"In fact, you are doing good." Wang Congjun said with a smile: "Xiao Zhao, you think, you are the unique king of soldiers in China. These people are also soldiers. What's wrong with you helping to train them?"

"Damn, so I'd better leave my name for myself?" Zhao Chengfeng was shocked. He didn't expect that Wang Congjun was a commander of the military region. He was so shameless.

Damn it!

Brother Feng has won the reputation of Wang Congjun with innumerable names. Listen to Wang Congjun's meaning, do you want to thank him?

"Xiao Zhao, you can't think that way. It's wrong!"

Wang Congjun said solemnly, "we are all soldiers and do revolutionary work. It doesn't matter whether we are good or bad. Good or bad names are the same. As long as we are for the sake of the country and the people, what can we do even if we are broken to pieces?"

"I see. You must have been a political commissar for Mr. Tang!" Zhao Chengfeng said seriously.

"What do you mean?" Wang Congjun was puzzled.

"It's too damn good to blow."

Zhao Cheng wind way: "get cheap also sell good, can also speak the truth so fresh refined, you are absolutely the world's only one."

"Cough, thank you. Thank you." Wang Congjun rubbed his hands and said, "to tell you the truth, I was really a political commissar at the beginning."


Zhao Chengfeng and Tang Wei look at each other speechless and are completely defeated by Wang Congjun. They don't know what to say.

"Anyway, no more nonsense. Xiao Zhao, thank you for helping me solve the problem of not working hard in training these bastards." Wang Congjun continued.

Zhao Chengfeng's face looks better. He thinks that when he finishes his business, he will leave this place. Wang Congjun is a huge pit!

"Commander Wang, since we have helped you a lot, should you be honest and tell us what we want to know?" Tang Wei is still stiff faced.

Originally, it was entrusted to handle affairs. It's not good. I was dumped for nothing. Can I feel comfortable? To tell you the truth, Tang Wei wants to call her grandfather. Is this his subordinate? How do you look like a rascal?

"That's nature, that's nature." Wang Congjun nodded and said with a smile: "we are all Chinese soldiers. In the final analysis, they are all family members. They must help each other. You have helped me a lot, and I will take your affairs into consideration..."

"Commander Wang, can we talk about the main point?" Zhao Chengfeng couldn't stand Wang Congjun's hard work. He interrupted, "now you just need to tell us where the witches and insects in Miao area are."


Referring to this matter, Wang Congjun said with a dry smile: "well, this... This, although we have deployed a lot of troops to look for it, we still have no news..."

"What?" Tang Wei is silly.

"Damn you

Zhao Chengfeng even scolded him directly. Your grandmother is a bear. She doesn't have any useful information on hand, so she dares to play with brother Feng like this? No, it's not playing, it's planting!

In a word, Zhao Chengfeng has been cheated for a long time, but he hasn't got the money for whoring! That's the feeling!

"Commander Wang, are you sure you're not kidding us?" Tang Wei still feels incredible and stares at Wang Congjun.

Wang Congjun also felt very embarrassed. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "although I don't want to face this fact, the situation is like this. I've sent a lot of troops, but I've got nothing. At least so far, I haven't got any useful information."


As soon as Tang Wei heard this, she suddenly became angry. She slapped her hand on the coffee table and growled, "are you teasing me? I'm very anxious. You can pretend to have news and help you train the soldiers. In the end, there's no news. I really think I'm a bully, right

In a hurry, Tang Wei even has the impulse to take out a gun. Because Zhao Chengfeng is too important to Tang Wei.

"Wei Wei, don't get excited!"

Zhao Chengfeng grabbed the woman and said in a soft voice: "as long as people are alive, hope is there, so what are you excited to do? Even if you kill him, doesn't it help? It's better for us to work hard on our own if we have the ability to get angry with him. "

"I..." Wang Congjun was embarrassed.

Zhao Chengfeng looked back at Wang Congjun and said, "commander Wang, this is the first time and the last time. Frankly speaking, if it wasn't for the sake of the old man, I would not let you go today. Goodbye

With that, Zhao Chengfeng pulls Tang Wei away.

"..." Wang Congjun looks embarrassed and sighs. At this moment, Wang Congjun finally knows why Zhao Chengfeng is the first soldier king of China, not only because of his strength, but also because of his courage.

No matter how poor Wang Congjun is, it's also the commander. How many people dare to threaten the commander like this? But Zhao Chengfeng dares. Wang Congjun can't do anything about Zhao Chengfeng.

However, Wang Congjun also knew that he had gone too far in this matter, so he had to let Zhao Chengfeng and Zhao Chengfeng leave.

"Damned bastard!"

Out of the military area command, Tang Wei's anger is still there. It's too irritating.

"Come on, don't be angry." Zhao Chengfeng patted the woman's arm, with a faint smile, "I still have that sentence, life and death have a destiny, man will prevail, God wants to take my life, no one can stop me, God wants to let me live, I will not die young, let's go back to the hotel and have a good rest."

Tang Wei felt aggrieved, but now there is no good way, can only go back to the hotel with Zhao Chengfeng, but along the way, Tang Wei's interest is not very high, because today is the last day, and after returning to the hotel, there will be no time for this day.

And Zhao Chengfeng is about to return to Beihai, and then set out to go to many countries in Boluo, to fight to the death with Po Tian! In this war, Zhao Chengfeng is very likely not to come back.

Often think of these, Tang Wei's nose is a sour, several times can not help but shed tears.

Although they are very happy in Miao these two days, apart from meeting Wang Congjun, they have been very happy, which makes Tang Wei feel a kind of sweet feeling, that is, the feeling of love.

Just, this kind of sweet feeling is too short, so short that Tang Wei is not satisfied, will leave. Who in the world doesn't want to live forever with people who love each other?

"Don't think about anything. Drive well." Zhao Chengfeng seems to be aware of the woman's mind, the heart is also a little sigh, not willing to how? Some things are to be done by people after all. Zhao Chengfeng can't escape and has no choice but to face them.

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