
Because it was day time, the plane had been in the sky for five or six hours before it stopped. As soon as he got off the plane, the phone in Zhao Chengfeng's pocket rang quickly.

"Didi... Didi..."

"Hello, vivi." Seeing that it was Tang Wei's phone, Zhao Chengfeng quickly picked it up. When he picked up the phone, Zhao Chengfeng could feel the continuous vibration of his mobile phone and a lot of news.

"Chengfeng, where are you? What's the situation now? Are you ok? " Pick up the phone, Tang Wei anxious voice will come.

Feeling the woman's concern, Zhao Chengfeng gave a faint smile, "don't worry, I'll be OK. You don't have to worry. "

"This damned sky is too mysterious. We can't detect your signal at all. You seem to have disappeared out of thin air." Tang Wei scolded on the other end of the phone and felt extremely remorseful.

This time, Tang Weimao tried her best to destroy Po Tian. Before she set out from the African continent, she made a lot of preparations. However, Po Tian seemed to see herself and others, deliberately circling around.

In the end, they disappeared with Zhao Chengfeng. They couldn't get through the phone, and they couldn't locate themselves, as if they had entered another space.

"Po Tian is more powerful than we think. I'm fine. Let's take revenge for a while. You can take people back to Africa first. I have to hurry back to China and deal with things here. I'll see you again." Zhao Chengfeng said in a deep voice that he had to go back to talk with Lao Budie about some things. At least he had to find out what happened to Zhao Feitian.

"Well, be careful on the way."

"You too."

Two people told each other two words, then put down the phone, Zhao Chengfeng and his party three people do not stay, directly bought the ticket back to China.

One day later, a group of three arrived in the capital, and Honglei went directly to Nanchuan City by plane under the arrangement of Zhao Chengfeng. After all, Nanchuan City is Honglei's headquarters, and Honglei has to take over Song Sicheng's industry, which takes a lot of time.

"What did you talk about?" After Honglei left, Shangguan Lanxin had no scruples.

"King Paotian is not my father. According to him, I am his nephew. Specifically, I need to go back and ask my father." Zhao Chengfeng said: "don't worry, no matter who he is, as long as he destroys the national interests, I will kill him and kill him myself!"

Shangguan Lanxin is moved and admired. Although Zhao Chengfeng is a jerk at some times, he can tell right from wrong.

"What's the matter with you? Did Yan'er give you any information? " Zhao Chengfeng then asked, because along the way with red bud, Zhao Chengfeng also can't ask.


Shangguan Lanxin sighed: "she said these two words to me, but I don't understand what they mean."

"Island?" Zhao Chengfeng frowned, "is this a person's name or a place name?"

Shangguan Lanxin shakes his head, and his face is at a loss.

"That's all!"

Zhao Chengfeng pondered for a while, his head was big, and he didn't understand what it meant. He said, "I'll take you home first, go back and have a good sleep, and then think about it slowly after a good rest."

"It's a heavy loss. They will recruit again. Yan'er will come out at that time. As soon as she comes out, we'll have a chance to meet. It's not too late to ask slowly then! "

Shangguan Lanxin nodded and said, "now it can only be like this."

After seeing off Shangguan Lanxin, Zhao Chengfeng went home at four o'clock in the afternoon. To Zhao Chengfeng's surprise, in addition to Fubo and Zhao Feilong, Murong frost and Yuan Shanshan are not there.

"Young master, are you back?" He was surprised to see Zhao Chengfeng.

"Smelly boy, I've been out for half a month. Where have I been?" Zhao Feilong also said with a smile.

But Zhao Chengfeng is a serious face, "come upstairs, I have something very important to ask you." With that, Zhao Chengfeng went upstairs with the box.

"Master, this..."

"What kind of trouble is this?" Zhao Feilong is also a face muddled force, but still followed upstairs.

In the study on the second floor, Zhao Chengfeng smokes and stares at the middle-aged man in front of him. This is his father, Zhao Feilong. Zhao Chengfeng has never seen his father so seriously today.

Like, so like! It's just carved in a mold!


Zhao Feilong was a little embarrassed and coughed: "what are you looking at, smelly boy? Do I have flowers on my face? "

"Who is Zhao Feitian?" Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath as if he had exhausted all his strength before asking this question.


The teacup in Zhao Feilong's hand fell to the ground, and the whole person was stunned. Who is Zhao Feilong? When did the Chinese patron saint lose his manners?

But Zhao Feilong's expression also instantly dignified, brow twisted into a big "Sichuan" word, after a long time, just asked: "have you seen him?"

"He is your brother." As soon as Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he knew that what Zhao Feitian said was true.

To get a definite answer, Zhao Chengfeng looks a bit trance, has been calculating himself, he has been swearing to kill people, actually is his own relatives.

Does he play in TV series or write novels? Can I have some more dog blood?

"Where have you met him? What did he say to you? " Zhao Feilong asked in a deep voice, with a terrible blue tendon on the back of his hand.

"Po Tian base!"

Zhao Chengfeng said: "he is the king of heaven. At first, I thought it was you."

"What? Is he the one who set up potian Hearing the speech, Zhao Feilong stood up excitedly with a look of shock on his face. After the shock, he was more angry and even pinched his fists.

Obviously, Zhao Feilong is angry!

"This villain, I didn't expect that. I didn't expect that he was the leader of broken heaven!" Zhao Feilong gnashed his teeth in hatred. "Where is he? Tell me

"Ha ha."

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head with a bitter smile, "I don't know. Can't you tell me a little bit about this person? "


After a long time, Zhao Feilong said: "he is really my younger brother. Not only is he a mother, but we both go out of the same school. In order to practice the highest skill, he does everything he needs. After stealing the skill is found, he is expelled from the school. Because we are brothers, I am also jointly and severally liable and expelled from the school wall."

"At that time, when the war continued, I chose to kill the enemy for my country, but he went to the most developed country of Great Britain, and even cultivated a group of ancient military strongmen for Great Britain." Mention this matter, Zhao Feilong eyebrow can't help beating up, indignant way: "that is that time, I and he draw a clear line, completely fell out."

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