"Xiaotian, what position are you applying for?" The more she looked at the girl in front of her, the more she felt beautiful and liked her. She offered Tian Xin'er a cup of tea.

Frankly speaking, Chen Shuxian thinks Tian xiner should be here to apply for a teacher. As far as her affinity is concerned, children absolutely like her!

"I can do anything." Tian Xin'er said: "I can teach children to read and write, and also take care of their daily life. I'm not afraid of hardship and tiredness."


Wen Yan, Chen Shuxian is a little bit surprised. Frankly speaking, the young girls in the society today don't mean they don't have love, but most of them don't have patience.

Do anything is three minutes of enthusiasm, after three minutes, there is no motivation. This is also because Chen Shuxian doesn't particularly like the volunteers from welfare homes.

Their heart is good, but they forget one thing - children don't want to face all kinds of life passers-by every day, just like their parents, they are also passers-by in their mind.

"Xiaotian, you have to think it over. This welfare home is not so easy to stay. Unlike other schools, the working hours of the welfare home are very long and the workload is very heavy." Chen Shuxian had to remind: "moreover, although the welfare home has been built, the work of the staff in the welfare home is not high, far lower than that in other industries. You have to think clearly."

"I don't need a penny's salary. I can manage my food and my life." Tian Xin'er said seriously: "I just want to do something for the children to make my life more meaningful!"

Smell speech, Chen Shuxian in the heart more curious, such a girl is too great, even don't pay.

"Xiaotian, you are great, but I am very curious. With respect, there are few loving girls like you now. What makes you devote yourself to the welfare cause without hesitation?" Chen Shuxian asked.

Chen Shuxian is no longer the boss of the original hotel. She only needs to take care of the hotel every day and cook for her children. Now every decision of Chen Shuxian is about going to the welfare home for more than 1000 orphans.

"Because I am also an orphan."

Tian Xin'er took a deep breath and sighed: "I am not only an orphan, but also grew up in this welfare home. Now that I have grown up, I have the ability to take care of these younger brothers and sisters, and take care of these children who live as hard as me. I hope our love can make up for their lost father's love and mother's love. "

"You, you are also an orphan?" Chen Shuxian was surprised. Seeing that Tian xiner's eyes were slightly red, she apologized: "sorry, I asked a question that I shouldn't ask."

Tian Xin'er shook her head with a smile and said, "it's OK. There's nothing shameful about orphans. More than 20 years have passed. Don't I live the same? Live well. By the way, this is my education. "

With that, Tian Xin'er handed Chen Shuxian a stack of materials.

Chen Shuxian picked up the material and glanced at it, then he was awed. "Xiaotian, you've really helped me a lot. I didn't expect that you're still a psychologist. That's great."

"I am willing to give all I have for these orphans!" Tian Xin'er has a firm face.

"Thank you. On behalf of the children, I thank you."

Chen Shuxian stood up and made a deep bow to Tian xiner. This is a heartfelt thanks from the bottom of my heart!

"That's what I should do. You're welcome." Tian Xin'er laughs. Chen Shuxian's words are obvious - he has been accepted.

"Thank you very much."

Chen Shuxian said with emotion: "I can give these children the best medical treatment, the best education, and give them good food and play, but I can't go into their hearts."

"Although they are very small, they know everything, they know everything, they know that they have been abandoned, and all our care can not replace paternal love and maternal love. In particular, some children with incomplete body, their heart is more painful! I can't help them

Tian Xin'er smiles and says, "that's why I'm here. Dean Chen, you can rest assured that I will help them."

"Well, on behalf of the welfare home, I announce that you have been accepted. As for the salary, it's two thousand eight a month, including food, housing, social security, bonus and annual leave." Chen Shuxian said immediately.

"I don't need anything but food and shelter." Tian Xin'er shook her head with a smile and said stubbornly.

"That's no good. If you pay, you will get something. The money you should be given will not be less. As for whether you want it or not, I can't care." Chen Shuxian's attitude is also very firm.

You can't let these good doers go out and be laughed at by others if they don't have enough food and clothing?

"Well, what President Chen said is what, then when can I go to work?" Tian Xin'er also didn't insist, the salary arrived in his hand, can't you still donate it?

Tian Xin'er is really rich now. Zhao Chengfeng's reward of more than 20 million yuan alone is enough to make Tian Xin'er have a good life.

"Uncle, since I can't love you, I can only give all my love to the children." Tian Xin'er sighed in her heart, and a bitter smile rose from the corner of her mouth.

"Eat in the canteen, and get ready in the morning, middle and evening. As for living." Chen Shuxian knocked on the desk and frowned, "because the welfare home is still expanding. If you live in the welfare home, it's a bit crowded. Why don't you live in my home first and move in after the construction of the staff dormitory?"

"I don't want to disturb you, do I?" Tian Xin'er hesitated.

"What can I do for you?"

Chen Shuxian said: "my daughter used to live with me. Well, now she's moved to a welfare home. Instead, she's willing to live with the children in the welfare home. Even my mother doesn't want it. My house is empty. If you live with me, we'll have a conversation partner. Besides, you are a top student. I still have many questions that I don't understand. I have to ask you some advice. "

"All right." The words all say this up, the farmland Xin son doesn't agree all can't.

Through a conversation, Tian xiner actually likes Chen Shuxian, not only a caring Dean, but also a kind and beautiful Dean. Tian xiner feels very happy to stay with such a woman.

"By the way, do you have any luggage? Shall I get someone to help you move here? " Chen Shuxian asked again.


Tian Xin'er shook his head, pointed to the suitcase next to him and said, "I only have one suitcase, nothing else."

"Well, I'll take you home first and come back tomorrow morning to get familiar with the environment of the welfare home, OK?" Chen Shuxian suggested that Tian xiner should be sleepy.

"It's better to be respectful than obedient."

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