"But, you see..."

Tang Wei pointed to the quilt and raised his face red.

This bastard is really a big sex wolf. He's on the verge of life and death, and has physiological reactions. But Tang Wei really doesn't understand. What method did Xia Muxi use to save Zhao Chengfeng?

Is it just two people having a relationship? Can't ah, isn't general by the person under toon medicine, just need man and woman to fit? But now

"No matter what she does, as long as Chengfeng is safe." Shangguan Yan'er doesn't care about Zhao Chengfeng's one more woman. As long as he gets better, what about ten more women?

"Don't you want to know what method Muxi used? Are there any side effects, or when will Chengfeng wake up? " Tang Wei is not particularly satisfied with Shangguan Yan'er's statement.

Why Zhao Chengfeng has so many women is because Shangguan Yan'er is too indulgent. But then again, if not for Shangguan Yan'er's indulgence, will she become Zhao Chengfeng's woman?

"Do you think it's appropriate for us to ask her at this time?" Shangguan Yan'er asks in reverse.

Smell speech, Tang Wei tiny a Zheng, spin even if understand the meaning of Shangguan Yan son, oneself really a little abrupt.

A woman, in order to save a man, willing to pay their own body, this time you have to ask others, is not embarrassing?

"Chengfeng's breath is calm now, and his face is painless. He seems to be asleep because of fatigue. Now we don't have to do anything, we just need to wait." Shangguan Yan'er gives Zhao Chengfeng a pulse, and she is relieved. Anyway, the impetuousness in the body is completely controlled, and the pulse is obviously stronger and thicker.

Tang Wei opens his mouth and wants to say nothing, but he thinks that it is strange for him to be tired. If he is really tired, he can do "that kind of thing"?

"Well, let's not stand here and let him have a good rest." Shangguan Yan'er covers the quilt for Zhao Chengfeng. Her eyes fall on the bright red on the sheet and she suddenly smiles.

This guy is really convinced. A pretty girl like Xia Muxi has taken the initiative to follow him.

"Let's go."

Two women out of the bedroom, and outside the weather once again dim down, unconsciously, a day passed, two women do not sleep, do not eat or drink, but also did not feel tired.

If the heart is tired, who cares about the fatigue of the body?

"Tianxing village after robbery."

Looking at the door wall that has not been repaired, as well as the bloodstain that has not been cleaned up in some corners, as well as the white account, people feel deeply.

"After the disaster, life has to go on." Tang Wei followed and said, "let's go and have a look at Lanxin. I'm really afraid that she will kill Miao Yufei."

"It's not so easy for him to die."

However, Tang Wei's voice fell, and Shangguan Lanxin came out from the direction of the back cell, with a touch of joy on her face.

"Lan Xin, did he say something?" Shangguan Yan'er knows her sister very well, and she seldom looks happy. Now she laughs under such circumstances, which is enough to show that the situation has improved.


Shangguan Lanxin nodded his head and said: "Miao Yufei said that there is a king Gu in Tianxing village, which has been inherited for thousands of years. It's even older than the age of heart biting Gu. Using this king Gu can save Chengfeng's life!"

"Go, let's go to find Xia Muxi and ask her to give it to the king Gu. With the king Gu, we can save Chengfeng." With that, Shangguan Lanxin is going to find Xia Muxi.

"Lanxin, Muxi has saved Chengfeng. Now Chengfeng's condition has obviously improved, but she hasn't woken up yet." Shangguan Yan'er stops her sister.

Xia Muxi is mostly resting at this time. It's a bit hard to disturb her.

"She saved Chengfeng? What did she do? " Shangguan orchid heart a little surprised, curious asked.

"Method, this..." Shangguan Yan'er instantly embarrassed, face a red, don't know how to explain.

Tang Wei didn't have that worry. She didn't like Xia Muxi's method, so she said it immediately.

"So he has another woman?" Shangguanlan was a little unhappy.

Up to now, Shangguan Lanxin doesn't understand what's good about Zhao Chengfeng. Why do so many girls like him, and each one is more beautiful.

Now it's good. People are going to die. They're all in a coma. There are girls who take the initiative to go to bed with him. Who are these people? Where is the charm?

"Well." Tang Wei blushed and nodded.


Shangguan Lanxin scolded him in his heart, but he didn't say it. After all, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't tell exactly what happened. He asked: "so you don't know what method Xia Muxi used to save him? It's just that they're having a relationship, right? "

"Yes." Tang Wei nodded again.

"That won't do!"

Shangguan Lanxin said: "now the safest way is to let xiamuxi hand over the king Gu. Only the king Gu can cure Chengfeng."

"Lan Xin, are you so sure that Gu Wang can save Cheng Feng? What if Miao Yufei deceives us? " Shangguan Yan'er frowned slightly and said with some worry: "you know, Miao Yufei hates Chengfeng very much. We're coming to the king of Gu. What should we do if Chengfeng is harmed?"

"He dares!"

Shangguan Lan's face was cold, and his intention of killing came out. He snorted: "if he dares to cheat me, my mother will cut off his flesh and feed it to the dog, so that he can't survive or die!"

"Moreover, no matter what Miao Yufei says is true or false, it's always right for us to have a good chat with Xia Muxi." Shangguan Lanxin then said: "this girl is not familiar with us. Who knows if she really saves Chengfeng? Or is it just to deal with it and express the kindness of saving lives? "

Smell speech, Shangguan Yan'er and Tang Wei look at each other, also think Shangguan Lanxin words no problem, no matter what Miao Yufei said is true or false, ask is always right, after understanding clearly, the women's heart also more bottom some.

"OK, let's go and see Muxi and hear what she says." Shangguan Yan'er is a little silent and has a decision in her heart.

Perhaps, it would be embarrassing to ask Xia Muxi so abruptly, but compared with Zhao Chengfeng's body, it seems to be of no importance.


Shangguan Lanxin takes the lead in front of him. After he goes around the living room, he knocks on Xia Muxi's bedroom door.

"Who? Can I help you? " Xia Muxi's voice soon came out of the room, but the woman's voice was very weak.

"Muxi, it's me."

Shangguan Yan'er said with a smile: "Chengfeng's injury has been controlled. It should be OK. We've come to thank you specially. Look..."

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