China put pressure on Germany, the German government would have a headache. Once this kind of thing appeared in the newspaper, once it appeared in the news, it would be equivalent to beating Germany in the face.

In the end, Germany had to vent its anger to the Mafia. By the means of those guys, it absolutely forced the Mafia to be bullied. At that time, the Sicilian church headquarters would not have many people to garrison, which gave Zhao Chengfeng great convenience.

"Big leader, don't say anything, I will keep this feeling in mind." Zhao Chengfeng nods heavily at Tang Aotian and turns to leave.

Frankly speaking, in the past, Zhao Chengfeng didn't have any special feelings about the big leaders, but today he really feels that he has been extraordinary by the big leaders. Regardless of his insight and means, Zhao Chengfeng has opened his eyes. Although playing politics is a bit shady, the effect is surprisingly good.

"Mafia, mafia, don't take care of Tang Wei to me. Otherwise, even if Zhao Chengfeng is poor, he will have to chop you into meat sauce one by one." Zhao Chengfeng said in secret, his pupils shrank and his essence burst out.

Zhao Chengfeng went to the training ground for a punch and selected two team members, one of whom was Han Jian, and the other was a Niu. As for others, Zhao Chengfeng is useless.

On the one hand, Han Jian and a Niu are a little stronger. On the other hand, Zhao Chengfeng can't use too many people. They went to Sicily to help. After all, it's the power of the country. It's OK to borrow it once in a while, but we can't make it worse. We are too cheeky.

"Team leader Zhao, what can I do for you?" Han Jian asked.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded slightly and said something about it.

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