"Uncle, this man is Amber's boyfriend. What's his name?" At this time, he came forward and said in a low voice, "uncle, be careful. This guy is very violent. Anyway, I'm not his opponent."

As soon as he heard this, Qiang long, who was already very angry, felt even worse. He couldn't help staring at Yuan Lang and said, "what are you? Do you need to come to Laozi if you want to be his opponent? Bullshit!

However, it's not the right time for woliheng. Qiang Long looks at Zhao Chengfeng and says in a deep voice, "boy, I don't care who you are. If you hurt me, you can't leave Hong Kong Island alive."


Zhao Chengfeng disapproved, clapped his hands and said, "is that right? I'd like to see. How do you want to kill me? Come on, I'll stand here. Come on, come on and kill me! "


Qiang Long was so angry that his nose was not his nose and his face was not his face. He wanted to rush up and slap Zhao Chengfeng, but he finally held back. Yuan Lang has already said that this man is extremely skilled. Don't rush to seek death.

What's more, strong dragon is not a brainless person. How can people be unprepared if they dare to come here like this? The most urgent thing is to find out the boy's background first, so as to avoid kicking the iron plate and losing face in the end.

"Qiang long, stop talking nonsense and sign the stock withdrawal agreement. I don't want to talk nonsense with you." No matter what the strong dragon thought or attitude, anbaike directly threw the agreement to the strong dragon.

"What if I don't agree with your withdrawal?" Qiang Long didn't look at the agreement. Instead, he looked at an Bai with a look of hatred.

Having been in the entertainment circle for decades, how has Qianlong ever been in such a mess? What a shame!

"No?" Zhao Chengfeng raised his eyebrows and took a step forward. He said with a smile: "really don't agree?"



Qiang Long only said one word, Zhao Chengfeng backhand is a slap, draw strong longan stars, let the teeth fall to the ground, let the ear roar like thunder general, strong long did not respond. I don't feel pain, I just feel incredible.

Because Qiang Long never expected that someone would dare to beat himself! A word does not agree to start, there is no more than a nonsense!



It's not only Qianlong's stupidity, but also Chen Jinshan and Yuan Lang, who look at Zhao Chengfeng and Qianlong. They always feel that it's like a dream. What's the origin of this young man? Even the strong dragon dares to fight. It's not fatal, is it?

"You hit me? You dare to hit me, I... "After a long time, Qiang Long finally determined that this is not a dream, all this is true, he was really beaten.


Zhao Chengfeng still didn't speak. He raised his hand and slapped in the past. His voice became more clear and loud. And the teeth in his mouth also flew out again, which was also mixed with a trace of blood.

This time, Qiang long felt the pain and finally knew why his nephew yuan Lang's face was so red and swollen, because Zhao Chengfeng's strength was too strong.

"I don't want to hear any nonsense. Now you just need to tell me whether you agree to withdraw shares or sign?" Zhao Chengfeng did not continue to start, lit up a show in the world, sucking up happily.

Rich smoke covered Zhao Chengfeng's original appearance.

"OK, OK, I agree to withdraw shares. I'll sign it!" After a little hesitation, Qiang Long bowed his head and chose to admit defeat.

Although strong dragon has been famous for many years, it is arrogant enough, but it is not that kind of crazy person. Zhao Chengfeng alone makes strong dragon have to bow down and admit defeat.

If a hero doesn't suffer immediate losses, this account will always be remembered in his heart. In time, he will surely repay it a hundred times!

"You're smart." Smell speech, an Bai delicate face appeared a smile of satisfaction.

While smoking, Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and muttered: "it's really cheap. If you don't listen to me, you have to be beaten to be honest. It's really cheap!"

"..." Qiang Long's heart is restless again. He is holding his fist tightly, hoping to blow Zhao Chengfeng's head with one blow. Today, Qiang Long finally knows what it means to be cheap and behave well.

"What a tough man! He even dares to fight a strong dragon. What's anbai's boyfriend for?" One side of the LAN elder sister heart panic unceasingly, looking at Zhao Chengfeng's eyes full of worship.

Before, a group of three people went out of the gate of elong entertainment company. Just after they went out, they met more than ten gangsters. Without saying a word, these gangsters came up with steel sticks. At that moment, sister LAN regretted coming to Hong Kong Island, and even regretted being anbai's agent.

The next second, however, sister LAN calmed down and saw Zhao Chengfeng directly crush him like a bulldozer. Wherever he passed, the gangsters screamed and begged for mercy. After rolling, sister LAN found that each of these gangsters had broken an arm and a leg!

Now, Zhao Chengfeng slaps Qiang long in the face of everyone at his home. With these two points, sister LAN can't refuse.

"I've signed the agreement. I'll inform the finance department immediately and transfer your money to your card." Qiang Long probably scanned the agreement, and after it had no problem, he signed his name.

Anbai happily put away the agreement, and said: "I don't have much time, I only give you an hour."

"Although this is not in line with Liucheng, I can guarantee that your money will be back in your pocket within an hour." Strong dragon clenches his teeth, don't be depressed.

The 40% shares of elong entertainment company are not for fun, with a market value of more than 100 million! Seeing the white money flowing out, Qiang Long's heart is as miserable as a needle.

"Well, good." Wen Yan'an nodded, but he didn't mean to leave.

Qiang Long doesn't know why. Seeing Zhao Chengfeng close to him, Qiang Long subconsciously shrinks his neck and protects his face subconsciously. Although strong dragon doesn't have to rely on face to eat, but strong dragon is also a person who wants face. How can it be slapped repeatedly?

"You, what are you doing?" Qiang Long asked subconsciously.

"You really don't have a good memory."

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "although the stock issue has been settled, have you forgotten how you slandered and humiliated anbai?"

"You, this..." strong dragon old face a white, understand Zhao Chengfeng's meaning, this is to settle accounts after autumn.

"It's said on the Internet that anbai lip syncs. Come on, tell me how anbai lip syncs? You sing me a song first, and I'll listen to it. " Zhao Chengfeng interrupted Qiang Long and threatened, "if you don't sing well today, don't blame me for being ruthless."

With that, Zhao Chengfeng rubbed his hands and stared at the dragon with a smile on his back.

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