"I want to know, but I have a request!"

Who knows, Wang Congjun didn't let Tang Wei finish, but put forward a request, "as long as you can win my ace soldiers, I'll tell you."

"This..." as soon as Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he couldn't laugh.

It's not that Zhao Chengfeng is afraid, but that Zhao Chengfeng doesn't think it's necessary. To tell the truth, no matter how powerful the soldiers are, they can't hurt Zhao Chengfeng. After all, Zhao Chengfeng has already trained the body of dragon scales. His defense is so strong that he can't break a bullet. Can people break it?

"What? You look down on our king's ace soldiers? Or do you look down on my king joining the army? " A look at Zhao Chengfeng this expression, Wang Congjun more and more unhappy, grandma's, this is not look down on people?


Zhao Chengfeng quickly explained: "I just think it's not good to fight and kill as soon as we meet. If we hurt each other's harmony, it's not good, or we'd better forget it..."


Wang Congjun smell speech, eyebrow a Yang, cold hum a way: "so say, you affirmed my ace soldier, will certainly lose to you?"

"I..." Zhao Chengfeng opened his mouth. I'd better not say anything. The more he described, the darker he became.

"Uncle Wang, can we stop making trouble?"

Tang Wei was also very worried. She said, "we really have something urgent this time. Will you let us finish the business and then fight with your subordinates slowly?"

"No way!" Wang Congjun answered very simply and said with a straight face: "today you must fight with my soldiers, otherwise I won't tell you. If you don't want to, you can turn around and leave. I will never embarrass you!"

"Yes, I agree!"

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, he answered. Damn, anyway, you should take the initiative to fight. Don't blame brother Feng for his heavy hand.

"Happy, let's go to the playground now. I think they can't wait." Hearing the speech, Wang Congjun laughed.

Zhao Chengfeng shrugs and follows Tang Wei. Along the way, Zhao Chengfeng saw a lot of people training. He had to say that although Wang Congjun was unreasonable, he still had a good way to lead the soldiers. At least, the quality of these soldiers was much better than Ge batian's soldiers.

"Hello, commander!"

When he arrived at a team of about 50 people, Wang Congjun stopped. After waiting for people's greetings, Wang Congjun said: "today, I specially invited a big man for you, that's the one."

With that, Wang Congjun pointed to Zhao Chengfeng beside him and said seriously, "although this little brother is young and thin, he is the first soldier in the military of China. Today he's here to guide us. If you don't know anything, you can ask for advice."

With that, Wang Congjun retreated two steps and pushed Zhao Chengfeng to the front row.

"Damn it, isn't it cheating me?" Zhao Chengfeng can't help but stare at Wang Congjun. He is paralyzed. What is it? We are all soldiers, and even Zhao Chengfeng is much younger than most of them.

Is it decent for a younger generation to instruct the elder? This is a hatred for Zhao Chengfeng.


Sure enough, as soon as Wang Congjun's voice fell, a muscular man came out and hugged Zhao Chengfeng and said, "my name is Jiang Tao. I'll challenge you. How about fighting?"

"All right, just be happy." At this point, Zhao Chengfeng can only stick to his head. He can't admit it. That's not Zhao Chengfeng's style.

"Let's see the boxing then!"

Jiang Tao a listen to these words, immediately burst into a rage, voice down, people have rushed out, huge fist with the wind, hit Zhao Chengfeng face.


However, Zhao Chengfeng in the fist is about to hit his moment, at the foot of a mistake, can avoid. At the same time, half step forward, shoulder jerk forward.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Jiang Tao retreats, his face suddenly turns white, and stares at Zhao Chengfeng inconceivably. It's too arrogant to fight against yourself. I don't even mean to fight back. No, I don't even mean to fight!

"Come again!"

Jiang Tao drinks like a hungry tiger and pours on him again. This time, instead of making a fist, Jiang Tao sweeps Zhao Chengfeng with a whip. If he hits the right foot, he will not die!

"Chengfeng, be careful!" Tang Wei exclaimed. She can't help complaining about Wang Congjun. What do you mean? She's here to do something important. How can she want to fight with you?

Besides, it's just a duel. Do you need a dead hand? It's really impolite. Don't you know what the visitor is?

However, Zhao Chengfeng didn't even mean to dodge and let Jiang Tao sweep over.


The next moment, everyone is silly, Zhao Chengfeng is still standing in the same place, but Jiang Tao has fallen to the ground, holding his legs, face pain, yes, Jiang Tao did not kick down Zhao Chengfeng, instead, he fell first.

This is enough to show the strength of Zhao Chengfeng.

"How's it going? Do you want to fight again? " Zhao Chengfeng takes a deep breath. Instead of looking at Jiang Tao, he looks at Wang Congjun.

To put it bluntly, it was Wang Congjun who started the matter. Wang Congjun was not happy and would not tell the truth.

"Fight? Why not Wang Congjun's face was a little ugly, but he insisted: "if you can knock down all my 56 elite special forces today, I'll tell you the answer, even if you are powerful. How about that?"

"Must it be done?" Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng frowned.

"It's got to be done, it's got to be decided!" Wang Congjun cut off the railway.

"All right!"

Zhao Chengfeng shrugged helplessly, waved to the crowd and said, "don't waste time. Let's go together. I don't have much time."



"The idea is too hard, let's go together!"

People are obviously angered by Zhao Chengfeng's arrogance, but they also know that Zhao Chengfeng is powerful. As soon as they bite their teeth and stamp their feet, a group of people pounce on Zhao Chengfeng.

"My God, what kind of hatred is this? More than 50 people beat one?"

"Correct, 50 elite special forces beat one person!"

"It's over. That guy's going to be miserable."

The soldiers in the distance stop their drill and look over one after another. No one is optimistic about Zhao Chengfeng, except Tang Wei. A year ago, Zhao Chengfeng had one person to challenge the strength of more than 50 warehouse top soldiers, let alone now?

To put it mildly, Wang Congjun is looking for abuse!

"Bang Bang... Bang Bang..."

Sure enough, a group of elites rush very fast and come back faster!

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