"Then stop your work for a while and go to miaojiang. After all, miaojiang is the heaven of Gu masters. Maybe they can do something about it." Tang Jinhai suggested.

"I'm afraid not for the time being."

Zhao Chengfeng still shakes his head and explains: "if I leave for miaojiang right away, Po Tian will definitely be aware of it. After all, it's not a wise choice to go rashly because I haven't found Po Tian's nest yet."

"I've also found someone to understand that the heart biting poison is like the hoop curse on Monkey Sun's head. As long as the king is not happy and mumbles, it will start to devour the flesh and blood in my body and spread to my heart bit by bit."

"It's bloody vicious!"

One side of Tang Wei hate scold a, wish is oneself in bite heart Gu.

"Of course, it's vicious. If it's not vicious enough, can it cure me?" Zhao Chengfeng pretended to be relaxed with a smile, "but don't worry too much. I've asked people to prepare pills to inhibit the growth of poisonous insects and relieve pain. They won't attack in a short time."

"But for a long time?" Tang Wei asked.

"..." Zhao Chengfeng immediately said nothing.

Tang Wei continued: "don't say anything now. Hurry up and clean it up. We'll leave for miaojiang immediately. When we get to miaojiang, we'll find a way to relieve it. If you don't relieve the poisonous insects in your body, we won't worry about doing anything."

"Weiwei is right. Only by relieving her worries can she do a big job." Tang Jinhai also wrung his brows and said, "I've made the combat readiness team ready. You and Weiwei will set off immediately and go directly to Miao."

Zhao Chengfeng grinned bitterly and said, "I really don't have time to go to miaojiang now, and I also said that once Po Tian finds out that I have gone to miaojiang, it will be my life charm."

"I've got people ready to cover up your tracker for a while." Tang Jinhai followed the road.

"..." Zhao Chengfeng didn't know what to say.

"Clean up. We'll start right away." Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng has nothing to say, Tang Wei urges.

"Give me a day, I'll go out, and then I'll go to miaojiang for you." Zhao Chengfeng can only step back.

It is true that the present Miao area is definitely the most promising place. As Tang said, it is not so easy to deal with some things without solving the worries.

However, Zhao Chengfeng has to go to Hong Kong Island first. If he doesn't get rid of the damn elong entertainment company, he will never be reconciled!

"What is more important than your own life? Can't you put your life first? " Tang Wei almost roared, this is the first time that Tang Wei is worried, and her eyes are red.

Looking at women like this, Zhao Chengfeng is really unhappy, but some things have to be done.

"Weiwei, human life is valuable, but what's more valuable is that we will not choose to escape, to escape our responsibilities." Zhao Chengfeng stroked the woman's bangs and said in a deep voice: "don't worry, I will never fail you in this life."

With that, Zhao Chengfeng turned and left, afraid to see the woman's tears.

"Fool, do I need you to be responsible for me? I just want you to be responsible for yourself. " Tang Wei shed tears, and her heart suddenly became heavy.

Tang Jinhai patted Tang Wei's arm and said in a soft voice, "Wei Wei, don't be sad. This boy knows well. He knows when to do something. You don't have to worry. He will be fine."

Tang Jinhai really has confidence in Zhao Chengfeng. After all, Zhao Chengfeng is a member of the Zhao family. Who is his Laozi, Zhao Feilong? Can't even a little bug be solved?

"Grandfather..." Tang Wei gently called, tears have fallen.


In No. 1 villa of the Bay Island villa area, although the sun has been shining for three strokes, Qiang Long has just got up from the bed. Yesterday, the little girl was very good. She served Qiang Long very comfortably, and her waist was a little sore.

Fame and beauty are always what strong dragon pursues.

"There's something wrong, sir." The housekeeper just served a bowl of bird's nest for Qianglong, whispering.

Smell speech, strong dragon brow a wrinkly, displeased way: "again what matter?"

Qiang Long hates people pouring cold water on him. When he just went downstairs, he thought that after a meal, he would take a rest and go on a crazy journey. When he heard the housekeeper's words, he lost interest and even lost the mind to drink porridge.

"Master, I'd better let your nephew report to you." As soon as the housekeeper saw the expression, he immediately thought of the way to get away and said, "Yuan Lang and Mr. Chen Jinshan have been waiting for you since early in the morning."

"Let them in." Strong dragon is not happy.

In his heart, Qiang Long doesn't look up to his nephew. It's too flattering. However, it's OK to listen to what news they brought.

As soon as Guan Jiagang went out, Chen Jinshan and Yuan Lang came in. As soon as they entered, they put on a dead father's face, which made Qiang Long more angry and paralyzed. Did they come to mourn?

"Uncle, things have changed." As soon as he entered the door, Yuan Lang said, "there were huge waves last night, but I don't know what happened. At two o'clock in the morning last night, the situation changed."

"What's the change?" Qiang Long asked.

"There are hackers attacking our network center, and the pictures and news on the network are gone, even the comments are gone." Chen Jinshan followed.


Smell speech, strong dragon brow is a twist again, "how can such?"? Who attacked our network center? "

Entertainment Network Center, this is the killer of dragon. Relying on its strong contacts and large amount of financial resources, strong dragon has spent a lot of money to recruit many Internet hackers and paparazzi from all over the world.

These Internet hackers cooperate with the paparazzi to monitor and secretly shoot most of the artists. For example, if a beautiful actress has a private meeting with someone, the strong dragon can use these things to threaten the actress, force her to have sex with her, or even make films for free, so as to become her own money collecting tool.

The reason why elong entertainment company is strong is that its network center is strong enough! From this point of view, Qiang Long is really a capable jerk. Most people can't think of such a mean way.

"I can't find it."

Chen Jinshan shook his head and said bitterly: "according to our hackers, the other party is very clever and can't find his trace at all. As soon as our materials are put on the Internet, they are deleted immediately. So far, the network center has been paralyzed and has been infected by the other party. I'm afraid it won't recover for a while..."


Smell speech, strong dragon is greatly infuriated, network center is captured unexpectedly.

"What's going on?" Strong dragon almost roared: "who did this?"

"It should be, it should be Amber's men." Yuan Lang said in a low voice: "no one dares not to give you face except this girl..."

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