"It doesn't matter if you don't welcome me. We Huaxia welcome you. Godfather, why don't you come with us to Huaxia? I'll build a temple for you and offer you up." Zhao Chengfeng was not angry, but beamed: "put your picture in the middle of the house, and then plant flowers and weeds on both sides, and serve with three fragrant pillars every morning and evening. How cool it is."


One side of Tang Wei smell speech, can't help laughing, this where is worship, this he is going to the grave ah.

"Terminator, I'm not interested in going to China. Please leave and never come to Sicily again." The godfather shivered with anger. If he was not in a good mood, he would be angry to death by Zhao Chengfeng.

Paralyzed. Is that a sacrifice? It's like I'm dead and being looked at. This dog's mouth is not so spicy.

"Ah, godfather, you are too hypocritical. Didn't you just say that I should obey you? Why did you turn me out so quickly? " Zhao Chengfeng looks depressed, but his heart is full of sneers.

Lao Wang Ba Dan, wasn't he arrogant before? With guns and great people, are you pretending to be a grandson now? Brother Feng, even if you come here alone, you'll have to bow down and be courtiers.

"Hum!" The godfather was so angry that he regretted his death.

Knowing that Zhao Chengfeng was so powerful, he should have ordered people to shoot directly, even if he lost a Tarski. A good game of chess is ruined.

"Well, since the godfather doesn't welcome us, let's go." Zhao Chengfeng clapped his hands and said, "Weiwei, go outside and prepare a car. Let's get ready to go."

"Good." Tang Wei is not stupid. How can she not know the purpose of Zhao Chengfeng's visit?

Smell speech, Godfather and a gang of Mafia believers finally relieved, this damned bastard finally to go.

The car is ready soon. It's a Toyota off-road car. Tang Wei sits on the co driver and waves to Zhao Chengfeng.

"Godfather, I don't know the way. Please give me a ride." Zhao Chengfeng grabbed the godfather and said with a smile.

"..." the godfather's face was as white as paper. At this moment, the godfather finally understood how hard the terminator was to deal with. Originally the winning hand, but did not expect Zhao Chengfeng to a Jedi counterattack, playing Godfather without temper.

The God of killing came to the door on his own initiative and had to send him away at last.

"OK, you don't have to send it. You have to say goodbye to me. Don't be so grand. I'm sorry to leave." Zhao Chengfeng, holding the godfather in one hand, waves back at more than 200 believers.

Hearing this, the godfather was sullen again, and almost didn't let out his heart disease. Paralyzed, don't you go and eat shit?

"Go back, all back!"

The godfather yelled to the crowd, "if I don't come back in half an hour, I'll launch a general attack on gentry right away." With that, the godfather looked back at Zhao Chengfeng.

Godfather is not a fool. You can't always be at the mercy of Zhao Chengfeng. Zhao Chengfeng is really powerful, but the Mafia is not a vegetarian.

"Yes, Godfather." The believers let Zhao Chengfeng and others leave.

Zhao Chengfeng looked at his godfather and said with a smile, "I can't see it. You're tough."

"Just like each other." The godfather hummed coldly and closed his eyes slowly. I don't want to see Zhao Chengfeng at all. My godfather is mad at Zhao Chengfeng.

"Weiwei, go directly to the airport. I calculated that the plane will take off in about 40 minutes. Let's hold on tight." Zhao Chengfeng is also lazy to pay attention to his godfather and goes straight to Tang Wei.

Tang Wei nodded. She didn't say much. She stepped on the accelerator and the speed suddenly increased.

Although the godfather didn't open his eyes, he was very depressed. It seems that Zhao Chengfeng has already figured out when the plane will take off. He is absolutely prepared to come.

Carelessly, when Zhao Chengfeng appeared, he should be killed at the first time, and so many things would not happen. Now it's a good thing. Stealing chicken is not a good thing. It's a big loss.

It's a hundred million pounds. How much aca47 do you have to sell to earn back. I'm afraid I'll have to wait for Zhao Chengfeng. I'm afraid I won't have such a good chance next time.

One wrong step, one wrong step, one failure!

Soon, the airport arrived. Zhao Chengfeng asks Tang Wei to stop at the roadside near the airport and put on her bulletproof vest to her Godfather.

"You, what are you going to do? Zhao Chengfeng, you, don't go too far The godfather's face was full of fear. Unfortunately, his hands were tied and he could not resist.

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "godfather, I'm doing it for you. You say, what if the bullet comes? This body armor is not very good-looking, but it can protect you. "

"Protect your sister. It's all dynamite, OK?" The godfather was sweating and finally knew the power of the terminator.

He's going to kill himself. Although he is the godfather, he is also afraid of death.

"Goodbye, Godfather." Zhao Chengfeng pushed it out of the car, took out a gun and pointed it at the godfather.

"No, don't..." the godfather was about to cry.

At this time, Zhao Chengfeng shot.


The power of the desert eagle is huge. Even though it can't penetrate the bullet proof vest, it's no problem to knock down the godfather.

Godfather closed his eyes, waiting for death to come, but it didn't explode for a long time. What's the matter?

"Son of a bitch, terminator, I'm going to kill you, you damned bastard, you cheat me." The godfather finally understood. What kind of dynamite? It's all false.

There was no dynamite in the body armor. If there was, it had exploded in the church. In other words, I was fooled.

"I'm going to kill you, ah ah..." the godfather stood behind and swore. Unfortunately, in a few minutes at most, Zhao Chengfeng and his wife got on the plane. They couldn't stop them. They had to wait for the next chance.


"A bunch of idiots!"

Zhao Chengfeng scolded at the back and sneered, "do you really think brother Feng will carry a bomb into the base camp? If you don't think about it carefully, can you get on the plane with so many explosives? Idiot. "

"It's really you. If you get a bargain, you'll sell yourself well." Tang Wei also convinced Zhao Chengfeng. This guy is really a ghost. No one can take advantage of him.

"You've got to be cheap."

Zhao Chengfeng turned his eyes around and didn't have a good way: "three days before he left, he forced brother Feng three or five times every day. My feet are soft. You can do it well. Pat your ass and leave. Do you take advantage of me?"

"Shut up, asshole!" Tang Wei's pretty face is crimson. At the thought of her crazy actions in those days, Tang Wei is really not very nice.

Now think about it, I really don't know where the courage came from at that time, so I gave it out for the first time.

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