I've lost face today. I have to find some places to come back!

"Right? You talk to me about propriety? Hum Zhao Chengfeng glanced back at Wang Dasheng beside him and sneered, "there is an old saying in China, which is:" the upper beam is not right, the lower beam is crooked. "Shall I explain it to you?"

"Bastard, who are you calling?" When Wang Dasheng heard this, he was so angry that he smoked. Damn, this son of a bitch is too brave to humiliate himself like this. Is he going to die?

You know, Wang Dasheng is also a figure walking sideways in the capital. He was scolded like this. When he changed his place, he would have called the people of the Security Bureau for a long time. What? How dare you scold yourself? How many lives do you want?

"I'm cursing bastards. You can keep your opinion." Zhao Chengfeng is not angry, still looked at Wang Bufan, said: "come on, tell me, why do you give uncle long to restore his position?"

"I don't care about my business, hum!" Wang Bufan glared at Zhao Chengfeng and waved his sleeve angrily, "Dad, let's go!"

"No one wants to leave until things are clear!"

However, Zhao Chengfeng's step slipped and stopped them.

"Son of a bitch, do you really want to die? Do you know who I am? " Wang Dasheng squints and stares at Zhao Chengfeng, as if to remember Zhao Chengfeng's face.

Yes, we must remember that no one has ever made such a big fool of himself in the capital. Wang Dasheng really needs to remember this account!

"Young man, let them go, this matter..." long Changxing doesn't want to make things too rigid, just teach the father and son a lesson. As for whether the position can be restored, frankly speaking, long Changxing really doesn't care.

Those who are clear are clear, and those who are turbid are turbid. These days, long Changxing has already figured out that fame and wealth are just passing away. What do you care so much about? In my life, I only want to have a clear conscience! At present, as long as the daughter is happy, happy, it is enough!

"Dad." Long Ling grabbed long Changxing and said in a low voice, "don't interfere!"

"But..." long Changxing was a little worried, not for himself, but for his daughter and his wife.

It doesn't matter if you're a man, but your daughter is still young, and the mountains don't turn around. What should you do if you can really use the place of Lao Wang's family in the future?

I'd like to meet you in the future.

"Uncle long, I ran into long Ling on the Great Wall today. If I were a little late, Long Ling would have been forced to jump by the man in front of me. Do you think I'm going too far?" Zhao Chengfeng asked, a trace of fierce color flashed in his eyes.

Long Ling's character is still strong. Even long Ling can't stand the threat of Wang Bufan. It can be seen how excessive and shameless Wang Bufan's words are! Long Changxing is too gentle!

Although Zhao Feilong and Zhao Chengfeng don't have a good relationship, if someone threatens Zhao Chengfeng's life, will you try Zhao Feilong's anger? You're lucky if you don't destroy your family.



Sure enough, as soon as long Changxing and he Wanfen heard this, their faces turned pale. When they recovered, their anger appeared in their faces. After looking at their daughter, they turned their eyes on Wang Bufan and his son.

"Minister Wang, I don't seem to have any grudge against you. It's cruel enough to force my daughter to jump the Great Wall." Long Changxing clenched his teeth, and his fists were pinched.


Wang Dasheng, who is old enough, denied: "Lao long, although the child is very old, he will never do such extraordinary things. It must be the boy who deliberately slandered him."

"You mean I'm lying?" Zhao Chengfeng smiles more brightly when he hears the speech.

It's true that people are shameless and invincible.

"You must be lying!" Wang Dasheng said: "in my opinion, it's you who take a fancy to Long Ling, then deceive Long Ling, and just came here to make a fuss, deliberately slander our Wang family, and try to destroy the marriage between the long family and our Wang family..."

"Minister Wang, I'm not stupid enough. Don't worry, I won't marry into your Wang family. I haven't liked your son from the beginning to the end. Don't be sentimental." At the critical moment, Long Ling stood up for Zhao Chengfeng.

For Zhao Chengfeng, Long Ling has almost blind trust. On the way here, Long Ling heard Zhao Chengfeng call others. Although she didn't know who was on the other side of the phone, Long Ling heard from the other side of the phone that she would ask about it.

Combined with Zhao Chengfeng's rebellious performance in Japan, Long Ling can't believe it. Look at Japan now. It's turning upside down. It's all caused by one person - Zhao Chengfeng!

Who can do but Zhao Chengfeng to disturb a city or a country?

"You..." Wang Bufan's face became ugly again. He asked Zhao Chengfeng and the ancestors of the whole dragon family one by one.

It's a shame. Are you that bad? Need to find a time and again and again refuse it?

"Minister Wang, can you give us an explanation about this matter?" He Wanfen took a deep breath and said coldly: "although our old dragon has been suspended, it's not the master who can bully anyone. What's more, my baby daughter was almost forced to die. Shouldn't you give us an explanation? Well

He Wanfen loves his daughter very much. If it wasn't for the relationship between her husband and his colleagues for many years and between his superiors and subordinates, he would have scolded her for a long time.

"It's absolutely slander!"

Wang Dasheng bite to death, pointing to Zhao Cheng wind way: "must be he deliberately slander, otherwise, take out the evidence, take out the evidence, I immediately let extraordinary to apologize to you!"


Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, the corner of his mouth that a trace of irony smile more obvious, "as a man, dare not dare to do, ah, you are really a man? I doubt it. "

"I..." Wang Bufan opened his mouth, and finally he was stunned.

If we want to be stronger at this time, we are really looking for death.

"We can't get the evidence, right? If we can't get the evidence, we'll leave." Wang Dasheng waved his hand and asked his son to go with him. If he stayed for one more minute, he would be laughed at for one more minute.

"As I said, none of you can go without making it clear and giving an account to Longling today." Zhao Chengfeng reaches out his hand to stop the Wang family and his son. His face is as calm as water.

It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, so spend it, or stay in the cell and spend the rest of your life.

"Son of a bitch, why don't you let us go? Are you qualified not to let us go? " Wang Da was so angry that he wanted to break through, but he found that the boy was very strong.

"Then am I qualified?"

At this time, another man came into the gate of the dragon family, an old man.

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