"I'm not afraid of being used by others. I'm afraid you're useless."

Zhao Chengfeng continued: "I don't want to take you as a victim, but I have my own mission. I have to do some things. I think that as long as you perform well there, you will live with more dignity than Japan. "

Ogawa Liangzi was silent for a long time. Although he hated Zhao Chengfeng, he had to agree with his words.

A person, if there is no use, then others still need to use you? Use is a derogatory term, but it shows that a person is very useful, otherwise people will not bother to use you.

"Can you tell me who you are working for?" Ogawa takes a deep breath and suppresses his unhappiness. Unconsciously, Ogawa's attitude towards Zhao Chengfeng is better.

"Break the sky."

"What? The sky? Are you a man of heaven Ogawa Liangzi once again shocked, really did not expect, Zhao Chengfeng is actually broken days!

Although he has never absorbed Japanese people in Po Tian, it doesn't mean that he doesn't understand Po Tian. In fact, Mr. Ogawa has studied every force in the world.

For example, mercenaries in Europe and Africa, mafia and holy religion. Among them, breaking the sky is undoubtedly the most powerful and mysterious existence.

As long as you join the broken sky, you will not be far away from glory and wealth.

"Yes, I'm the one who breaks the sky." Zhao Chengfeng glanced back at the woman and frowned slightly: "what? You know this shit? Or do you really want to join Po Tian? "

"I'd like to join the broken sky!" Who knows, Kogawa Liangzi unexpectedly did not hesitate should come down.


Zhao Chengfeng glanced back at Liangzi Ogawa, feeling curious, and said, "are you willing to join the broken sky? Why? I can tell you, it's not a very free place

"But I can live a more dignified life in broken days!" Mr. Ogawa replied.

This time, it's Zhao Chengfeng's turn to be silent.

After walking with the woman for a while, Zhao Chengfeng got a good off-road vehicle and drove the woman straight to Beihai city.

"Can't you find me a dress?" After the evacuation, Mr. Ogawa complained.

Although there were not many people along the way, anyone who saw him would turn around three times in one step, because he was dressed so cool.

"The only thing I can take off now is Xiaonei. Are you sure?" Zhao Chengfeng asked, in the heart snicker unceasingly, small sample son, you also have shy time.

Frankly speaking, Zhao Chengfeng wants to strip all the women, so he sits on the copilot for brother Feng to enjoy. Looking at such a sexy body, even if he doesn't do that kind of exercise, Zhao Chengfeng can stay up for two days and two nights. It's so eye-catching.

"When I didn't say it!"

Kogawa Liangzi's silver teeth cackle, but he has nothing to do with Zhao Chengfeng.

"Hold on." Zhao Chengfeng said, speed up to the extreme.

In the end, it was a woman who tossed about for a long time and finally fell asleep on the copilot.

"Mother, I really want to find a place to deal with this woman. Brother Feng can't work in vain. How can he earn some interest?" I glanced at the woman's body. At last, I couldn't help it. I reached out and felt it

"Didi... Didi..."

But just touching the woman's snow-white long legs, Zhao Chengfeng's mobile phone suddenly rang, which scared Zhao Chengfeng.

"What's the matter? Are you bored? " Zhao Chengfeng glanced at the caller ID, then yelled: "I'm busy now, don't bother me."

"Oh, spade ten, you have a good temper." The voice of tattoo emissary came from the other end of the phone, "well, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. Your task is finished, right?"

"Well, it's done." Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke, but he didn't hide it, let alone be surprised.

After removing the tin foil from the body, their actions can be said to be underground in the eye of the sky. They know exactly who they are talking to.

What's more, such a big thing happened in Japan, and I can't hide it. With a little snack, you can get real information.

"I'll tell you, three days is enough for you to be so capable." The woman laughed again and said, "where are you now? I'll pick you up at the airport ahead of time. "

"Whatever." Zhao Chengfeng impatient way: "you still say, call me the purpose of it, my time is very precious, no time to listen to your nonsense."

"Oh, I miss you? So... "


Don't give women another chance to speak, Zhao Chengfeng directly shut down. Numb words sound good, but those numb things, let Zhao Chengfeng feel sick.

"I forgot the important point. I'm finished here, but what if Pang Hu doesn't hear from me?" The more Zhao Chengfeng thought about it, the more he couldn't do it. He quickly called it back.

Unfortunately, no one answered Pang Hu's phone, and no one answered Tang Wei's!

"Is something wrong?" At the thought of this, Zhao Chengfeng's hair stood up“ No, I have to contact Huisheng! " Murmured a few words to himself, Zhao Chengfeng quickly dial the past.

"Hello, boss, what can I do for you?" The phone was soon connected, and there was a slightly relaxed voice of rebirth.

"Cut the crap!"

Zhao Chengfeng didn't want to play any riddles. He asked, "what's going on over there, Pang Hu? Why is it that no one answers my phone calls and your sister-in-law doesn't answer them? What's the matter? "

"If you can't get in touch, they have already started. It's estimated that the battle will be over in five or six hours. I'll report the battle situation to you then." Huisheng chuckled.


Zhao Chengfeng vomited a long breath of turbid air, and his heart immediately relaxed a lot.

"Then get ready. I estimated that I should be able to get to BOLUO the day after tomorrow." After Zhao Chengfeng finished, he hung up and drove the car in peace.

Now Zhao Chengfeng has become the target of the whole Japanese nation. He is not afraid of assassination, but he is afraid of trouble. If you meet Japanese on the way, it's a headache and a trouble.

It's best to kill nature with one knife, but what's good in the world? So it's the best way to hide and give him to Po Tian.

"Po Tian, Po Tian, are you ready for brother Feng's challenge?" Zhao Chengfeng murmured a word, the foot suddenly a force, the whole car floated out.

"Zhao Feitian, you bullied and played with me several times. Next it's your turn to be played with. You must be fully prepared." With that, Zhao Chengfeng shows a mysterious smile

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