"Captain, you came to save me?" Red bud sees Zhao Chengfeng again, her face is full of joy. In addition to gratitude, her eyes are full of indescribable love.

It's hard not to like such a man.

Just, red bud face of many a blood red palm print, see a person startling.

Zhao Chengfeng looks cold, cold voice: "who hit you?"

"It's me." Song Yun admits it.

"Is that you?" Zhao Chengfeng's eyes sank and his voice suddenly cooled.

"It's me. How can I drop it, Laozi..."


Without waiting for Song Yun to finish, Zhao Chengfeng's palms had already fallen down. He gave Song Yun a firm reward. His voice was clear and sweet, but half of Song Yun's face was red and swollen quickly, and the palms were covered with blood.

Everyone at the scene was stunned. Even the well-informed song Cheng didn't come back for a while. Zhao Chengfeng's hand was too fast. Most importantly, this guy was too hard.

"You hit me?" Song Yun looks at Zhao Chengfeng inconceivably. Shame and anger appear on his face, which is very ugly.

"You even have to deal with a weak woman. Naturally, I have to deal with you." Zhao Chengfeng voice to the extreme, even some indifference, continued: "this is just a small lesson to you, let you know what is pain."

"Son of a bitch, I'll fight with you!"

Song Yun is so ashamed and angry that he bullies him and smashes his fist at Zhao Chengfeng's face.

"Song Yun, no!"


Song's family together to stop, but it's too late, Song Yun has rushed up.


As soon as Zhao Chengfeng turns his mouth lightly, a touch of disdain rises in the corner of his mouth. In the face of Song Yun's angry attack, Zhao Chengfeng raises his foot and kicks Song Yun's belly.


Song Yun, like a reflected shell, fell heavily on the ground, making everyone cool in the back. And Song Yun directly fainted in the past and didn't know what to do.


Dead silence!

"I don't admit that I'm not as good as others, but I'm also a member of an important department in China. Do you know how to bully girls? Shame Zhao Chengfeng snorted. He really didn't like Song Yun.

"Zhao Chengfeng, you don't take my song family seriously. Do you really think song Cheng is a bully?" Song Cheng was so angry that he stamped his feet and his forehead was full of veins.

Damned bastard, when he went to the Song family and beat the people of the Song family, he still said such sarcastic words. Didn't he mean to humiliate the Song family?

"Song Yun, Song Yun, are you ok? Are you ok?" Song Wanlin returns to his senses and runs to him. He picks up Song Yun and shakes him hard. It's a pity that Song Yun is too hurt and doesn't respond at all. For a moment, song Wanlin is more anxious.

"Don't worry, he can't die yet."

Zhao Chengfeng stares at Song Cheng and says, "at this time tomorrow, I will wait for you in the organization. I will give you the answer you want. Now I've taken Honglei away. I'm still saying that I want to get revenge. Don't involve other people. Tonight, if it wasn't for the face of your brothers working for the country, the Song family would no longer exist. "

With that, Zhao Chengfeng strides away with Honglei, leaving only the frightened Song family and a mess.

"Zhao Chengfeng, the disgrace of my song family will one day be washed away with your blood!" Song Cheng clenched his fist and clucked. The seeds of hatred germinated and took root in his heart.


Looking at the man in front of her, Hong Lei's beautiful pupil reflects the rippling spring. Over the years, Hong Lei has seen many men. Zhao Chengfeng may not be the most handsome one, but he is definitely the most tasteful and charming one.

At the same time, it's also the most manly one!

"After tonight, the Song family should not trouble you. Just do your own business with ease." Zhao Chengfeng naturally realizes that women are paying attention to themselves, and is not interested in women's admiration.

Zhao Chengfeng is not a dish knight. Even if Honglei has saved her life, Zhao Chengfeng will never agree with her, even if Honglei is a beautiful woman.

"Well." Honglei nodded gently, and her face was flushed.

"In addition, as soon as Cai Haotian died, our team was short of one person. You have been in Nanyang province for many years to see if there are suitable candidates. If there are, send me the information and I will investigate for a period of time." Zhao Chengfeng continued.

After the gathering, the core strength of Po Tian has lost more than half. This time, Po Tian will surely be strengthened. In this period of time, Zhao Chengfeng's people are more likely to break into po Tian.

If those people and forces Xiao Wang brought in were Zhao Chengfeng's, maybe Zhao Chengfeng would have taken away the whole broken sky long ago, but it's a pity

"Captain, don't worry. I will pay attention to it. I will report to you as soon as I have any news." Honglei quickly states her position and still looks at Zhao Chengfeng with adoration.


Zhao Chengfeng was a little embarrassed when he was seen all the way. He coughed: "by the way, Honglei, I brought back a lot of Tianzhu in the last time. If you have a copy, I'll express it to you. You can send an address to my mobile phone later."


Hong Lei shook her head and said, "Captain, keep it for yourself. I don't need it."

"That's no good. This is what we should get. I..." how can Zhao Chengfeng take advantage of Honglei?

"Didi... Didi..."

However, before Zhao Chengfeng finished his sentence, the phone rang first. To Zhao Chengfeng's surprise, song Sisi called the phone, which made Zhao Chengfeng very surprised.

"Hello, Sisi, what's the matter?" Zhao Chengfeng answers the phone and asks curiously.

"It's a trend. Something's wrong."

As soon as the phone was connected, song Sisi's voice came from there.


Zhao Chengfeng subconsciously brakes down, red bud caught off guard, almost hit the windshield.

"What's the matter? Don't worry. Speak slowly. I'll listen." Zhao Chengfeng tried his best to soften his tone, but his heart was beating.

Now Zhao Chengfeng is most afraid of accidents. One thing is not finished yet, and another thing comes out, which makes it impossible to prevent!

"Three days ago, the company shipped a batch of goods to the United States, but the goods were intercepted. The sales department in the United States was once again sealed up by the U Song Sisi said in a deep voice: "at present, fei'er is still in hospital, and Shiyun is too busy. I have no choice but to call you."

"Damn it

When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he was not angry all the time. He was angry, but he was more confused and shocked. Is he going to have a day?

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