
"What a perverted man!"

"What's the origin of this guy? Even brother long dares to fight?"

A few minutes later, everyone on the beach just reflected that their eyes to Zhao Chengfeng had changed. Before Zhao Chengfeng's hand, no one thought that Zhao Chengfeng's skill was so good.

"No wonder a man is surrounded by two beautiful women. They have the ability."

"Niuren, absolutely niuren!"

For a moment, people on the beach were talking and admiring Zhao Chengfeng.


But on the beach, there were voices of opposition and Humanity: "don't you know who brother long is? Let's get out of here. When the Tianlong Gang comes, we'll have to suffer. "

"What? Do you mean brother long is a member of the Tianlong Gang? " Someone exclaimed.

"Nonsense! It's not the Tianlong gang. Are they so arrogant? Let me tell you, this dragon brother, originally named Shen Wenlong, has a big brother named Shen Tianlong, who is the boss of the Tianlong gang. "

"Damn it, it's too busy to watch. Let's get out of here."

"Let's go, let's go now. When the Tianlong Gang comes, we'll all suffer."

"We men don't care. The key is to have a good look at our wives and girlfriends. Tianlong Gang is a group of immortals."

Hearing these words, people on the beach packed up their things and prepared to go home. If they stayed, they would suffer. The key is to let a group of hooligans wear green hats. How unjust that is.

After a few minutes, there were few people on the beach. Apart from the beach owners, employees and others, there were only three people, Zhao Chengfeng and Shen Wenlong, who slowly climbed the edge of Shanghai.

"Smelly boy, dare to attack me, I'm not playing with you." Shen Wenlong rubbed his back and grinned with pain.

Paralyzed, this boy is very fierce. In a few breaths, all six brothers were put down. Most people don't have such strong skills.

"No? Hehe, what do you want? " Zhao Chengfeng grins and blocks the two women behind him. He looks at Shen Wenlong's bedbugs with a smile.


Shen Wenlong hummed coldly: "smelly boy, if you offend my Tianlong Gang, you can't think of Penghai city. If you know better, give the two women behind you, and make the eldest brother comfortable, I'll let you go."

"Are you comfortable? How about I serve you? My work is also very good Zhao Chengfeng's pupils suddenly shrank, and his eyes reflected a fierce intention to kill.

A scholar prefers death to humiliation!

As far as Zhao Chengfeng is concerned, you can insult yourself, but never insult your own woman. This is Zhao Chengfeng's bottom line! Once the bottom line of Zhao Chengfeng is violated, it means that Zhao Chengfeng has the impulse to kill.

"You serve me? Damn you, are you a human demon Shen Wenlong savors it carefully and gets goose bumps.

Niang xipi, do you need to find a human demon to solve personal physiological problems? There's no need at all.

"Today, I will turn you into a human demon!" Zhao Chengfeng nose out of a cold air son, suddenly bully the body, "pa", fly up a slap hit in the past.

This slap, Zhao Chengfeng with great strength, a single slap, Zhao Chengfeng will Shen Wenlong 180 Jin man pulled up, fell heavily on the beach, only to see Shen Wenlong's face, with the naked eye speed rapid swelling up.


Everyone took a breath of cool air. How hard it was to slap, especially some of Shen Wenlong's subordinates. They were so stupid that they didn't dare to come forward to help. At this moment, they just knew how powerful Zhao Chengfeng was!

"He, he's so good?" Yan Xi was stunned and looked at Liu Shiyun.

Liu Shiyun curled his lips and said, "is this very powerful?"? No, the more cold-blooded scene of men hasn't come out yet. It's just the tip of the iceberg.

"Xixi, don't worry. Let's go. Let's change our clothes. It's good for Chengfeng." As soon as the man makes a move, Liu Shiyun is relieved. He is most afraid that the man will not make a move.

And whenever a man makes a move, there seems to be no trouble that he can't solve. In Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, the gangsters were just dregs, which he didn't pay attention to at all.

"Oh, change clothes. Let's go after changing clothes." Yan Xi was still a little scared at the moment, so he followed Liu Shiyun to change his clothes.

"Son of a bitch, you dare to hit me, Laozi..." Shen Wenlong touched half of his swollen face and showed his teeth in pain. He was too cruel.


Zhao Chengfeng didn't even think about it. He slapped him in the face again.





Finally, Shen Wenlong didn't dare to say anything. As for the gangsters, they were all stunned. No one thought that slapping had such great power. If you look at Shen Wenlong's face again, is it still a face?

No, I've been beaten into a pig's head. It's very bright!

"No? Scold ah, you are not quite able to get it Seeing that Shen Wenlong didn't dare to make a sound or even moan, Zhao Chengfeng stopped and stared at Shen Wenlong coldly.

Zhao Chengfeng generally does not hit people, but if anyone wants to challenge Zhao Chengfeng's bottom line, he can only be sorry.

"Don't dare, big brother, you won. I'm wrong. Please let me go. I'm really wrong." Shen Wenlong had to bow his head at this moment, even if he was more horizontal. Kneel on the ground like a grandson.

This scene is just seen by Liu Shiyun and Yan Xi, who have changed their clothes. Yan Xi is shocked again. Shen Wenlong, who has just been invincible, kneels down to Zhao Chengfeng at this moment.

Yes, on your knees!

"Chengfeng, let's go. Don't play." Liu Shiyun called out a voice, this sentence, once again let people silly.

Nima, it's so good to hit people. How can you say it's fun? Do you know how to play too well? Just hit people if you have nothing to do?

"You, you..." Yan Xi did not know what to say. He suddenly found that his good friend had not seen him for several years, and his feelings had not changed, but other aspects had changed a lot.

At least, during his four years in college, Yan Xi never found that Liu Shiyun was so overbearing and powerful. Of course, Liu Shiyun's boyfriend was more bloody and cruel. Look at Shen Wenlong's face, is there anyone else?

"It's a good thing he came with us, otherwise it would be a terrible day." Yan Xi thought so in his heart, and his good feeling for Zhao Chengfeng came back.


Zhao Chengfeng answered. Then he looked at Shen Wenlong, who was relieved. He said with a bad smile, "do you remember what I just said?"

"What's that?" Shen Wenlong doesn't understand. He has just been slapped and can't remember anything.

"I said, turn you into a real human demon." Zhao Chengfeng grinned and showed his white teeth.

Shen Wenlong subconsciously clamped the crotch, but at this time, Zhao Chengfeng's feet came out, and the painful cry of broken eggs spread all over the beach.


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