"What? Are you going to hit yourself in the face? Or do you want to break the face of heaven? " Seeing the hesitation and embarrassment of the tattoo emissary, Ogawa Liangzi made up for it again, and he had an indescribable pleasure in his heart.

To be sure, Mr. Ogawa doesn't like Japan now, but he doesn't like the tattoo emissary in front of him. Mr. Ogawa doesn't like women who don't cherish their bodies. To put it bluntly, I think she is dirty.

"You mean to laugh at me?" Tattoo emissary's pupil suddenly shrinks, a trace of cold killing will release from his eyes.

"No, I really want to kill him!"

"He touched my body. He's a jerk!" he said

"Well, I don't think it's necessary to kill my father." Smell speech, tattoo emissary show disapproval of expression, hand on the shoulder of Ogawa Liangzi, way: "no man's woman, is not perfect.". Besides, don't you think it's a gift to do that kind of thing with such a strong and excellent man? If you're lucky enough to be pregnant with his baby, you'll make a lot of money. "

"..." Liangzi Ogawa has a black thread. He doesn't know how to respond. He just feels that the tattoo messenger is like a madman, an unreasonable madman. In her serious situation, there seems to be nothing but men.

"Come on, get in the car." Tattoo emissary is no longer nonsense, pulling Ogawa Liangzi on the car.

On the other hand, Zhao Chengfeng once again boarded the plane back to Huaxia. After returning to Huaxia, he dealt with the tracking tattoos on his body, and then rushed to BOLUO.

When Zhao Chengfeng arrived at mosri Island, it was the night of the next day.



"It's a trend!"

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng arrived, everyone gathered around him.

"Have you got them back? What's the situation now? " Zhao Chengfeng drank a mouthful of water, quickly lit a cigarette, smoked it, and ran about continuously, even though he was an iron man.

"I've got it back. Sakid Singh is indeed the commander of the military region in the northern region of the BOLUO countries. He's a high-ranking member. At the same time, he's also a member of potian, and his rank is not low. He's already a spade Q." Shangguan Yan'er said in a deep voice: "because of the heavy losses at the potion party, I think it's Potion's intention to promote sakid Singh."


Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help scolding, "I worked hard for them. Why didn't I get promoted and raised? So did sakid Singh do it? "

"If there is a reincarnation, dare he not?" Pang Hu smiles and looks to the rebirth.

Pang Hu didn't have much time to contact with Huisheng, but this time he just realized the real power of Huisheng. In just two days, sakid Singh could be said to have gone through a lifetime of dying, wandering on the edge of death countless times, but when he was about to die, he was dragged back by Huisheng and continued to torture.

Today's sakid Singh has only one idea, that is, to die happily. Even if he is dismembered, he is willing to leave behind everything.

"Well, how did he cooperate with Po Tian? Let's hear it. " In this regard, Zhao Chengfeng is not particularly surprised. He has the ability to bring the dying back to life. But he can not only make life, but also make people die. He can make life worse than death.

It's not that reincarnation is cruel, but that the world is too cruel. If you want to live, you can only be cruel to the enemy!

"It's clear." Tang Wei took over the conversation and said: "the military region in the northern region is, frankly speaking, the transit station of poten. Poten not only produces sophisticated weapons and equipment, but also has ordinary military equipment. These ordinary equipment are sold to all countries in the world. In short, poten is also an arms dealer. It's just that Po Tian is more intelligent and cautious. "

"So it is." Zhao Chengfeng nodded and had to admire Zhao Feilong's brain.

You know, the bonus of the tasks assigned to members by Po Tian has always been very high. If we do not develop such profiteering industries as ammunition, it is difficult to support them for a long time with the help of Po Tian's rich members alone.

What's more, these rich people are not fools. It doesn't matter if they give money once. The right is membership fee, but they don't ask for money again and again, and even fools don't do it. Didn't babulu, the original diamond king, expect this before he refused to join the broken sky?

"The disappearance of Sajid Singh has not aroused the suspicion of potian. Are they still transporting arms these days?" Zhao Chengfeng continued.

If it causes the detection of potian, we have to make a detailed plan of action. This time, only success, not failure, the most time also have to die with the king!

As soon as the king died, the sky broke away.

"Not for the time being, but I think they will find out sooner or later. We need to act as soon as possible." Shangguan Yan'er said, then rushed back to life and said, "take out your battle plan."

"It's not easy to fight, but it's good." Huisheng puffed his cigarette and said calmly, "our biggest problem is to retreat. If we get the attention of borodor and other countries, we are afraid that we will encounter big trouble. Therefore, I suggest that we approach the island by two ways. One is by water. We have three large fishing boats ready; In addition, we also got three helicopters from sakid Singh, which can drop bombs directly. After a heavy bombardment, we can evacuate quickly. "

Zhao Chengfeng didn't make a sound, but his brows tightened. It was a good explosion. Anyway, Tang sent a lot of shells, but these shells were not enough to destroy the whole island. As long as they could not sink the island, they would not be able to destroy the sky!

Because, on their isolated island, there is a huge secret place, which is more stable than the 731 army! Ordinary shells can't break it at all.

As long as they enter the secret place at the first time, their lives will be safe. What's the use of such a great effort when the king of heaven is immortal?

"Are the evacuation plans ready?" Zhao Chengfeng asked again, but did not express his worry.

Zhao Chengfeng knew in his heart that fighting to death was inevitable.


Huisheng then took out a map, pointed to the red line on it and said, "these are all in accordance with the lines provided by sakid Singh. We also sent someone to check them. It's easy to leave."

"So good!"

Zhao Chengfeng nodded heavily, and immediately said: "then start to attack after nine o'clock tomorrow evening, and withdraw after one o'clock in the morning. Don't stop for a moment."

With that, Zhao Chengfeng's heart faintly excited. Is this day finally coming?

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