"What? If you are allowed to be tricked, will you not allow me to be tricked? " The chieftain was not angry at all, but laughed.

Zhao Chengfeng laughed and joked: "the big chieftain is also a great old man. Of course, your enemy is certainly not simple!"

"No, she's not my enemy." However, the chieftain shook his head and said seriously: "she is not my enemy. She doesn't hate me. On the contrary, she loves me very much."

"Ha ha." Zhao Chengfeng noncommittal smile, heart said this is not bullshit?

Love a person, you give him a trick, right? This is him? What logic, pure nonsense! Anyway, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't believe it! At least, Zhao Chengfeng does not want to be "loved" like this.

"Don't believe it. I'm telling the truth." Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng didn't believe it, the chieftain said solemnly, "you probably don't know much about Gu Chong, so you don't believe it."

"I'd like to hear about it." Zhao Chengfeng changed his comfortable sitting posture, took out a cigarette and was ready to light one, but when he thought about the body of the chieftain, he could only put it back in his pocket.

"Smoke if you want. It's OK." The big chieftain smiles and doesn't care.

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "it's OK. Smoking is bad for your health. To restrain yourself is responsible for you and for myself."

The chief chieftain laughed, but he didn't insist on it. He continued: "there are many kinds of poisonous insects. The curse type of poisonous insects is just like the heart eating poisonous insects in your body, and also like the love flower poisonous insects in my body."

"Is that the love flower among you?" Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng was shocked again.

I didn't expect that the old monk had a lot of good fortune. There were still people who had fallen in love with him. However, when I think about it carefully, I don't think it's anything. Who hasn't been young yet?

As long as it's human, it's inevitable.

"That's right. It's the love flower in me!"

The big chieftain doesn't want to hide. It's already this day. Is it interesting to hide? A man should live a smooth life.

"At that time, I didn't enter the temple to practice, and I also like to travel. When I passed through miaojiang, I met a girl who fell in love at first sight. Then we were together, but her family didn't agree. In the end, she was even locked up for 20 years! "

Looking back on that scene, the chieftain continued: "I thought we had a future. Unfortunately, at that time, she had already become the head of their family. Even if I had feelings and she wanted to, we had to separate because of the prosperity of the family."

"At that moment, I was so frustrated that I even had the heart to die. At last, when I was depressed, I turned into a monk and devoted myself to serving the Buddha. But at this time, the poisonous insects in my body broke out. At that time, I knew that I had fallen in love when I was happy with her for the first time. When I abandoned all my thoughts, the poisonous insects broke out. I can't help it

"Later, the big chieftain at that time knew about me. I thought I would be expelled from the mountain gate, but he didn't do that. Instead, he left me to practice martial arts and restrain the attack of poisonous insects. At the same time, he didn't expect me to forget her. In this way, I stayed here for decades and took over the position of big chieftain."

Zhao Chengfeng was fascinated by this. He did not expect that the chieftain had such a rich and colorful life. However, his life was too miserable.

"I didn't deliberately suppress my love for her. In my opinion, Buddha didn't have seven emotions and six desires. So why suppress himself?" After a pause, the chief chieftain continued: "but recently, I found that I can't suppress it. Moreover, the poisonous insects have obvious signs of antiphagy."

"Why Zhao Chengfeng is puzzled.

"Because she went."

There was a touch of sadness on the big chieftain's face, and he continued: "there are two love flowers in all. They live together, and they will never live alone. If she goes, it means that the poisonous insects in her body are dead. Naturally, the love flower poisonous insects in my body are going to be eaten back

"That is to say, although they are not in the same year, the same month and the same day, they must die in the same year, the same month and the same day. The reason why you are still alive is because of your profound skills?" Zhao Chengfeng has some understanding.

"Yes, it is!"

The chief chieftain nodded with a smile and sighed: "just die. In the end, everyone will turn into smoke. Isn't it just a handful of ashes?"

"There is life and death, and man is sure to win."

Zhao Chengfeng was silent. He suddenly felt that the chieftain was a little solemn and stirring, but it was also very moving. So silently miss a person for decades, this feeling is not heavy, ordinary people absolutely can't do it!

"Young man, you have more powerful internal power. I hope you can live longer." The chief chieftain said, "although the poisonous insects you have are different from me, I will try my best to mark a map for you. If you can, it depends on your own nature."

"Thank you, Tusi!" Zhao Chengfeng was very moved.

"Here comes the map."

At this time, Tang Wei came in in a hurry, holding a stack of maps in her hand, while the elder martial brother followed.

"Weiwei, the chieftain is tired. Let's have a good rest today and come back tomorrow." Zhao Chengfeng stops Tang Wei. After all, the chieftain has just vomited a mouthful of blood. Although they have a good chat, Zhao Chengfeng is obviously aware of the weakness of the chieftain.

Zhao Chengfeng is not a selfish person. His life is very valuable, and the life of the chief chieftain is not cheap. Even if the big chieftain has reached the point where the oil is exhausted.

"But, my map all..." Tang Wei still wants to insist.

"Well, tomorrow." Zhao Chengfeng can't help but put Tang Wei out, leaving the elder martial brother to take care of the chieftain.

"Chengfeng, what are you doing? I can't find the map." Out of the yard, Tang Wei complained.

Zhao Cheng lowered his voice and said, "Weiwei, the big chieftain is very ill. When you were just gone, he had vomited two mouthfuls of blood. Now he is weak."

"Vomit blood?" Tang Wei was surprised.


Zhao Chengfeng asked: "don't you think the big chieftain's face is a little pale again? Well, let's find a place to rest first, and then we'll find the big toast tomorrow. "

"Well, well." Even if there are all kinds of unwilling, Tang Wei can only follow Zhao Chengfeng's meaning.

This time, the temple gave Zhao Chengfeng a lot of face and arranged two wing rooms for them. Although there was no luxury from the hotel, it was better to be clean and comfortable, with the smell of sandalwood, sweeping away the haze of people's soul.

However, Zhao Chengfeng's heart can't calm down. Thinking of the love of the chieftain, Zhao Chengfeng is moved

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