Is Mr. Ogawa on guard? Or do they know who they are?

"Well, I see." Zhao Chengfeng should a, then put down the phone, brow twisted into a knot in one's heart.

Japan's defense against Liangzi Ogawa is tight enough. If it arouses Japan's vigilance again, it will be more difficult to act. It's very easy to assassinate, but it's too difficult to catch him alive.

Because Zhao Chengfeng is not sure, in the release of big moves, don't hurt Liangzi Ogawa. You know, Mr. Ogawa is also a master. If Mr. Ogawa stabs himself in the back, it's a real dog.

"It seems that we can't delay any longer." Zhao Chengfeng took two puffs in a row and decided to make a quick decision. If he didn't see Liangzi Ogawa at Jingdong University tomorrow morning, Zhao Chengfeng decided to use strong.

Of course, no matter which way is adopted, Zhao Chengfeng must arrange the way out for Longling. Yoshio beokamoto jumps off a building and commits suicide. Liangko Ogawa is abducted. The Japanese are angry and take Longling to vent their anger. Zhao Chengfeng doesn't agree.

Long Ling is not only a Chinese, but also a friend of Zhao Chengfeng. To his friends, Zhao Chengfeng has always been willing to cut corners.

"Yes, I don't want to. Go to bed first!" Zhao Chengfeng pulled the quilt and fell asleep.

However, when Zhao Chengfeng turned off the light for about 20 minutes, he noticed that someone was close to his room, a total of four people, and these four people were very powerful experts, far better than Fujita's level!


The door opened, and then there was the sound of machine gun fire. In the sound of "biubiubiu" fire, cotton wadding was flying on the bed.

After one shot, 120 bullets were fired. After that, there was no bed. Fortunately, the machine gun was silenced. Otherwise, the whole building would be in riot.

"Hum, if you dare to come to our country, you will die..." one of the Japanese people said.

However, the sound just rang out, and suddenly it turned dark in front of my eyes. I only saw a black shadow flash, "whew, whew, whew". The white light of the knife was as cold and gloomy as moonlight.

The dark shadow settled down. A dagger, a cold dagger, and a bloody dagger had been put up on Junichiro Watanabe's neck, because the three companions he had brought were dead.

Their blood is still hot, their eyes are still open, and even their hearts are beating slightly. It's a pity that their necks have been completely cut off, and their heads are rolling to one side, bloody and bloody!

"Ah, you..." Junichiro Watanabe was shocked. Where did he hide just now? Why didn't he die? Why?

How can we kill him? Junichiro Watanabe really can't figure it out, but he doesn't have much time to think about it.

"Trying to assassinate me? Ha ha, you Japanese are really shameless. If you can't fight openly, you'll come to the dark. " Zhao Chengfeng sneers repeatedly, a few small Japanese melons also want to assassinate brother Feng, don't they look down on people too much?

However, this is good, just to interrogate, in the end, who can not get along with brother! Zhao Chengfeng has never been a bully. If you are a bully, you will be rewarded!

"You, what do you want?" Junichiro Watanabe's legs softened with fright.

I've never seen such a powerful pervert, machine gun so sweeping, even the steel plate can be pierced, but Zhao Chengfeng didn't do anything. Instead, he killed his companion with lightning speed, and his companion didn't even leave a whole body.

That rolling head with blood, let Watanabe Erlang bite the tongue to commit suicide courage have no. Although the Japanese believe in the spirit of Bushido, who wants to die? No one wants to die, and no one wants to try this kind of death without leaving the whole body.

"I don't want to do anything, but I'd like to know what you want next." Zhao Chengfeng sneered, "if you don't want to die, tell the people behind you. Who is going to deal with me and where is she?"

"Yes, it's liangko Ogawa." Junichiro Watanabe didn't dare to look into Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, because his eyes were dead and silent, as if death had come, which made his back cool and he didn't dare to lie.

"Liangzi Ogawa?"

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng brow a twist, in the heart some accident, originally thought that Ogawa Liangzi left, is to avoid oneself and other forces chase, but unexpectedly, is to assassinate oneself!

It seems that during the day, Liangzi Ogawa lost face and was not happy. In other words, Mr. Ogawa is taking revenge on Mr. Okamoto. No matter what the reason is, the beam is settled.

"Yes, it's liangko Ogawa." "I'm sure that's what Watanabe said.

"Where is she? How many people are there? " Zhao Chengfeng lit a cigarette and took a puff.

In this case, we have to take the initiative. If these four people did not reply to the news within a certain period of time, it would mean that the assassination failed, and Mr. Ogawa would certainly take the next step.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to be too troublesome. Since the Japanese want to make things big, why don't they help them? Anyway, the more Japanese people die, the happier Zhao Chengfeng is.

"She, she's in Qingfengge." Watanabe hesitated a little, then said: "as for her side, at least more than 100 people."

Junichiro Watanabe can't help but look at Zhao Chengfeng, and says in his heart, does this guy dare to go to the trouble of Liangzi Ogawa? Go on, go on, go on, you're looking for death!

"Qingfengge?" Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and smiles.

It's a nice name, but it's full of rubbish!

"Yes, Qingfengge." "Go straight to the right from the hotel. About five kilometers later, you will see the sign of Qingfengge. She lives there," he said

"Well, I see. Thank you for telling me so much. Now, you can die." Zhao Chengfeng's voice has just dropped. He doesn't give Junichiro Watanabe the slightest reaction time. His wrist shakes.


The dagger made a slight trembling sound, the white awn of the dagger flashed, and the head of Junichiro Watanabe, like a tofu cut, fell to the ground in an instant, like a flood of blood.

"The mission has been completed, and we are on our way back." Zhao Chengfeng takes out Junichiro Watanabe's mobile phone and sends a text message to Liangzi Ogawa. Then he picks up his things and leaves the hotel in a hurry.

After leaving the hotel, Zhao Chengfeng got a taxi at random. After walking around the city for a few times, he went straight to Qingfengge. The night had fallen completely. Without the noise of the day, there was a touch of darkness and ruthlessness.

The night is dark and the wind is high. This night is destined to belong to Zhao Chengfeng.

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