"If you are not mean, why attack me? Why don't you challenge me openly? " As soon as the king suddenly turned around, he challenged him and argued with Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Feitian really hates it!

You know, in order to break the sky, Zhao Feitian spent countless efforts, how many years of hard work, was destroyed by Zhao Chengfeng in front of him, how can he not hate in his heart? Even Zhao Chengfeng will be cut into thousands of thoughts have.

However, Zhao Chengfeng's growth speed is too fast to be imagined. Even in the inner door, Zhao Feitian had never seen such a prodigy!

"You hide yourself in the shell of a turtle and hide the whole sky in the shell of a turtle. How can I fight against you?" Zhao Chengfeng sneered.


When Zhao Feitian heard this, he was so angry that his nose was crooked. This son of a bitch actually called himself a tortoise son of a bitch. It's disgusting.

"How many people have you killed over the years for your own selfish desire? Don't you deserve to die? Shouldn't heaven be destroyed? " While fighting, Zhao Chengfeng yells, and his anger is gradually ignited. In the end, Zhao Chengfeng's sword is faster.

The scarlet sword, like the red sun, became brighter and brighter, and the killing intention became stronger and stronger.

"So you must die today! Not for myself, but for the whole world! " Voice down, Zhao Chengfeng bully body and up, take the right time, stab to the king's waist!

"You want me to die? Hum, then you go to die first

King action is not slow, Zhao Chengfeng disappear moment, back is a punch hit in the past.


The two collided again and both retreated.

"So strong!" Zhao Chengfeng secretly said a word, very shocked.

The king is worthy of being the king. This breath is not inferior to his own Laozi, even a little stronger.

"Zhao Chengfeng, I admit you are very powerful, but you still need some time to kill me. Even if your Laozi comes, I'm afraid you don't dare to kill me." The king noticed Zhao Chengfeng's strange look and lobbied again, "as long as you retreat now and promise never to be my enemy, I can let you go."

"You'd better fart!"

Zhao Chengfeng's sword trembles and pours on it again. This time, Zhao Chengfeng's speed is faster.

Zhao Chengfeng won't believe the king. If he doesn't fight against heaven, will he wait for him to dominate the world? In the future, the day when he dominates the world will be the day when he dies. Instead of doing so, it's better to fight for his old life and destroy him forever!

"If you are stubborn, don't blame me for being rude to you." The king gave a cold hum and moved with it.

But this time, the king changed his strategy. He didn't fight with Zhao Chengfeng at all. Occasionally, he took a move and left immediately. When a wise man saw it, he knew that the king was procrastinating.

Because Shangguan Yan'er over there is already exhausted. Even if Chen Yidao is injured by Zhao Chengfeng, Shangguan Yan'er is definitely not Chen Yidao's opponent. You know, Chen Yidao has been famous for 60 or 70 years.

At that time, Chen Yidao was born and killed many people in the ancient martial arts world. Under a long sword, I don't know how many talented descendants he killed. If Zhao Feilong hadn't suppressed him, I'm afraid Chen Yidao would have become the first person in the ancient martial arts world.

"Go to hell with you!"

Chen Yidao gives a ferocious smile. Seeing that the point of the sword is about to pierce Shangguan Yan'er's heart, a cruel and insidious smile rises from the corner of his mouth. Hum, Zhao Chengfeng, Zhao Chengfeng, I can't kill you. I'm not your opponent. Can't I kill your woman?


The sword pierced the skin, but it was not Shangguan Yan'er who fell, but Tang Wei who came quickly. The Sword Pierced Tang Wei's body, and the blood came out.

"Weiwei, you..." Shangguan Yan'er's tears fell down.

"Take care of him." Tang Wei smiles and closes her eyes.

"Wei Wei!" Zhao Chengfeng naturally noticed this scene, but he couldn't get away.

Zhao Feitian, like a sticky piece of brown candy, pesters Zhao Chengfeng, who is powerless.

"Your opponent is me. You and my uncle and nephew should have a good fight." Zhao Feitian smiles with compassion. Seeing the despair on Zhao Chengfeng's face, he laughs more and more.

Looking at the pain of the enemy, I am very happy.

"If I don't kill you today, I will swear not to be a man!" When Zhao Chengfeng suddenly drinks, his body changes.

The bronze skin suddenly released a light golden light, just like the Buddha light, which made people respect.

"What is this?" Zhao Feitian couldn't laugh because he had already noticed the explosive power in his body and even smelled the smell of death.

"Something that will kill you!"

After Zhao Chengfeng smashed his fist, he stepped into the air and raised his sword high.

"Qingfeng cut noodles!"

In the sky, Zhao Chengfeng's sword suddenly burst out more red, red purple, stabbing people's eyes hurt.

"Go to hell!"

As the voice fell, the sword fell, as if to cut the king in half.

"Invincible fist!"

The king didn't dare to neglect, and his energy was surging out of his body.

"Boom boom!"

Like a meteorite falling down, it made a huge sound. The island suddenly trembled, as if it had sunk several meters. They hit with all their strength, so terrible!

"Too strong!"

"Is this really human power?" In the distance, Liangzi Ogawa was completely confused. At this moment, Liangzi Ogawa seemed to understand why China was invincible.

Because the ancient Chinese warrior has the ability to destroy the sky and the earth. Just that blow, the power of the shell is just like that.

"Keke... Keke..." the king retreated several times, and only then did he stop.


It can not suppress the blood in the body rolling, a mouth blood gushing out, the king's face instantly pale a lot.

"King, are you ok?" Tattoo messengers quickly hold the king, his face worried.

There are worries, more shock, shock Zhao Chengfeng powerful!

It's incredible. A year ago, there were many people who could easily defeat him or even kill him. But unexpectedly, in less than a year, Zhao Chengfeng was so powerful that even the king was injured by him.

Terror! Pervert!

"Protect the Dharma for me, I need to recuperate!" The king didn't say anything. He set his legs and adjusted his breath.

Tattoo messenger heart said king you think too much, Zhao Chengfeng can't deal with you now, his attention is on Tang Wei.

"Chen Yidao, if I don't kill you today, I swear not to be a human being!"

Zhao Chengfeng looks up at the sky and screams, two tears fall from the corner of his eyes

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