"It's not ordinary rubbish!"

After Zhao Chengfeng kicks, he goes to have a look and finds that they have passed out completely. It is obvious that neither Zhao Chengfeng nor Tang Wei has left his hand in this kick, and they all have plans to teach these guys a lesson.

With that, Zhao Chengfeng searched back the money they had just taken away. Not only that, he also took away their wallets. Not to mention, these guys are really rich. They have twenty or thirty thousand cash in their pocket at any time!

"Shit, you're really rich." Zhao Chengfeng can't help but scold, conveniently put the money into his bag.

"Ah, this, this will do?" Xia Muxi is totally stupid. I didn't expect that a hero like Zhao Chengfeng could do such a thing. It seems that he is not a hero, but a bandit.

The only difference is that Zhao Chengfeng obviously has the bottom line of banditry and follows the principle that banditry has its way.

"Why not?" Tang Wei disdained to curl her lips. She said that there are many things you don't know. "It's fair and reasonable. What's more, I'm afraid the source of the money is not very good. It's robbing the rich and helping the poor. "

"Beauty, you don't have any money in your body. You can take the money with you."

At this time, Zhao Chengfeng came over and collected his just ten thousand yuan. He handed Xia Muxi the rest of the money and said, "it's not convenient to come out and play without some money."

"Ah, this, this is not good." Xia Muxi was surprised. To tell the truth, seeing so much money, Xia Muxi was also very moved. She could be moved. Xia Muxi also knew what money to take and what money not to take.

It's true that the two oak brothers are not toys. The money is absolutely not clean. Maybe they are blackmailed just like themselves. How sad should people who have lost their money be?

"Take it." Tang Wei took a deep look at the man and said, "it's really hard for a girl to go out without enough money. Besides, we can help you for the first time, but we can't help you every time. Next time you won't have such good luck."

On hearing this, Xia Muxi hesitated. Right, is there such good luck next time?

"If this happens again next time, spend money on disaster relief." Tang Wei said, Leng is tens of thousands of dollars to Xia Muxi, anyway is not their own money, Tang Wei is not distressed.

Thank you

Xia Mu Xi nodded to them heavily and said, "if I have money in the future, I will donate all the money. Even if I have no money, I will do the same thing as you."

"Why not? It's just that the road is not fair. " With a faint smile, Zhao Chengfeng said, "let's go. It's getting dark. Let's get out of the scenic spot."

Xia Mu Xi nodded and followed them out of the scenic spot quickly. She still had some trembling in her heart. She was scared by what just happened.

"Beauty, because you are alone, in order to avoid you being harassed by bad people again, I suggest you take a bus to the airport and leave miaojiang." At the entrance of the scenic spot, Tang Wei takes the initiative to stop a taxi for Xia Muxi.

Xia Mu Xi thinks that Tang Wei's words are reasonable, so she gets into the car and is ready to leave.

"Oh, wait a minute!" Just about to leave, Xia Muxi put down the window again and rushed to Zhao Chengfeng: "handsome, beautiful, I don't know what you call it? Leave a contact information. "


Tang Wei stops Zhao Chengfeng, who wants to open her mouth. With a smile, she waved her hand and said, "Why have we met before? I believe that as long as we are predestined, we will meet again. Goodbye."

"Well, thank you. My name is Xia Muxi." Summer wood Xi some regrets, wave hand to see two people leave.

In fact, Xia Muxi came out to relax this time because the old man died. Unfortunately, instead of being able to relax, she met such a disappointment. Perhaps the only thing to be happy about is meeting these two people. Unfortunately, they are not willing to leave contact information, which makes Xia Muxi very sorry.

"Hero, I hope we really have another chance to meet again." Summer wood Xi light way, in the heart is full of anticipation.

"Why don't you let me say hello? It's very impolite. " Zhao Chengfeng complained that he was really unhappy.

I just showed myself in front of the beauty, but I haven't got enough praise from the beauty to satisfy my vanity. So, Tang Wei put in a kick and sent the others away.

Brother Feng performed a heroic rescue, but in the end, he didn't understand the name of the beauty. It was a failure.

"Don't talk about useless things." Don't think I don't know what's going on in your head. It's just that you are attracted by the beauty of other girls. "

"What's the matter?" Zhao Chengfeng felt guilty, but he didn't think there was any problem.

Yes, Zhao Chengfeng does feel that Xia Muxi is beautiful at first sight, but it doesn't mean that Zhao Chengfeng wants to have something with Xia Muxi. After all, Zhao Chengfeng knows his physical condition.

Perhaps, Zhao Chengfeng can easily win a woman's heart, but if the poison in the body is not solved, won't Zhao Chengfeng harm other people's girls? What a beautiful relationship, and finally came to a widowed end, how unfortunate ah.

"Don't I want to be warm and polite when I say it well?" Zhao Chengfeng explained: "look, now other girls are not sure. They think I'm very cold. In fact, I'm very enthusiastic..."

"It's not passion, it's promiscuity." Tang Wei corrects a way and stabs Zhao Chengfeng's heart nest by the way.

Zhao Chengfeng laughs more and more awkwardly. I'm afraid that brother Feng's reputation is not white.

"Come on, come back to the hotel with me. Don't worry about these useless things." No matter what Zhao Chengfeng thinks, Tang Wei drags the man into a taxi and goes straight to the hotel.

Sure enough, Tang Wei came to her aunt, so Zhao Chengfeng didn't sleep much all night. Early in the morning, Tang Wei yelled at Zhao Chengfeng. After having breakfast in a hurry, she went straight to the military region of Miao Jiang Province.

Miao Jiang military region is also the last hope of Tang Wei and Zhao Chengfeng! If there is no trace of Gu Shi, he can only return empty handed.

"Chengfeng, you say, if, if we..." along the way, Tang Wei was very nervous, but she opened her mouth and couldn't say anything.

It's not that she can't say it, it's that Tang Wei can't bear to say it, and she doesn't want that day to come.

"Silly girl."

Zhao Chengfeng fondly touched the woman's head and said, "it's no big deal. No matter what happens in the future, at least we are together now. What's unsatisfied?"

Tang Wei nodded, heart said he really some greedy, other women have no chance with him.

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