Nanyang province is the largest tourist province in China. Because of its pleasant climate, it has majestic green mountains, small bridges, flowing lakes, and relics of ancient civilization.

Therefore, Nanyang province is extremely rich, and its GDP ranks first in China, second only to several major coastal cities. As the capital city of Nanyang Province, Nanchuan City is naturally more prosperous.

"Nanyang province is a treasure land. Its aura is much stronger than that of Beihai city." After getting off the plane, Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath and glanced around.

"What are you looking at? The beauty is here. "

When Zhao Chengfeng was looking around, a beautiful girl on the side of the parking lot waved to Zhao Chengfeng with ice cream in her hand. Who else could there be if it wasn't Yan Xi?

"I didn't expect you to come so soon. I'm sorry to make you wait." Zhao Chengfeng walks over and smiles.

Yan Xi was not angry, and said, "it's OK. Anyway, I'm idle. You've packed all the food, clothing, housing and transportation in Penghai City, and then you've handed me the invoice for reimbursement. Thank you."

Yan Xi really wants to thank Zhao Chengfeng. At the beginning, he was touched by a hooligan on the beach. Is it Zhao Chengfeng who helped him out? Oh, by the way, with the help of Zhao Chengfeng, Yan Xi just got rid of song Sicheng's endless entanglement.

"Thank you or not. We are all friends." Zhao Chengfeng a faint smile, disapproval.

"So, everyone is friends, so it doesn't matter to wait for you. Just treat me to dinner later." Yan Xi nibbled at the ice cream and said, "let's go and get on the bus. It's almost dinner time when we enter the city. Have a good rest tonight. I'll take you out tomorrow and ask for a holiday by the way."

"No more."

Zhao Chengfeng said: "let's not worry about the meal. I have something important to do when I come to Nanchuan. I'll invite you to dinner when I'm done."

"Something important? How important is it? " Yanxi Bagua road.

Zhao Chengfeng smile, "you don't care so much, but if you think I'm a friend, take me to find a person."

"Looking for someone? "Song Sicheng?" Yan Xi is not particularly beautiful, but she is a very smart woman. She guessed a possibility in an instant.

"Yes, song Sicheng!" Zhao Chengfeng did not deny, "I come to talk about a business with him, I think he will be interested."

"Business? He wants to buy underwear from your company? " Yan Xi was even more confused.

Zhao Chengfeng really doesn't want to talk about Yan Xi. The girl talks too much and is too wordy.

"Xixi, I can tell by the way you eat ice cream that you don't have a boyfriend." Zhao Chengfeng quickly changed the topic.

"I'll go. You can see that? Really? How do you see that? " Yan Xi was surprised when he heard that he was surprised. After the accident, he said, "tell me quickly, how can you tell?"

"Girls with boyfriends eat ice cream by licking, but you do it by biting and gnawing." Zhao Chengfeng said as he sat in Yan Xixi's Dazhong Langyi.

"What does it matter? I... "

Yan Xi shakes his head doubtfully, and suddenly thinks of some pictures. He blushes and turns white. Zhao Chengfeng spat and scolds in a low voice: "hooligan, I don't know how Shiyun chose you. It's too bad!"

"Ha ha." Zhao Chengfeng laughed and urged: "come on, lead the way. I'll invite you to dinner only when I finish my work earlier."

"I'll kill you tonight." Yan Xi is biting his teeth, his pretty face is slightly hot, and there is still a mouthful of ice cream left. Is he embarrassed to eat? Should he lick it or chew it? Just throw in the trash.

After chatting all the way for about 40 minutes, Zhao Chengfeng and Yan Xi went to a club called "Qingming". The club is among the villas, which must be something that the rich people play with.

Today's rich people are very playful. Just like Ye Liangcheng, whom Zhao Chengfeng met at the beginning, they have overturned a villa and built a so-called club. They are all business partners or good friends. Nowadays, the rich seldom go out to surf, mainly because it's not safe and clean. Therefore, the so-called clubhouse is actually a place where the rich hide their treasures.

Get a few college students, beautiful women to support the scene, something, to the next person to do, nothing, press the next person to do. This is a very common social norm, and Zhao Chengfeng is not surprised.

"Are you sure song Sicheng is in it?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

Yan Xi nodded and said, "this is song Sicheng's hometown. Song Sicheng is infamous in Nanchuan City, and this is also song Sicheng's recognized place of treasure house. He basically stays here most of the time."

"At first, song Sicheng was really nice to me and often took me out to play. But once, when I came to the club, I found that he was lying naked in bed with two female college students who were making tea, and his good feelings were gone."

Zhao Chengfeng laughed and joked: "I didn't expect you to be quite cynical."

"It's not cynicism. It's a matter of attitude. I don't want to be a mean woman." Yan Xi solemnly said: "with song Sicheng, maybe I don't need to work. I can live a life without food and clothing only by a pair of skin bags, but do I still have personality?"

Zhao Chengfeng nods and admires Yan Xi. It is true that these rich people will be "dissolute", but in reality, there are many money worshippers who take the initiative to throw themselves in their arms. To some extent, the bad atmosphere is caused by money worshippers.

"Well, you can go back first, and I'll contact you when you're done. You can find a place to eat first, and I'll come to pay the bill in an hour at most." Zhao Chengfeng doesn't plan to let Yan Xi follow him.

Yan Xi is just an ordinary person. Ordinary people should live the life of ordinary people. Once he is involved in his own world, he may not get any benefits, but will encounter countless troubles.

"Are you sure you want to go in? That song Sicheng is not simple. As soon as you go in, you may be beaten out by people without opening your mouth. " Yan Xi is not stupid, talking business? How is that possible?

Song Sicheng already regards Zhao Chengfeng as his rival. How can the arrogant song Sicheng deal with Zhao Chengfeng? There is only one explanation. Zhao Chengfeng is looking for trouble.

Zhao Chengfeng is really strong enough, but as the saying goes: "the dragon is no more than the river", Nanchuan City is the territory of song Sicheng.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. You can go to a place to eat first. I'll contact you later." Zhao Chengfeng light smile, a face of disapproval.

"Well, be careful yourself. If you have anything to do, call me. I think song Sicheng will sell me face." Yan Xi didn't insist any more. He got on the bus and left.

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