"Then let's go to find nowski!" After a long silence, Zhao Chengfeng finally made a decision.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't know much about zate, and there is no photo information to refer to. Looking for zate is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Moreover, Simmons also said that Zarate was his direct leader. Once Simmons disappeared, Zarate would quickly hide. As a result, it is more difficult to find zat.

Kenovsky is different. Zhao Chengfeng knows this person very well, and the old and new accounts will be settled together. Isn't nowski from the manor, too? Just a question.

"Well, let's retreat at once." Tang Wei did not dare to delay, "Simmons said novsky's residence, more than 500 kilometers west of here is the apple city of the United States, novsky has a villa there, if we drive there, we can arrive in five hours at most."

"OK, you go to the parking lot, drive out, fill up the gas tank, take some food and water from the room, replenish your body energy on the way, and I'll go to the basement and cut off my tail." Zhao Chengfeng pondered, and his mind turned quickly.

It's time to end the feud with nowski. I'm afraid that after the end of novsky's enmity, the manor will emerge again. Not only the manor, I'm afraid it will also arouse the discontent of Po Tian.

"This road is getting more and more difficult, alas!" With a long sigh, Zhao Chengfeng felt a little heavy.

"Didi... Didi..."

Suddenly, a short message came from Zhao Chengfeng's mobile phone, which was sent by Yang Jun - quickly evacuate, the enemy has come.


As soon as Zhao Chengfeng saw the news, he fired a bullet and urged: "move now, quick, the enemy is coming."

"So fast?" Tang Wei is a little unbelievable.

"Isn't that fast?" Zhao Chengfeng scolded: "we underestimated the ability of Po Tian and the manor. We also mistakenly estimated the relationship between them. It's much closer than we thought."

With that, Zhao Chengfeng went down the basement again. Now that this place has been found, there is no need to stay. He found several time bombs in the basement, timed them for ten minutes, took some guns and ammunition, and was ready to leave.

"What are you doing?" Simmons heard the sound, woke up and asked weakly.

Today, Simmons no longer has the demeanor of vice minister of military and political affairs of the United States, as if he had been skinned by cramps, listless and miserable, bloody and embarrassed.

"We're going to run for our lives. Ah, your country is really powerful. It's coming so soon!" Zhao Chengfeng sighed, pretending to regret.

Hearing the speech, Simmons suddenly brightened in front of his eyes. However, he soon covered it up. Simmons now learned to be smart and didn't dare to be arrogant in front of Zhao Chengfeng. This guy is a madman. If he doesn't agree, he will fight. As long as he can't get used to it, he will still fight. Simmons is very clear about his current situation, and can no longer afford any trouble.

"You can wait for the rescue here. Let's withdraw first. Bye." Zhao Chengfeng leaves in a hurry, even forgetting to close the basement door.

Less than three minutes later, Simmons heard the roar of the car outside. It was Zhao Chengfeng and his wife who left. Thinking of this, Simmons was relieved.

"Zhao Chengfeng, you son of a bitch, you wait for me. One day I will catch you and give back the pain I suffered today." Simmons gritted his teeth and scolded. Maybe he was a little excited when he spoke, and a touch of blood came out of the corner of his mouth.

Today, Simons got a good beating!

"Whew... Whew..."

Just at this time, a series of sirens sounded outside, followed by a series of footsteps came in, closer and closer, Simmons's mood was more and more excited.

"Is there anyone in it?" Someone outside yelled, "we're from the delta Special Operations brigade. Anyone?"

"Yes, I'm down there. I'm down there." Simmons was even more excited when he heard that, isn't it his own“ I'm Simmons, Vice Minister of military and administration. I'm down here. Come and help me

As soon as Simmons' voice fell, five soldiers rushed down.

"You're here at last. I've been waiting for you so hard." Seeing his soldiers coming, Simmons felt so kind for the first time, but he was looking forward to it.

Simmons thought he was doomed this time, but he didn't expect that he really survived.

"Why are you here now, I..."

Boom boom!

Simmons did not finish a word, the explosion suddenly sounded, the whole farm suddenly burst into flames, the basement completely collapsed, the military vehicle and many soldiers were directly blasted up, and finally fell into the flames, even had no time to scream, a 20 person special combat team was destroyed.

To death, Simmons was still excited. He thought he would leave this damned hell soon, but he went to hell and was doomed!

"Tut Tut, Yang Jun has a lot of high explosives. We have to run five or six kilometers. We can hear it. It's strong!" Zhao Chengfeng glanced back and began to smile.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't like calculating people, but he can't help it. Sometimes he has to learn to calculate.

"Chengfeng, don't be happy too soon." However, Tang Wei was not happy. Instead, he twisted his brows and looked ugly.

Zhao Chengfeng was puzzled and said, "what's the matter? Did you find anything? "

"I didn't find something, but suddenly thought of something." With a serious face, Tang Wei said: "as you said, Botian can locate and monitor you. Now, Botian is colluding with some manor in the United States. They will exchange information and information. We'll kill them all the way. It's estimated that before we find nowsky or zatter, they will ambush in advance, waiting for us to enter the circle."


Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng scalp a tight, as if awakened by thunder, a foot brake down, there are some fear.

Too careless!

Zhao Chengfeng always wants to make a quick decision, but he forgets that Po Tian can monitor his position. If Tang Wei didn't remind him, he would be waiting for a barrage of bullets, even 40 bombs.

"I was negligent. I didn't think of that." Zhao Chengfeng starts a cigarette and forces himself to calm down.

"It's popular. You can see the seriousness of the problem." Tang Wei suggested: "I suggest that we divide our troops into two groups. I'll capture nowski. You are responsible for attracting the enemy's attention. Then we will meet in the African continent. When we get to the African continent, the Americans can't help us."

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