At the moment of being caught by a man, Shangguan Lan's delicate body trembled slightly. He immediately took a look at the man and suddenly felt very relieved.

Yes, Shangguan Lanxin is very nervous. Although he has been psychologically prepared and even ready to die, when all this is about to come, he will inevitably be a little flustered. Especially when I was swept by the king, I felt more nervous.

"Good afternoon, everyone."

At this time, a tattoo messenger in a white dress came to the stage, with a sweet smile, bowed to everyone and said: "thank you very much for coming to this wedding. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time."

With that, the woman bowed slightly to the crowd again, and at the moment of bending down, her chest was white and tender, perfectly presented in front of the crowd.

"Damn, it's so big!"


Countless people glared, including Zhao Chengfeng.

"Because of many special reasons, today's wedding, the bridegroom has not yet determined, our rule is, the martial arts contest! Whoever wins will be able to return the beauty! " The tattoo messenger didn't mind being seen at all. He went on to say, "any man who has intention can take part in it."

"Shit, what's the matter with airplanes? Not even the groom's wedding? Bullshit

"That's right. Isn't that a joke?"

"Even if you win the contest, what can you do? What if it's an ugly girl? "

"Right, don't let's get rid of our old nose. As a result, it's a ugly girl to marry home. Is it unfair?"

For a moment, people talked about it, obviously they were not very satisfied with the arrangement. Everyone is happy to come to the wedding, well, the wedding is about to start, the groom has not yet decided, this is not bullshit?

How about a martial arts contest? What's the age of DUT? Why don't you draw lots for the bridegroom?

"Please don't be impatient. Listen to me first." The tattoo emissary was not angry at all. He was still smiling and said patiently, "the bride will be on the stage soon. Let's make a decision when we see her real face."

"It's so good. If you marry an ugly man and go home, you'll lose a lot."

"Yes, we have to have a look."

"Next, welcome the bride to the stage with our warm applause." Tattoo messenger voice down, emotional music will ring.

Only see, the curtain on the stage slowly opened from the center, a white shadow slowly appeared, the woman a plain white fishtail wedding dress, outlines the perfect exquisite figure.

The woman's face is beautiful, white and tender. On the standard nobody's face, it is inlaid with delicate facial features. That face is beautiful without any flaw. The top of the head is in a bun and tied with a white scarf, just like a fairy floating out of the dust.

"Wow, beauty!"

"This, this is the real beauty."

For a moment, everyone was crazy. Everyone stood up and stared at the wedding dress woman on the stage. Their eyes almost fell to the ground.

Beautiful, beautiful.

Zhao Chengfeng is no exception, slowly stood up, looking at the woman on the stage, the heart suddenly nervous up. The wedding itself should have been the protagonist, the wedding itself owes her.

Her veil should also be put on by herself, but unfortunately, this is an unusual wedding.

"Yan'er, I won't let you marry anyone else!" Zhao Chengfeng looked at the woman in the challenge arena and said in his heart.

Missed once, do you want to miss again? No, absolutely not!

"It seems that everyone is very satisfied with our bride, isn't it?" When everyone left enough saliva, the tattoo messenger asked with a smile.

"Satisfied, very satisfied."

"Must be satisfied!"

"NIMA, I said the bride was so beautiful. I didn't ask Miss Wu to serve me last night."

For a moment, the whole platform square is lively again. People talk about it, but their eyes always fall on Shangguan Yan'er, and they are reluctant to move away. Beauty, who doesn't want to see more?

"Then it seems that everyone has no opinion about the martial arts contest?" The tattoo messenger continued.

"No problem!"

"It must be OK!"

"Come on, don't talk nonsense. Hurry up and announce the start of the contest. I can't wait to enter the bridal chamber."

"Yes, I'd like to sleep with such a beautiful girl for 30 years."

The scene is completely crazy, the color center is not wrapped.

Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath and completely suppressed his anger. Those who insulted Shangguan Yan'er with these words are all in mind. After a while, Zhao Chengfeng wants to crush them one by one!

"Well, it seems that everyone is so excited. I'll announce the rules of martial arts competition." The tattoo emissary said with a smile: "as long as you have a crush on the bride, you can come to the stage. The rule of the martial arts competition is one-on-one. The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit, regardless of life or death. OK, now

Tattoo emissary is also a vigorous and resolute woman. After a few words, she goes to sit down beside the stage, and Shangguan Yan'er also retreats to one side with empty eyes and no emotion.

"I'll come first!"

As soon as the tattoo messenger's voice fell, a big European man stepped into the challenge arena, staring at Shangguan Yan'er with salivation, and his heart was also excited.

"Then I'll challenge it!"

As soon as the European man came on stage, another guy jumped up, and they were fighting with each other.

"How about Mr. DORT? My broken bride is not bad. " King Botian sat in the front row, chatting with dote cordially. He was very satisfied with the reaction of the people at the scene.

Beauty is really the most attractive. For example, dote is the biggest arms dealer in the United States. His value has already exceeded 100 billion yuan. If he wants money and fame, what else does he lack? That's beauty.

There are many men in this world, the reason why they struggle so hard is that in the end, most of them die in women's belly. Isn't it true that even doth, who hunts countless beauties, has straight eyes when he first sees the night rose?

"It's really good. To tell you the truth, I'm really moved." DORT didn't hide his emotion. "If I want to marry her, do I need to compete for marriage?"

"Of course, Mr. DORT doesn't need such trouble, but I promise, but I'm afraid someone at the scene won't agree." Said, the king's eyes once again moved to the back of Zhao Chengfeng.

His nephew is a person who values love and righteousness. How can he watch the woman he once loved marry someone else? He'll do it.

"What do you mean, king? Are you kidding me? " DORT was a little upset and his face sank.

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