"Beauty, you don't seem to have a good memory?"

The man gave a smile and said, "didn't we just say that? It's against the law to rob a bank. We are legal citizens and do some small business. Although we read less, you can't insult us. Isn't that the bandit who robbed the bank? We are good people

"Me Young women's heart that a "Grass Mud Horse" Leng is not mean to scold out, not afraid of hooligans, afraid of hooligans have culture ah.

"Beauty, it's getting dark. Give us money quickly. Don't delay our time. Time is money. I've made several puppets to dally with you." Another man impatiently urged.

As soon as the young woman heard this, her face turned green. Damn, your time is money. Isn't my time money? A bunch of bastards!

"Beauty, I counted it. There are 21 puppets on the ground. It's ten thousand and five hundred yuan. I'll wipe the change for you. It's ten thousand yuan." The man squatted on the ground and counted for a while, pretending to be very generous and said: "otherwise, others will say we bully the little girl."


Young women really have an impulse to kill, son of a bitch, it's not a thing! Isn't it just bullying people? After bullying, you have to show your nobility, right?

"Beauty, give money quickly. It's getting dark." Another urged again.

"I... I have no money." The young woman opened her mouth, and in the end she was extremely dejected.

A penny is hard for a hero, not to mention ten thousand yuan!

Xia Muxi came out to travel, and her cash was only two or three thousand yuan. After the hotel paid, she had more than one thousand yuan left in her bag, even if she had a bank card, it was only seven or eight thousand yuan. How can I get 10000 yuan?

After all, Xia Muxi is only a senior student. Although she can work and study, do some part-time jobs or something, that little money is enough for her living expenses. What can I do?

"No money?" When the man heard this, he was not happy. "Girl, you can't do without money. You dare to knock over our things without money?"

"No money, no money, I'll kill you!"

Another man heard this, immediately black face, waving his fist to hit summer wood.

"Ah, oak, don't be impulsive. It's wrong to hit people." The man quickly stopped, turned back and rushed to xiamuxi: "girl, you really don't have money?"

"No money!"

Xia Mu Xi shakes her head and feels that she is a bit weak and has a headache. Even if she is rich, Xia Muxi doesn't want to give money to these bastards. It's not a thing. Just because of these guys, she has ruined the reputation of the scenic spot!

At the beginning, Xia Muxi didn't believe what he said on the Internet. But now I believe it. But it's too late!

"Girl, you can't do without money." The man some for: "we stir up some accessories to come out to support the family is not easy, you see let you compensate, you have no money, don't let you compensate, we two go home is not easy to explain with the family, you say this how to do?"

Hear the man's words, summer wood Xi only feel disgusted, damn, support a family? Who believe it? It's obviously cheating and abducting, a group of bastards!

"What to do? Well done The man named oak wood said, "I'm still short of a wife. If you look good, you'll go home and be my wife. Follow me!"

Say, oak wood drags summer wood Xi to want to go.


Xia Muxi didn't come back for a moment. When she reacted, she had already been dragged out more than ten meters. Then she exclaimed: "help, help, rob I, rob people..."

However, at this time, there are not many people in the scenic area. Even if there are people, no one will come to help. Even when the public security officers see it, they are far away and dare not get close to it.

We are not idiots. We can see what's going on at a glance. Do outsiders dare to provoke these bastards? Moreover, the minority people are too horizontal. They carry machetes whenever and wherever they want. It doesn't matter if they hit them twice, and they can't die. But if they don't get hit twice, they will be in trouble.

Who can guarantee that he will not die after being stabbed twice?

Summer wood Xi this roar, not only no one came forward to help, everyone scattered faster instead.

"Help..." Xia Muxi begged bitterly, and there was a surge of despair in her heart.

"Help? Hum, if you knock over Laozi's things, you have to pay for them! " Oak wood cold hum a, the eye bottom deep place passes a silk greedy vision.

Ten thousand dollars is a small thing, this woman is a big thing! You know, such a beautiful woman is rare in the world in the Miao area!


At this time, just when Xia Muxi was about to collapse, two people, a man and a woman, suddenly stopped in front of her. The man is not tall and handsome, but his eyes are very sharp, like a knife, which makes people extremely uncomfortable.

That woman is so beautiful that she can't compete with the women in oak's hands!

"I'm really lucky today. I didn't expect to meet two beautiful women!" Oak wood and his companion looked at each other, and they all saw greed and excitement from each other's eyes.

Money is a good thing, but is Miao people short of money? No lack of money, they prefer women! But then again, as long as it's a man, as long as it's a real man, how many people don't like beautiful women?

"What are you doing?" Oak wood glared at the man.

"Help, help!"

Summer wood Xi a see someone appear, immediately excited tears almost fell down, "they want to rob people, please, help me, must help me."

"Smelly girl, what are you talking about?" Oak a stare, ferocious way: "it is clear that you knocked over our things, you have no money to compensate, this just take your debt to my wife, what is robbing people? Believe it or not? "

Xia Muxi is so angry that she stomps. There's no good way to deal with these hooligans. Who can make these bastards educated?

"Yes, I accidentally knocked over their puppet, but they asked me to pay 10000 yuan. I, I have no money." Xia Muxi has no temper. In this age, there are some bad fathers, who laugh at the poor but not the prostitutes.

"Ten thousand dollars? Ha ha. " The man gave a slight smile.

Oak wood cold hum a way: "how? No money to help pay? Then go away. "


The man snorted coldly. He ignored oak wood and said to the woman: "Wei Wei, give me the money."

That's right. It's Zhao Chengfeng and Tang Wei who come here. They are not stupid. How can they not understand the tricks of these years? This is also the government's lack of control over Miao and other ethnic minorities.

In a word, the Chinese government connives at these bastards too much. What other law in the past said that people of ethnic minorities did not have to pay for their lives if they killed people? Isn't that connivance?

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