"What have you done to my sister? You beast

Shangguan Yan'er's face has changed greatly. He has seen his sister's body. Can it suppress his lust? This bastard must have ruined his sister. blamed!

It's enough to provoke other women outside, but even his own sister, he, he's too shameful. What will the sisters do in the future? Do you really want to serve a husband together?

"Yan'er, don't be excited, you listen to my explanation, I..." Zhao Chengfeng knew that the woman was angry, and he also had a bitter smile in his heart. He had known that he would not talk about it.

Yes, I would roar myself.

"I'm not excited. Tell me honestly what happened to my sister?" Shangguan Yan'er takes a deep breath, and naturally takes out a dagger, aiming at Zhao Chengfeng.

The dagger as like as two peas of Zhao Chengfeng's dagger is carved on Shangguan Yan's son, and the two characters are carved on the top.

And the alignment is unique, not the neck, not the heart, but the crotch!


Zhao Chengfeng took a breath of cool air. He couldn't help but shrink back. It seemed that there was a cool wind below. Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help shivering. If this thing is hit, the happiness for the rest of my life will be gone.

"Yan'er, don't, don't be impulsive, I said, can't I?" Zhao Chengfeng quickly called to stop, but he also had a headache. He had known that he would not talk about it.

"I'll listen." Shangguan Yan'er looks slightly cold, staring at Zhao Chengfeng, full chest up and down, showing Shangguan Yan'er is not calm heart.

"In fact, it's really just a misunderstanding."

Zhao Chengfeng quickly said: "because I have built a temporary base in Beihai City, Xiaogui and Lanxin are responsible for intelligence work. They work in shifts. Xiaogui is responsible for the night and Lanxin is responsible for the day. One night, I just had a fight with someone and got hurt. Then I went to the base. I wanted to find a room to have a rest. I opened a door and lay down on the bed. Then I met Lanxin, who didn't wear clothes... "

"Damn, don't you know how to knock?" Shangguan Yan'er was so angry that she gritted her teeth. She really wanted to stab the latter.

Zhao Chengfeng broke out in a cold sweat and pointed to the dagger: "no, don't shake. I'm afraid of this thing. It's my fault, but I can't blame it all. How can I know that Lanxin likes Guoshui? Guoshui is all. It's not closed yet? This... "

"You are still sophistry!"

Shangguan Yan'er's Willow eyebrows stood up and her silver teeth cackled. She scolded: "you're a real jerk when you get cheap. Did you do anything about Lanxin? "

"No, absolutely not!" Zhao Chengfeng swore to heaven: "I just looked at it two times."

"I should have dug your eyes out, damn it!" Shangguan Yan'er also has no way to take Zhao Chengfeng, this guy is too colorful, finally, Shangguan Yan'er still let go.

Zhao Chengfeng is also completely relieved. He points a dagger at the key part of a man. No one will feel strong in his heart.

"By the way, another time, I, we had intimate contact..." although afraid, but Zhao Chengfeng decided to recruit from the reality.

"What? Another time? What's more

On hearing this, Shangguan Yan'er grabs the dagger again and gets closer to Zhao Chengfeng's crotch.


Zhao Chengfeng quickly stopped, scared almost cry, "don't be impulsive, don't shake your hand, this dagger is sharp."

"What's going on? What have you done to my sister? " Shangguan Yan'er is not angry. She hasn't seen her for a long time. Shangguan Yan'er finds that Zhao Chengfeng's courage is growing.

Seeing my sister's fruit body and having contact with her, doesn't that mean destroying my sister?


With a long sigh, Zhao Chengfeng said: "it's not long before it happens now. It's just years later. I just finished my work that day, but I met a strong enemy who hurt me. I had no choice but to jump into the sea to escape. I was frozen in the water for more than an hour, and finally I managed to run to the base. But by that time, I had collapsed and my temperature had become negative. If I didn't protect my heart, I would have been unable to carry it. "

Hearing this, Shangguan Yan'er's heart suddenly tightens, Xiumei frowns, and the color of worry is beyond expression.

"In the end, in order to save me, Lanxin turned on all the air conditioning in the room, and even moved the little sun, but it still didn't get better. Finally, Lanxin hugged me and warmed my body temperature with her body temperature, and I was saved." Zhao Chengfeng said, his heart is very grateful. However, Shangguan Lanxin has never accepted himself, which makes Zhao Chengfeng a headache.

Zhao Chengfeng is a man who knows his kindness and intends to repay it. He will not receive it for nothing, let alone save his life. However, Shangguan Lanxin didn't give Zhao Chengfeng a chance to repay his kindness.

Today, I want Shangguan Yan'er to help me out and see if I can match them up. After all, to some extent, they already have a close relationship. Shangguan Lanxin is also Zhao Chengfeng's woman. Zhao Chengfeng can't care!

"So it is." Shangguan Yan'er finally understands and slowly draws back the dagger. It's really not Zhao Chengfeng's fault for this. It's just fate.

"Yan'er, I know I'm sorry for Lanxin. I want to make up for her, but she doesn't give me a chance at all." Zhao Chengfeng said bitterly, "except for the news about you, she basically has zero communication with me."

"I know. If I have a chance, I will have a good talk with Lanxin." Shangguan Yan'er took a deep breath.

"Yan'er, it's very kind of you. I..."

"Didi... Didi..."

Before Zhao Chengfeng finished his sentence, Tang Wei called first.

"Hello, vivi, what's the matter?" Zhao Chengfeng quickly picked it up. After they left the island, they gradually recovered the signal. It must be that Tang Wei and others already know their current position.


Hearing Zhao Chengfeng's voice, Tang Wei breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I thought you had an accident. It's OK. I'll call to ask. Is it going well? "

"Not bad. We'll be back soon. We should be there in the evening. Just wait at home. " Zhao Chengfeng heart a warm, what is concerned about? This is concern.

No matter when someone is thinking about himself or herself, this is happiness.

"OK, I'll let you get ready and meet you." When Tang Wei heard the speech, she hung up with a smile.

And Tang Wei just put down the phone, Shangguan Lanxin didn't know where to drive a car.

"Is the intimacy over? Let's go when we're done Shangguan Lanxin made a joke with a smile.

Just, the smile of Shangguan Lanxin makes Zhao Chengfeng and Zhao Chengfeng feel a little distressed.

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