"Let's prepare separately. It's up to you to bring down more than 200 people quietly and come back to life." Zhao Chengfeng looks back to life and shows a meaningful smile.

As for the swift and silent start, Zhao Chengfeng won't agree with anyone, so he will be back to life!

“ok! It's all up to me. " Huisheng shows a confident smile.

"In addition, Pang Hu and Raymond once again determined the mission objectives without any mistakes. In addition, a few more solid fishing boats will be ready to set off at any time. " Zhao Chengfeng continued to arrange.

"Yes, master!"

"Yes, boss!"

Both of them answered.

"Blood monk, are all of gentry's brothers here?" Zhao Chengfeng looks at the blood monk again.

Originally, Zhao Chengfeng didn't plan to send a task to the blood monk. The blood monk finally found his love. As a brother, he didn't want to destroy the marriage. After all, the blood monk didn't have emotional intelligence. It was a blessing for him to have a good girl with him. Don't let the blood monk talk about his girlfriend because of this damned task.

But after listening to Sheng, it seems that Kamini is pregnant, so Zhao Chengfeng doesn't say anything. The raw rice has already been cooked. No, it's made into popcorn.

"Boss, they are all here. This time, youduri is still leading the way. He is a little tired. At this time, youduri is resting. I didn't call him." The blood monk replied.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded heavily and said, "OK, these people will be handed over to you and youduri. In the next two days, you will teach these people to be familiar with guns, but don't make trouble again."

"I understand!"

"Tang Wei." Zhao Chengfeng looked back at the woman beside him and said, "how many shells did the old man send? Have you made an estimate? How many shells would it take to sink an island of 100 mu? "

"Do you really want to sink the nameless island?" Tang Wei shook his head and said: "although the 100 mm caliber gun is powerful, it's too difficult to sink an island. What's more, my grandfather sent more than 800 shells. I'm afraid we have already alerted the defense forces of the two countries before we finish firing the guns. How can we withdraw at that time? "

Zhao Chengfeng thought, too. The artillery is not carrying an atomic bomb. How can it be sunk with one shot? I take it for granted.

"The order goes on. In order to gain time, it is necessary to fire more than 200 shells within ten minutes. We must never give the enemy any breathing space." Zhao Chengfeng flushed blood and said: "it's time to test everyone's hand speed. Don't drop the chain for me."

"Don't worry, you will."

Smell speech, blood monk thief ha ha laughs, low voice way: "Africa continent those brothers, can not break day those wage earners so good life, every week can go to the kiln, everyday really hold back not good, all rely on Miss Wu help, that speed leverage."

"Damn it Zhao Chengfeng can't help but scold, uncle, in front of your sister-in-law's face, can you not make such a dirty joke?

Sure enough, Tang Wei's face was red with Guan Lanxin's, and she buried her head in silence.

"There are still three days to go before Saturday. Let's go separately and let me know what's going on." After the arrangement, Zhao Chengfeng sent the crowd, leaving Hua Xiaobao alone.

It's no surprise that Hua Xiaobao didn't speak much during the whole meeting. After all, Hua Xiaobao doesn't belong to this world. He is very strange to the hot weapons. I'm afraid the only hot weapons he has seen are guns.

"Hua Xiaobao, do you know why I left you?" Zhao Chengfeng lit a cigarette, took a puff, changed a comfortable posture, and looked at Hua Xiaobao lukewarm.

"I don't know."

Hua Xiaobao shakes his head and feels a little scared. It seems that he has done nothing wrong these days.

"You are quite honest." Zhao Chengfeng nodded and went on: "then tell me, what have you gained in this half month of musli island?"

"No, nothing." Hua Xiaobao touched his forehead in a cold sweat, some apologizing, and some panicking.

It's not that Hua Xiaobao doesn't want to work for Zhao Chengfeng, but Hua Xiaobao doesn't know how to do it at all. He just wanders around the island of musli all day. What can he get?

"Honesty is an advantage, but if you want to be so honest, I think you are too incompetent." On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng frowned and said, "let me ask you, what do you think of Raymond? Can I trust him? "

"Well, it's not convenient for me to comment, is it?" Wen Yan, Hua Xiaobao hesitated.

Zhao Chengfeng's water is so deep that no one can figure out what he is thinking.

"What's the inconvenience? What's more, there's no one else now. Even if you speak ill of Raymond, he can't hear you. What's the matter? Are you afraid that I will betray you? " Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"No, it's not." Hua Xiaobao waved his hand and said: "I didn't want to say anything bad about Raymond. In fact, I think Raymond is very kind and loyal. These days, I have been doing my best to find the nest of that day, and I have paid a lot of hard work."

"So I can trust Raymond?"

Hua Xiaobao nodded and said cautiously, "at least I think Raymond is more reliable."

"Are you reliable?" Zhao Chengfeng then asked in reverse.

"This..." Hua Xiaobao hesitated again, how to answer this question.

To praise yourself, Hua Xiaobao thinks it's too ostentatious; Is it a bit silly to say something bad about yourself?

"I think I can believe it." After pondering for a moment, Hua Xiaobao gives a steady answer. He can advance, attack and retreat, but he won't give himself any trouble.

"But I'll test you again." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head slightly, waved his hand and said, "OK, you'd better go out. I want to be alone."

Hua Xiaobao can only turn around and leave.

"It's strange. I haven't seen you for half a month. Why does Hua Xiaobao's cultivation seem to have improved a lot?" As soon as Hua Xiaobao left, Zhao Chengfeng's brows tightened.

In less than half a month, Hua Xiaobao has made rapid progress. How did he do it? Why did the blood monk and Pang Hu not make progress? It's strange.

This is also the reason why Zhao Chengfeng left Hua Xiaobao. Although the aura of musli island is relatively strong, it's not as good as allowing the strong to break through so quickly. Others don't know. Doesn't Zhao Chengfeng know Hua Xiaobao's strength?

"Strange, strange." Really puzzled, Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, muttered: "take a step to see a step, Hua Xiaobao become strong, is not good for yourself?"

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