The United States, the world's largest country, the first power!

Standing on the top of the United States, to a large extent, is equivalent to standing on the top of the world. Since some people give up such an honor, isn't that bullshit? Frankly speaking, if Tang Wei is allowed to become president of the United States, she would be happy to do so.

We should know that when the leaders of countries like Bangzi and Japan change their office, there will be quite a lot of turmoil. Especially in Japan, the left and the right are even fiercer, and from time to time there will be internal strife and even sword to sword confrontation. From this point, we can see how attractive the head of a country is. But Simmons said that nowski and zard don't look up to the presidency of the United States.

Who believes that?

"I really didn't lie to you." Simmons said seriously: "no matter Mr. nowski or Mr. zatter, they are all qualified to run for president of the United States, and they have a great chance of being elected. If you don't believe it, you can go to all continents of the United States to inquire. Many governors of the United States have a good opinion of them. It's just that they don't want to be president. "

Tang Wei shook her head and said no.

"Not willing to be president of the United States? What are they willing to do? Make money? You can't make all the money. " Zhao Chengfeng took over and said, "or is the manor you are talking about more attractive than the president of the United States? Then you'll open our eyes to how powerful this manor is. "

However, Simmons shook his head and said, "I really don't know how powerful the manor is and how many people there are, but I know the manor is really powerful."

"For example." Zhao Chengfeng light smile, obviously don't believe.

"You know that the U.S. aircraft carrier is transported to the waters of Japan." Simmons looked at Zhao Chengfeng and said, "if I say the president of the United States has no courage to do this, do you believe it?"

Wen Yan, Zhao Chengfeng's heart moved, asked the subconscious: "you mean, why did the us arrange an aircraft carrier in the waters of the Japanese ocean, not the meaning of the government of the United States?" but has your manor has the final say?

"Exactly so!"

Simmons nodded heavily and said: "Mr. zatter told me about this. Not only that, many years ago, the U.S. government troops wiped out terrorists and started a big war. This war could have been avoided, but because the manor opened its mouth, the war lasted for more than ten years. Although the U.S. government won the final victory, But it's also a great loss. "

"Are you telling us a story?" The more Tang Wei listened, the more boring he felt. He hummed coldly, "it's bullshit that the president of the United States is going to listen to an organization that doesn't know what kind of organization it is!"

Zhao Chengfeng also shook his head, apparently reserved for Simmons' confession.

"Didi... Didi..."

All of a sudden, the alarm lights in the basement suddenly flickered, accompanied by a rapid and sharp alarm.

"What's the matter? No, someone's coming. " Tang Wei was startled. She glanced back and saw that there were two more people on the big screen. They had just come to the gate of the farm. It seemed that they were not good at coming.

Zhao Chengfeng also looked at the past, saw two people at the same time, Zhao Chengfeng's eyebrows suddenly twisted up, heart filled with a bad premonition, can't say, breaking the innocence is to serve the American people?

It's true that the visitors are the people who break the sky, and they are also Zhao Chengfeng's old acquaintances - Qinglong and Zhuque.

"Why are they?" Zhao Chengfeng frowned and held the dagger subconsciously.

"Do you know them?" Tang Wei is a little curious.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded, turned back to Tang Wei and said, "you are here to watch this man. If you try to escape, you can kill him directly. He has no value. Anyway, what he says is bullshit. I don't believe a word."

"I, what I said is true..." Simmons was very anxious when he heard this.

As the saying goes, "it's better to live than to die.". Simmons doesn't want to die!

"Whether it's true or not, you know it in your heart, and I'll go to verify it." Zhao Chengfeng interrupted: "when I finish cleaning up these two people, if you don't tell the truth, then... Hum."

With that, Zhao Chengfeng rushed out of the basement to intercept Qinglong and Zhuque.

"It's a pleasure to have friends from afar." When Zhao Chengfeng comes out of the door, Qinglong and Qinglong just enter the yard. Zhao Chengfeng smiles and says hello, but the corner of his eye sweeps around.

For Qinglong, Zhao Chengfeng is not worried at all. Before the breakthrough, Qinglong was not Zhao Chengfeng's opponent, let alone now? What Zhao Chengfeng is afraid of is rosefinch.

Don't underestimate rosefinch. Rosefinch refers to a woman. Her skill is very powerful. In particular, the skills practiced by rosefinch make her opponent feel very headache. When she hits her opponent with one fist, it seems to hit on cotton. She has no strength, and even has a feeling of "sucking". When other people hit her, rosefinch seems to be able to absorb it. It's very strange.

"Spade nine, you are here." Seeing Zhao Chengfeng again, Qinglong looks complicated, with hatred and some fear. That day, in the secret place of breaking the sky, the scene of Zhao Chengfeng's repulsion of Xiao Wang seems to reappear in Qinglong's mind again. Although Zhao Chengfeng lost in the end, it's spectacular!

At least, Qinglong doesn't have the strength to compete with Xiao Wang!

"It seems that you still haven't given up monitoring me. Po Tian really has no sincerity." Zhao Chengfeng shrugged and shook his head with a bitter smile.

"Don't you still not relax your vigilance against breaking the sky?" Green Dragon asked, "OK, let's stop beating about the Bush and hand over the man. We'll take him away. This is the king's order!"

"People? Who is it? I don't know what you're talking about Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head straight. His acting skills are solid, just like the real one.

"Spade nine, don't play dumb."

Qinglong sneered: "others don't know, but we know that Simmons is in your hands, right? Give him over. This is the man the king wants."

"What does it have to do with me if the king wants someone to find out for himself?" Zhao Chengfeng said angrily: "and I said, I don't know what Simmons or dongmons are. They have nothing to do with me. Don't hinder me."


When Qinglong saw Zhao Chengfeng's negative "rogue" expression, he was so angry that he had an impulse to rush up and strangle Zhao Chengfeng!

"Spade nine, stop pretending." The rosefinch on one side couldn't look down, and said faintly: "this Simmons is really the person that the king wants. You can let him go, but don't force us."

"Ha ha, force you?"

Zhao Chengfeng asked with a smile: "then I will force you today. How do you want to drop it? Do it? I'm sorry, I'm afraid you two are really not my rivals. After Xiao Wang's death, the king will be able to get into my eyes. You two are far from each other. "

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