"Son of a bitch!"

Not only Zhao Chengfeng began to curse his mother, but also Tang Wei could not help it. She was so angry that she almost rushed up to kill the tank!

It has brought so much damage to Cui Hongjun's strengthening regiment, but they just make experiments with human beings. What is it?

"Ha ha, I like doing experiments, don't I? Well, I'll do an experiment on biology for you. " Huisheng is angry when he hears it. The cold light is shining in Huisheng's eyes, which are always gentle. His killing intention is surging!

"Boss, give this man to me and I'll treat him well." Huisheng looks back at Zhao Chengfeng and asks.

Zhao Chengfeng has not yet opened his mouth, and mengke on one side said: "reincarnation, it can't work. We black people have a grudge against the American people. Don't rob me. I'll torture him slowly and cut off his flesh one by one to see if he knows the pain!"

"Ah..." the tank shivered and almost knelt to monk.

I thought that the criminal law before was terrible enough, but I didn't expect that there were more abnormal ones in the back, cutting off the human flesh one by one. That kind of pain... I dare not think about it.

"Don't worry, monk. I can't play him to death." Huisheng sneered: "I think we can work together. You are responsible for poking holes in him. I am responsible for treating him. When he is cured, you can clean up slowly. For another example, we can cut off his arm, do living graft operation, and install a dogleg for him. What do you say? "

"That's a good way. I like it!" Hearing the words, Munch's eyes suddenly brightened??? I suggest that we can even grow a bit of HIV in his body and release him. Do you feel bad?

"It makes sense!"

"I..." when the tank heard this, his head and neck turned to one side and he was stunned.

"Oh, my God

Without looking at the tank, Zhao Chengfeng stood up and went out of the interrogation room. As for whether the tank is dead or alive, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't care at all. No, he must die! But on the road to death, tanks are not as lucky as their comrades in arms.

"By the way, after people die of playing, they cut off their heads, take photos, and then pass them on to the United States." Zhao Chengfeng took a few steps. After returning, he rushed to mengke and said, "the other corpses are also gathered together. Make their corpses miserable and pass them on to the United States. Huisheng, after you deal with the matter, send their communication equipment to Huaxia for the kids to crack, and see if you can get the exact address and the message they convey. "

Huisheng nodded, "yes, I'll do it right away."

"After dealing with things, everyone has an early rest. After a good rest, they have the energy to work." Zhao Chengfeng ordered a, then left with Tang Wei.

"The enemy is much stronger than we expected." As she walked along, Tang Wei said: "the U.S. delta special forces are even better than grandfather's special forces. Now they have this abnormal biological rifle, so it's more difficult to fight against it."

Zhao Chengfeng agreed with Tang Wei, but still said: "don't worry now, let the kid investigate clearly. The delta forces of the United States are indeed powerful, but it is not impossible to defeat them. What I'm worried about now is whether the tanks are telling the truth, and whether there are only so many biological rifles. To be honest, I didn't see this kind of aka47 in the laboratory in the secret place. "

"I don't dare to let my brothers take risks without definite information." Zhao Chengfeng looked sad and sighed: "even the master of blood monk is hurt by their biological rifle. What about the others? Is the next one reincarnation? No, I can't think of it. "

Tang Wei finally understands that men's worries are not for themselves, but for their brothers.

"When the exact news comes down, I have to go to the American island in person to meet the delta forces and Simmons for a while, so as to find out the relationship between the United States and Po Tian." Zhao Chengfeng continued.

This trip will be very dangerous, but Zhao Chengfeng must do it!

"I'm going too!" Tang Wei didn't stop her, but said firmly.

"What are you going to do?"

Zhao Chengfeng stopped and stared at the woman and said, "I'm going to catch people. What are you doing? Do you really think it's a joke? "

"I'll live and die with you." The woman looked at the man, word by word, said, turned and left.


Zhao Chengfeng opened his mouth, and at last he didn't say anything. He only had a bitter smile on his face. Once a woman's heart is opened, it can't be closed any more.

"Ah, I wanted her to have a mental preparation in advance, but I didn't expect to make such a fuss?" Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and raises his feet to follow him.

Tang Wei just entered the bedroom, Zhao Chengfeng immediately followed in.

"You, what are you doing in here?" Tang Wei's face turned red and she was a little shy.

It's true that they had a relationship for a long time, and they were very active when they had a relationship. But it's in China after all. This is Kingsley. Everyone lives around. There's too much noise at night, but

"Bullshit, fuck you!"

Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes and went straight to bed. He said solemnly, "we are husband and wife. What's the shame? What's more, the conditions are tough for Kingsley. If we live in the same house, won't we make room for the other brothers

"I..." Tang Wei wanted to retort, but she didn't say anything. She could only stare.

"Didi... Didi..." but at this time, Zhao Chengfeng's phone rang. He felt it and saw that it was Mr. Tang.

"Hello, sir, it's so late. Do you have any instructions?" Zhao Chengfeng quickly picked it up.

"So late? It's still afternoon here. " Tang Jinhai on the other end of the phone was a little confused.

Zhao Chengfeng grinned bitterly. "Old man, there is time difference between China and the African continent. Come on, what's the matter? I'm ready to take a rest. I've been working hard all day and I'm exhausted. "

"Oh, I'll tell you that Cui Hongjun's dead men have been sent back to China. A memorial service will be held three days later. I heard that you took part of the money as the soldiers' pension privately, didn't you?" Tang Jinhai asked.

"That's right. One million for one person." Zhao Chengfeng said: "the soldiers have given their blood and lives. We are sorry for these soldiers, but we must make their families live better."

Tang Jinhai was silent for a long time and said, "on behalf of the dead soldiers, thank you."

"Hey, old man, didn't you hit me in the face? Thank you for what? " Zhao Chengfeng sighed: "it's just that no matter how much money you spend, you can't buy back their lives. It's my responsibility. I should have paid! "

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