"No, I don't mean that at all!"

Zhao Chengfeng quickly explained: "I really thank you for leading the wolf out. Otherwise, what shall we eat today?"

"Yes, it not only brought out the big gray wolf, but also brought out a big sex wolf." One side of Tang Wei light said.

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng embarrassed unceasingly, how to listen to a woman seem jealous?

"Cough, eat, this wolf meat is really delicious." Zhao Chengfeng quickly digs off the topic and starts to eat.

After dinner, the four of them sat in the forest and looked at the fire. For a moment, the atmosphere was very quiet. In big cities, they could watch TV and surf the Internet at this time. No matter how hard it was, they could go out for a stroll and eat. But now, in the mountains, it was very dark!


Finally, Shangguan Yan'er broke the silence and said to Zhao Chengfeng, "Chengfeng, can you go out with me?"

"What's the matter?" Zhao Chengfeng didn't understand: "where are you going in the middle of the night? They are all from their own family. If you have anything to say, there's no need to hide it. "

Smell speech, Shangguan Yan son hate teeth itch, can't help but live in Zhao Chengfeng waist pinch a, low voice way: "bastard, I want to Xiaoxie."

"You want miss!"

On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng screamed out in fright and said in surprise: "you, you are a girl. What kind of lady do you want? What's more, where can I find you a lady in this poor place? "


Shangguan Yan'er is so angry that she wants to curse her mother, but after careful consideration, isn't Zhao Chengfeng's mother her own? If you scold his mother, don't you scold yourself. In the end, I had to be ashamed, "I want to go to the toilet!"


Zhao Chengfeng suddenly pats the brain door, finally understands the woman's meaning, the sentiment is urinates urgently“ You really are. If you want to pee, just say pee. I want miss. I haven't found Miss. Where can I find Miss for you? Besides, don't you always have the right orientation? This guy scared me... "

"Come on, don't say it!" Shangguan Yan'er is so shy that she wants to find a way to get in. Damn it, just know it. She has to say it. Isn't she trying to embarrass herself?

"Come on, I'll take you to pee!"

Zhao Chengfeng gets up and asks Tang Wei for a flashlight. Then he leads Shangguan Yan'er into the woods and finds a flat place. He says, "let's solve it here."

"You, you turn off the flashlight." Shangguan Yan'er blushed.

Although the two girls have been together for countless times, and they are especially familiar with each other's bodies, Shangguan Yan'er is not an unrestrained woman after all. She can't pee in front of a man.

"It's no problem to turn off the light, but you can think about it clearly. Once I turn off the light, I can't see anything. If there are insects, snakes and so on, it can be..." Zhao Chengfeng said solemnly, but he was happy.

What else are you afraid of? When you were training brother Feng just now, aren't you very capable?

"Ah, that, that..." Shangguan Yan'er was worried again when she heard this.

Girls are addicted to cleanliness, and they are even more afraid of insects and ants. If those dirty things run into their clothes, it's hard. And it's still such a private place.

"Well, then turn around and don't peek." Shangguan Yan'er has an idea.


Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng a face of disdain, don't turn over a body to way: "Lao Tze is not can't pee, rare see you hush hush, isn't it?" Said, Zhao Chengfeng really turned his head, untied his underpants, and rushed to the side of the tree pole.

It's like running water.

"What a shame

Shangguan Yan'er's pretty face turned red. She didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng was so bold and unrestrained. She started to work directly in front of her face. However, the man turned around, Shangguan Yan'er was not embarrassed, took off her pants and began to solve the problem.

People have three urgent, this solution, Shangguan Yan'er feel the whole person are comfortable a lot, just got up to carry underpants, Zhao Chengfeng also turned his head, the flashlight position is very deadly, impartial is facing that place.


Shangguan Yan'er screamed and scolded: "bastard, turn around, don't peek."


Zhao Chengfeng was not happy. He said, "I didn't peep. I'm just looking at my daughter-in-law. Is it necessary for me to peep? Where do I want to see? "

"You, you..." Shangguan Yan'er was so angry that she was speechless. Although the words were a little jerk, it seemed reasonable.

"What are you doing? Do you think it's unfair? It depends on me, doesn't it? " Zhao Chengfeng then said, "how about if I take off my pants and take a look at it slowly and have a good look?"


Shangguan Yan'er's face turned red instantly. She was so rude in her heart that she didn't mean to say it. Anyway, she was seen. She just took the time to lift her pants, glared at Zhao Chengfeng and went back.

"Hey, hey!"

Zhao Chengfeng leaned over and said with a bad smile in a low voice: "Yan'er, I just know that your forest is also very dense. I think I will get lost when I walk in it."

"What forest..."

Shangguan Yan'er suddenly realized that she reached out and pinched Zhao Chengfeng's waist. She scolded: "asshole, you are shameless."

"Ha ha ha!"

Zhao Chengfeng laughs and leaves quickly, but he seldom sees Shangguan Yan'er so shy.

"You guys on the toilet are really unrestrained. You wake up all the animals and birds in the forest. How powerful." Tang Wei snorted and glared at Zhao Chengfeng.

Why don't you just go to the bathroom? As for excited with PEEP next door old Wang daughter-in-law bath like it?

"Shua!" Shangguan Yan'er's face turned red and her head lowered.

Zhao Chengfeng embarrassed smile, did not dare to provoke Tang Wei, this woman to get angry, Zhao Chengfeng is difficult to deal with.

"It's getting late. Everyone should have a rest early and start early tomorrow!" Tang Wei is too lazy to argue with Zhao Chengfeng too much. After a word of advice, she gets into the tent.

It's embarrassing to live in a tent with three people and four people, especially Shangguan Lanxin, who is still a wounded man. How to sleep has become a very serious problem.

"Yan'er, why don't you sleep with Lanxin in your arms and I sleep with Weiwei in my arms? This way can save a lot of space. How about it?" Zhao Chengfeng suggested.

Shangguan Yan'er is not happy, but she finally nods and asks Zhao Chengfeng to hold her sister? Can't you let Zhao Chengfeng embrace Lan Xin?


Tang Wei scolds, but she lets Zhao Chengfeng's hand swim away. In the dark, Tang Wei shows a sweet smile

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