"What? Is Liangzi missing? "

The Prime Minister of Japan, Yosuke Ogawa, who was already asleep, suddenly received a phone call. He felt sleepless and angry.

"What do you eat, you punks? People are gone under your eyes. Are you stakes? A bunch of rubbish

"Find it for me, find it right now, if you can't find my daughter, go to hell, you sons of bitches, trash!" he growled

With that, Ogawa just dropped the phone and walked around the room without wearing his underpants. He was as irritable as a lion. He really wanted to kill people. Unfortunately, he couldn't find a target. How could he kill him?

"Hello, Mr. quanbianjun? Don't sleep, little girl Liangzi is missing. She should have been kidnapped by a Chinese man. Now I want the whole city to be under martial law and carry out carpet search. No matter how much you pay, you must find Liangzi! " After a pause, Mr. Ogawa called again.

After the phone call, Yosuke Ogawa also lost sleep, no matter how coquettish the woman in bed, no interest.

"These idiots, if Liangzi can't get back, you'll all die!" Ogawa Liangjie scolded a, in the heart of China's hatred and rich a few points.

Damn, the last time I killed so many Japanese, there was no complete body. Now I come to rob my daughter. What do they want to do? Is it really going to be a full-scale war?


"Whew... Whew..."

Throughout the night, Tokyo city seemed to be shrouded in fear and riot. With the sound of the alarm, the lights of thousands of families were lit up, and a series of troops came out to carry out a carpet search, just to find a person - liangko Ogawa.

"Where is this?" At this moment, he finally woke up. Looking around, he felt familiar, but he couldn't remember where it was.

"Your school laboratory."

Zhao Chengfeng did not hide, this is the only safe place Zhao Chengfeng can think of, but this place, but also only up to 10 hours to stay.

In other words, within ten hours, Zhao Chengfeng must evacuate, otherwise, he will be found. If Zhao Chengfeng is the only one, it doesn't matter. It's OK to fight a way out.

But now Zhao Chengfeng can't give up, because he has to take care of Liangzi Ogawa and find a way to take Longling away. That is to say, Zhao Chengfeng has two huge oil bottles.

"You are very cunning." Ogawa had to admire Zhao Chengfeng's intelligence.

Now that there is a mess outside, no matter how they search, even if they check the Chinese Embassy, they will not find the place from Jingdong University. The most dangerous place is undoubtedly the safest.

"You're smart, too, or you won't be able to develop a light device." Zhao Chengfeng light smile, "how? Aren't you going to say something? For example, how should we leave Jingdong university or Japan. Of course, I'll take you and long Ling with me. "

"I don't know." Mr. Ogawa shook his head.


Zhao Chengfeng sneered and asked: "you are so smart, how can you not leave? Do you really want to force me to make you a man or woman? "

Said, Zhao Chengfeng once again pulled out the dagger, in the woman's full and white chest slide.

When the dagger touched the woman's chest, Zhao Chengfeng obviously felt that the woman was shivering, and her flesh was shaking, which was very sexy. At this time, Mr. Ogawa is undoubtedly extremely attractive.

It can be said that apart from the small inside, nothing was worn. The belly pocket was too small to cover the fullness inside. What should be exposed and what should not be exposed were all exposed.

"I said

After struggling in his heart for a moment, he finally gritted his teeth and said, "there are helicopters in Jingdong University. This is not only a university, but also a military reserve. Besides guns and ammunition, food and water will be changed regularly in the warehouse to be ready for battle at any time."

"It's a wolf's ambition. I'm well prepared." Zhao Chengfeng can't help but satirize, but he is shocked.

It seems that the Japanese are really ready for war, even the school has become their war readiness storage point!

"No way, only war can plunder the resources of life and development. Although our Japanese nation is not big, we need to develop and survive!" Mr. Ogawa didn't feel flushed.

Plunder is the most essential meaning of war. As if he was robbed by Zhao Chengfeng now, he can kill himself or sleep on himself, because he has become his booty.

"Then what can you do to call out Longling?" Zhao Chengfeng is also too lazy to explain to Liangzi Ogawa. She has been brainwashed by Japanese, and has nothing serious in her mind.

"If I call her out, you won't be afraid of being exposed?" Ogawa Liangzi asked, suddenly feel Zhao Chengfeng IQ is really not how, even the most basic did not expect, too failed.


Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly clap brain door son, some chagrin way: "yes, how can I forget this stubble?"? I really thank you this time. Thank you so much, otherwise I won't be able to capture you this time. "

"I... you..."

On hearing this, Liangzi Ogawa was so depressed that he didn't want to. Damn it, he didn't have to remind him what to do? Isn't it digging for yourself?

"I'd better go to Longling. Now you have a rest here." Said, Zhao Chengfeng is a palm knife fell, Ogawa Liangzi fell down.

After quietly leaving the laboratory, Zhao Chengfeng found the warehouse in the mouth of Liangzi Ogawa. Although there was no one to guard it, there were many cameras installed everywhere. Zhao Chengfeng quickly went in to have a look, and was shocked again.

Paralyzed, the armament inside can be equipped with a strengthening regiment!

If every university of Japan can form a strengthening regiment, how many troops does Japan have? It's terrible!

"Damn, do you have to force me to blow up your school?" Zhao Chengfeng checked the plane and had an idea in his mind.

After everything is settled, Zhao Chengfeng stealthily sneaks into the girls' dormitory. This is the first time in his life that he sneaks into the girls' dormitory. The moment he enters the girls' dormitory, Zhao Chengfeng has a feeling of entering the harem.

It's all women. Besides, although the Japanese girls are so gentle on the surface that they dare not speak loudly, they are so sullen in their heart. Take the girls in Longling dormitory for example. There are six girls lying in it. Unexpectedly, there are three girls sleeping in the dormitory!

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