"Just understand. It's a good thing for people to have dreams, but it's wise and not rash to retreat in the face of difficulties." Long Ling looks like an old man, educating Zhao Chengfeng, just like a storyteller.

However, Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and obstinately said, "I'm a man with no advantages, but I'm very persistent. I don't have to look back when I hit the south wall. So, I really want to have a try and see how arrogant this Kogawa Liangzi is. "

"You..." Longling suddenly silly, thought Zhao Chengfeng heard it.

"I'm really going to try it!" Zhao Chengfeng said solemnly, "there must be an ideal. Besides, it is not an impossible ideal. Why try it?"


Long Ling was also convinced, but she had no choice but to say, "can I introduce you? However, as for whether you can succeed or not, it's entirely up to you. I won't help you, because I can't help you either. "

"Well, thank you very much." Zhao Chengfeng was overjoyed and said, "when I catch up with Liangzi Ogawa, I will give you a big red envelope. Please eat haisai and travel around the world."

"Oh, it's a lot of money." Long Ling smiles, but she is not optimistic about Zhao Chengfeng.

After all, liangko Ogawa's status is different now. It's just as difficult to catch up with her. Of course, as a compatriot, Long Ling still decided to help Zhao Chengfeng, just for the sake of chatting with him.

"That's because I can't bear to have a child with a wolf."

"I'm afraid your children will be eaten by wolves, and I haven't even caught one of them."

"That can't, have your help, how also can gnaw a wolf leg to come down."


Zhao Chengfeng teased Long Ling, and long Ling said with a smile, "come on, don't play with me. I can't catch up with my girlfriend. Let's go. I'm going to class soon. Let's talk while we walk. I can tell you, this Xiaochuan Liangzi is extraordinary. She..."

They talk while walking. After listening to Long Ling's words, Zhao Chengfeng just knows how talented he is. To be exact, it's not a genius, it's a freak.

In cultural courses, professional courses, or any course, Mr. Ogawa is the first in the school, especially in professional courses, which is close to full marks! Not only that, but also physical education, music and other side courses, like kawawa Liangzi. It can be said that she is proficient in all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy and painting. It seems that there is nothing she is not proficient in.

It's said that when he was learning English, he didn't want to be so troublesome. He just read the English Dictionary once and only read it once. His English passed the TEM-8!

Since then, Mr. Ogawa's unforgettable ability has spread.

"As thin as you are, this woman basically has no shortcomings?" When Zhao Chengfeng heard that Yan's brow was wrinkled, he was really worried.

In order to catch up with girls, you have to attract the attention of girls first. The so-called attraction here can't be disadvantages, it must be advantages. According to the survey, if a girl admires a boy, he is more likely to succeed!

Liangko Ogawa is so excellent that he is impeccable. How can brother Feng start? How to express yourself?

Of course, Zhao Chengfeng can use the strong, but once he uses the strong, he is afraid that it will cause a lot of trouble. If he didn't catch up with Long Ling before, it would be OK. Now it's different. Others will take long Ling as their accomplice!

"There must be some shortcomings, but I don't know much about them." Long Ling shrugged her shoulders and looked helpless.

Zhao Chengfeng opened his mouth, and finally swallowed the "Grass Mud Horse" and said, "forget it, you'd better sit in your classroom first, and then we'll think about it slowly."

This is Zhao Chengfeng's first visit to Japan's Jingdong University and his first close contact with Japanese students. It was this contact that shocked Zhao Chengfeng once again. At the same time, he felt sorry for the education of Huaxia.

The gap is too big!

As soon as he walked into the classroom, Zhao Chengfeng obviously felt that the atmosphere was different. There were quite a few students in Longling's class, as many as 70 or 80. In the classroom, both male and female students kept absolutely quiet, reading or doing homework. Some people were doing experiments with some small things, rigorous and serious.

Looking back at China, many schools have no learning atmosphere, not only in universities, but also in some middle schools. Students don't attend classes in the classroom, either sleep or do other idle chores. Of course, most of them play with mobile phones. Although the school repeatedly forbids students to play with mobile phones in class, there are policies and countermeasures. It's a big deal to confiscate them. If you confiscate it, just buy another one?

Nowadays, many Chinese children dream of the freedom of American children, and they also want the special favor of Chinese parents. But they did not have the independence of American children, but also lost the beautiful tradition of China.

Parents in their eyes, just like the ATM, no go to get it. There are many Chinese children who don't know what giving is, but take it for granted.


When Zhao Chengfeng saw this scene, he twisted his eyebrows subconsciously. It was so quiet in the classroom that he could hear a needle drop. No one played with mobile phones, no one joked, because they regarded it as a classroom, not other places of entertainment.

The classroom is clean and tidy, quiet and solemn. Zhao Chengfeng finds a place with Long Ling and sits down quietly, which makes Zhao Chengfeng feel embarrassed to ask.

Of course, without saying a word, Zhao Chengfeng also saw liangko Ogawa. As the most outstanding student in the history of Tokyo University, he naturally sat in the front row, while there were eight black faced bodyguards in all directions of liangko Ogawa!

"If Huaxia had such a genius, I'm afraid he would have found a secret base to protect him. How could he stay in school?" Zhao Chengfeng murmured in his heart that he saw the subtle differences between the two countries.

Of course, it can not be said that the children of Huaxia, or the education of Huaxia, must be poor. In some areas of Huaxia, the development is still very good, but Huaxia is too big and has a large population. It is not easy to manage more than 1.4 billion people.

If you want to eat one bite at a time, you have to go step by step.

"Well, your goddess is sitting in front of you. Why don't you go up?" As soon as she was seated, Long Ling made a little joke in a low voice.

Zhao Chengfeng turns his eyes around, so straight up, Ogawa Liangzi's bodyguard will not let him go.

"Cluck..." seeing Zhao Chengfeng's depressed face, Long Ling chuckled and immediately opened her textbook, Japanese history.

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