Cheng Kang is drunk, and Zhao Chengfeng is bored again. For the first time, he thinks that it's a good thing to drink too much. Even getting drunk is so difficult.

"Didi... Didi..."

All of a sudden, Zhao Chengfeng's waist phone suddenly rings. Zhao Chengfeng feels it out and has a look. It's Shangguan Yan'er's phone call. After thinking about it, Zhao Chengfeng still picks it up. He doesn't know how the three girls are doing in Miao Jiang.

"Yan'er, haven't you had a rest so late?" Pick up the phone, Zhao Chengfeng soft voice asked.

"How can I sleep?"

Although Shangguan Yan'er's voice was a little hoarse, she seemed to be very energetic. "It's common that I move separately with them. Now I've found some traces of witches and witches. Do you want to come right away? We really don't have much time left. "

When it comes to the last sentence, Shangguan Yan'er's heart seems to be bleeding. If she didn't deliberately suppress it, I'm afraid the tears would have come down.


All of a sudden, Zhao Chengfeng became hesitant. He didn't need to go to other places, but he had to go to Beihai city. There were still many people waiting to see him.

At least, see them for the last time.

"Chengfeng, why do you hesitate? Don't hesitate, come quickly, I... "Smell speech, Shangguan Yan son some anxious, anxious almost cry.

That damned God, it's so hateful! If not broken days, two people are afraid that now the child can play soy sauce, but now is about to face life and death, who is not heartache?

"Give me another three days, and I'll go to miaojiang in three days." After a long silence, Zhao Chengfeng gave the woman a definite answer.

It's not that Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to live, or that he doesn't want to look for it. He's just afraid that it won't work out and wants to see other people for the last time. If he has enough time, he still wants to go to Hong Kong Island.

Anyway, at the beginning, Zheng Lingyan had a one night stand with herself, and an Bai was more affectionate to herself. There was Nangong Ming, who had been brothers for so many years. Is it fair to talk about the past without having a look?

"Chengfeng, you..." Shangguan Yan'er opens her mouth, wants to talk and stops. Finally, there is a "Dudu" hanging up sound on the phone.

Shangguan Yan'er is not selfish. Zhao Chengfeng pays too much for himself. At this time, he should not be asked to do anything. So he should work harder and find a way to eliminate witchcraft as soon as possible.


With a long sigh, Zhao Chengfeng calls the kid and makes a reservation for the ticket to Beihai city. Although it is already late at night, Beihai is an economically developed coastal city. Even if there are flights in the middle of the night, the half night tickets are much cheaper than those in the daytime.

Now Zhao Chengfeng can't sleep even in the middle of the night. He is always thinking about other things in his heart. He laughs bitterly at the thought that he has entered the countdown.

Once Zhao Chengfeng was not afraid of death, but he did not expect that he would have a little bit of fear and the idea of not giving up in the face of death.

"Dear passengers, the flight has arrived at Beihai airport. The plane is about to land. Please pay attention to your safety and don't walk around. Thank you." I don't know how long it took for the plane to get to the North Sea.

After getting off the plane in a hurry, the rest of the passengers were either picked up or stayed in a hotel near the airport, but Zhao Chengfeng didn't know where to go.

"Master, go to Jiangcheng Avenue." After Zhao Chengfeng stopped a taxi and reported the address, he turned around and looked at the neon city.

Beihai is undoubtedly a charming city. For more than a year, Zhao Chengfeng has had too many beautiful memories in this city. That is to say, in this city, Zhao Chengfeng met his wife, Chen Shuxian and other girls.

They bring themselves too much joy, but it's a pity

"Here it is. It's 125 yuan." About an hour and a half, the taxi driver stopped steadily in front of the villa on Jiangcheng Avenue.

The villa that was destroyed by the explosion has been rebuilt long ago. It was built one by one exactly as it used to be. Seeing things and thinking about people, Xia Bingbing's appearance suddenly appeared in Zhao Chengfeng's mind.

She was cold, aloof, funny and charming.

"Handsome boy, handsome boy, don't be in a daze. Give me money. I still have work. A total of 125 yuan." At this time, the taxi driver urged again.

"Oh, sorry, I'm distracted." Back to God, Zhao Chengfeng apologized with a smile and touched his pocket to give money. However, the touch was even more embarrassing. He said: "master, I'm sorry, I didn't bring my wallet."

"Handsome, are you teasing me?"

When the taxi driver heard this, he was immediately unhappy. "You have money to fly, but you don't have money to pay for the car. Don't you take such a fun? It's not easy for me to pull in the middle of the night. Don't make fun of me. "

"I really don't have any money with me." Zhao Chengfeng grinned bitterly and said, "why don't you turn around and drive to the front door of the villa, and I'll find a friend to pay the bill?"

Looking at the taxi still running outside in the middle of the night, although it's to make money, but also to serve the public, Zhao Chengfeng really can't bear to default. You can only go to the front villa to find Liu Shiyun or Liu Qinglong.

"Well, hold on tight and make a phone call. I'll have to solicit customers later." The taxi driver agreed as soon as he saw that it was not far ahead.

Zhao Chengfeng smiles bitterly and shakes his head. He calls Liu Shiyun quickly.

"Hello, who is it?" After the phone rang for a long time, Liu Shiyun just picked it up in a daze.

"Shiyun, it's me." Zhao Chengfeng said with an embarrassed smile: "I'm at your door. Please open the door quickly and bring me 200 yuan by the way. I have no money to pay for the car."


On hearing Zhao Chengfeng's voice, Liu Shiyun on the other end of the phone suddenly came to the spirit and was pleasantly surprised: "you, have you arrived in Beihai City?"

"I'm on Jiangcheng Avenue now, at your door. Hurry out and give money. Master is waiting." Zhao Chengfeng urges a way, in the heart also pretty embarrassed.

After returning from Po luoduo, Zhao Chengfeng has been lying on the bed with all his clothes and trousers changed. He has nothing in his pocket except a mobile phone.

It's a little funny that brother Feng has to find a woman to pay for the fare.

"Well, you wait for me. I'll be right here. Ten minutes at most. I don't live on Jiangcheng Avenue! " When Liu Shiyun heard this, he became more energetic.


What else does Zhao Chengfeng want to say, but the phone has been hung up.

"Shifu, maybe you have to wait ten more minutes. My girlfriend is not here tonight. She'll be here in a hurry. It's about 15 minutes." Zhao Chengfeng turned back and apologized to the taxi driver.

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