"Damn, these yellow team members are becoming more and more abnormal, and their combat effectiveness is too strong."

"It's strange that it's not strong. If you don't look at the new leader of Huang group, it's abnormal."

"Yes, let's not talk about our senior group leader. Even the Deputy group leader of the local group has taken good care of him. I really don't know how to train him. He is so tough and fierce when he is young."

"Oh, don't mention it. I haven't seen Zhao Chengfeng, the leader of Huang group for two days. Why did that boy go?"

"I guess I'm going to practice in seclusion. I guess I'll be more ferocious after going out."

"Forget it, let's stop talking nonsense and train, or we'll be demoted to the yellow group sooner or later."

After hearing the words, they all said that they were going to train quickly.

These days, people who are more hardworking than you are. How can you live if you don't work hard?

It's true that Zhao Chengfeng is really practicing at this time, and he has been practicing day and night for three consecutive days without eating or drinking. In just three days, the twelve heavenly killers brought by Zhao Chengfeng have gradually withered, and the original rich aura has become increasingly thin.

"This stinky boy is still practicing?" Qingyi opened the door and saw Zhao Chengfeng sitting like an old monk. He didn't move for a long time. Even if he breathed for two or three minutes, he could only breathe once.

What's more surprising is that although Zhao Chengfeng didn't move, it seemed that there was a tornado within three meters around him. With Zhao Chengfeng as the center, his aura was surging wildly.

Withered Tianzhu releases his last aura, which flows into the air in circles and is devoured and absorbed by Zhao Chengfeng. Qingyi obviously feels that Zhao Chengfeng's momentum is more and more powerful.

"Is this stinky boy going to break through again?" Qingyi was surprised, but she had to admire Zhao Chengfeng. Talent is the same thing. The key is diligence.

Since Zhao Chengfeng entered the 731 army, there have been constant discussions and controversies. However, the more controversies there are, the more serious Zhao Chengfeng is. On the first day of entering 731, he challenged Qin Yuzi, the former commander of the army. On the second day, he came directly to fight Qin Yuzi in the challenge arena, which made Qin Yuzi embarrassed and disgraced. It can be said that although he was defeated, he was still proud.

For the third time, he fought with the leader of Xuan group, and the sparks splashed everywhere; As for the fourth time, it can be said that song Cheng had no fighting power and was easily defeated by Zhao Chengfeng.

This is talent.

However, just when Qingyi was sighing, Zhao Chengfeng's momentum soared. With a "bang" sound, like a car tire burst, he suddenly burst into a strong momentum, which was very powerful.


Zhao Chengfeng suddenly opened his eyes, shot across the air, the goal is still rockery.


Rockery split in an instant and collapsed.

"You son of a bitch, you want to rebel, don't you? This is an old monk. I've just found someone to fix it, but you can't get it for me. " Medicine monk angrily rushed out of the room, and roared at Zhao Chengfeng. He felt that his flesh was aching.

The destructive power is too strong. This boy is just the unlucky one. Whoever meets him is the unlucky one.

"Ah, aunt Qingyi, master, you are all here." Zhao Chengfeng scratched his head and said with a smile that he felt embarrassed.

That's right. Zhao Chengfeng broke through. He broke through the Lingwu realm in one fell swoop, and his strength increased greatly. Of course, Zhao Chengfeng was overjoyed. He wanted to try the power of completely exploding with Qi, but he didn't expect... Cough, maybe the quality of rockery is not very good.

"Smelly boy, you, you, you are so angry with me. How did the big leader recruit you such a number one rotten thing? You little bastard, I, I'll kill you and me..." monk Yao was so angry that he blew his beard and glared, and raised his hand to clean up Zhao Chengfeng.

Qingyi stopped it and frowned, "isn't it just a rockery? To build a new one is to arouse the masses? "

"Qingyi, you can't connive at this boy. It's too bad. He's been doing it again and again..." monk Yao was angry with Zhao Chengfeng, but he didn't dare to be presumptuous with Qingyi. Today's Qingyi is not only the leader of the 731 army, but also unpredictable.

Monk Yao knew it very well. If Qingyi didn't get angry, he really wanted to start a fire, but Laozi didn't recognize it. In addition, Qingyi and Zhao Chengfeng's Laozi are a little ambiguous, so naturally they protect Zhao Chengfeng.

"All right!"

With a wave of her hand, green Yi interrupted monk Yao and frowned: "it's all small things, so don't talk about it. I'll ask someone to deal with the rockery later. Chengfeng just broke through. Maybe he was a little excited for a while and couldn't stop it. So he's a little stronger. You're also an elder. Bear with him a lot. "

"Well, you have said that. Can I not bear it?" Monk Yao smiles bitterly and shakes his head. Suddenly he seems to think of something. He stares at Zhao Chengfeng and says in surprise: "what? You, you broke through again? "

Zhao Chengfeng chuckled, scratched his head and said modestly, "well, maybe it's because I have a good luck in dog shit, plus the guidance of master you and aunt Qingyi, so I broke through accidentally."

Green clothes smell speech, a little smile, as a mother looking at her son in general, very pleased.

"I Pooh!"

The medicine monk snorted and was depressed. "You hit me in the face, didn't you? I can't guide you. I can't guide you. Hum, this Zhao Feilong is so lucky. I didn't expect to give birth to such an evil son. I'm so angry. I can't break through my ten years of practice. Sure enough, people have to die and goods have to be thrown away. "

"I'm not very talented, but I envy others?" Green clothes white medicine monk one eye, look back to Zhao Chengfeng's eyes more and more soft a few minutes.

That look is not just looking at a talent, more like looking at a younger generation, constantly breaking through themselves, constantly surpassing themselves. Of course, Qingyi is also thinking about a problem. If this young man was born with him, how wonderful it would be.

"I..." the medicine monk smell the old face is red, for a long time can not speak, Tsing Yi's speech is not ugly, is too bad to listen to, this is not to put on the knife on own heart nest?

"Aunt Qingyi, it's not right for you to say that." Zhao Chengfeng, laughing, relieved the old monk and said, "it's not that the master's talent is not good, but that he is not interested in practicing martial arts. He is devoted to refining medicine."

Green clothes smile but don't speak, one side of the old monk smell speech, don't mention how happy in the heart, then said: "is, I'm not without talent, just don't want to practice just, in contrast, I prefer to practice medicine, watching the patient, the injured get better day by day, I feel comfortable."

"Master is really kind-hearted. I'll ask the people below to take the medicine later. Won't you not give it?" Zhao Chengfeng quickly added.

When monk Yao heard the words, he turned black and scolded, "roll, roll, disappear in front of Laozi at once!"

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