"Chengfeng, Chengfeng, are you ok? Cheng Feng, how are you Tsing Yi is the closest. She runs to the nearest place and tears are falling down.

If Zhao Chengfeng didn't want to save himself, how could he fight Chen with all his strength?


Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head, blood gushes out of his mouth, and his face turns pale as paper.

"Don't worry, aunt Qingyi, i... I can't die yet." Zhao Chengfeng stubbornly stood up, body shape some shaking, but finally stood up, because the real man is not down.


"It's a trend!"

They all stopped and looked at Zhao Chengfeng. There was heartache and admiration in their eyes! This man, this stubborn man stood up again, as if nothing in the world could knock him down.

"Chengfeng, don't worry. Stop fighting and let me deal with him!" There are tears in Qingyi's eyes, and her heart aches.

"Ah, you are really desperate. Come on, take these pills quickly." The medicine monk rushed over and took out a handful of pills, which were all stuffed by Zhao Chengfeng.

This time, monk Yao can't even admire Zhao Chengfeng. A young man in his twenties dares to fight with Chen, an old monster who has lived for decades or even hundreds of years. This is not what ordinary people can do.

Frankly speaking, monk Yao is not sure that he can take that move, but Zhao Chengfeng comes next and resists it with his strongest attack!

"Chief, are you ok?"


At this time, all the people gathered around, and all the members of Huang group crowded to Zhao Chengfeng's side, one by one full of concern and admiration. Today, they finally understand what a hero is.

Zhao Chengfeng is a worthy hero!

"Don't worry, I still can't die, these three bastards don't die, how can I Zhao Chengfeng die?" After swallowing the pill, Zhao Chengfeng felt better and stood upright with his sword.

Zhao Chengfeng was hurt too much. If it wasn't for his strong willpower, he would have fainted long ago. How could he stand? Although Zhao Chengfeng is very strong, Chen Yidao is stronger. Zhao Chengfeng thinks that with Chen Yidao's strength, he is no better than the king.

However, the cultivation method of the king of heaven breaking is more strange and cruel. Depending on swallowing the strength of others to improve themselves, more sinister.

"It's Zhao Feilong's son after all. It's not in the pool." Chen a light smile way, although the smile is bright, can smile deep killing meaning also more and more rich a few minutes.

Because Zhao Chengfeng is the son of the enemy! Since we can't kill Zhao Feilong, let's kill his son first.

"Mr. Chen, this son is extremely dangerous. We can't keep him any more." At this time, Qin Yuzi also leaned together. Qin Yuzi said in a low voice: "if we let him go, the future will be infinite. I'm afraid we will have a threat, and his father is not a good fault."

Chen Yidao nodded to show that he understood.

"Mr. Chen, I have a blood feud with this son. Please give me a chance to avenge my poor son." Qin Yuzi said again.

"Well! Little man

Without waiting for Chen to open his mouth, Chiba Zhou zuocheng on one side snorted coldly, turned his mouth and looked scornful. It's not that Chiba despises Qin Yuzi, but Qin Yuzi is too humble.

As a senior, it's hard to bully a younger generation. Now we have to wait for the younger generation to be seriously injured and take advantage of the victory. This is no longer a villain's style. It's like losing the face of the ancient martial arts.

"I just want to avenge my son. I can't do anything else." Qin Yuzi said.

Chen Yidao waved his hand and said, "it's up to you. You deal with that smelly boy. I'll deal with the old monk. The old monk's defense is not weak. Chiba, let your people deal with that woman. You'd better stop the others for a while. I'll solve the battle as soon as possible and come to help you. "

"Good." They nodded in agreement.

Now the three people are all on the same boat. It's no fun to be suspicious of each other. The most important thing is to destroy the 731 troops. Otherwise, it will spread out sooner or later. Once Zhao Feilong is enraged, he is afraid that the whole ancient martial arts world will riot. In his fury, Zhao Feilong will even kill the Japanese nation and slaughter the city to vent his anger!

"Zhao Chengfeng, although you are very powerful, I have said that today is the day of your death. Today is the day of your death." Qin Yuzi took the lead to rush up, a hand is to take the day hammer.

In mid air, it was like a huge ball smashed over.

"Qin Yuzi, you are so shameless!"

"Mean man!"

For a moment, people curse unceasingly, already did not know with what kind of words to describe Qin Yuzi.

"I'll stop him!"

Falling dust volunteered.

"His opponent is me. Doesn't he want to kill me? Come and see if Zhao Chengfeng is a bully! " Zhao Chengfeng stops falling dust and pours out separately.

Zhao Chengfeng also said that he would kill Qin Yuzi today, otherwise he would swear not to be a human being!

"Sky hammer!" Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng came up on his own initiative, Qin Yuzi was not angry but happy. At this moment, Zhao Chengfeng was still out of oil and the lamp was dry, and he was left with a strong breath. Isn't it the best time to revenge?

"Go to hell!"

Zhao Chengfeng throws the Xuanyuan sword out from a long distance, and the red light flashes past Qin Yuzi's throat.

"Hidden weapon? Qin Yuzi's little skill of carving insects... "With a touch of disdain in the corner of her mouth, she patted her hand.

"The Dragon wags its tail!"

But at this time, Zhao Chengfeng's double fists had already arrived in front of Qin Yuzi, carrying the power of thunder.

"No, I've been fooled!"

Qin Yuzi reaction is not slow, aware that Zhao Chengfeng this punch is not simple, quickly retreat.


Once again, the accident happened. Zhao Chengfeng suddenly turned around in mid air, just like a top spinning in the wind, and kicked Qin Yuzi in the chest.


Qin Yuzi knew that he had been cheated. Xuanyuan sword was not the main attack, and Shuangquan was not the main attack point. The main attack point was Zhao Chengfeng's last kick. Qin Yuzi wanted to resist, but it was too late. He pushed his hands flat and took it.

Qin Yuzi felt his arms numb and his body fell down rapidly.

"The sword comes out to seal the throat!"

Zhao Chengfeng followed closely. As soon as the dragon scale dagger came out, the white light suddenly flashed. At this moment, even the air around was cold.



Qin Yuzi stretched out his hand to resist, but it was too slow. The white light was invincible, leaving a small hole in Qin Yuzi's chest. The hole was very small, but the blood spurted!

"Well, how is that possible?" Qin Yuzi fell to the ground and looked down at his chest. His face was unbelievable. He looked at Zhao Chengfeng and fell to the ground with a bang.

turn in one's grave!

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