"Ancient books?" Tang Wei frowned and asked, "what kind of ancient books are they? Is it convenient for us to have a look?"

"You don't believe me!"

Summer wood Xi heart a cold, cold scan in front of three women, in the heart is very wronged.

A girl, abandoning the most precious Gu king in Tianxing stronghold and her most precious virginity to save others, is doubted repeatedly in the end. It's really chilling!

"We don't believe you, we just care more about Chengfeng's body." Tang Wei also felt cruel and said, "I know you've paid a lot, but he hasn't woken up now. How can we not worry? For him, you can offer the most sacred treasure of Tianxing stronghold, pay your virginity, for him, I can also pay my life

Smell speech, summer wood Xi Jiao body a shock, this love is very great.

"And my life." Shangguan Yan'er's voice is not big, but very firm.

Although Shangguan Lanxin didn't speak, the fool could see what was in her mind.

"It's a wonderful man. Why do so many women like him and even die for him?" Xia Muxi's heart is very shocked, but also very confused.

To be sure, Xia Muxi also admits that she has a certain liking for Zhao Chengfeng, but this liking can't make Xia Muxi fall in love with Zhao Chengfeng, let alone go crazy like the three women in front of her.

The reason why I choose "sacrifice" is that I want to repay my kindness if I want to save his life!

"I can show you ancient books, but I'm not sure you can understand them." Said, Xia Muxi took out a yellow book, or thread bound, written with a brush.


Sure enough, Shangguan Yan'er took the book and glanced at it. She was in a daze. Three female you look at me, I look at you, all with silly, all silly eyes.

"It's Sanskrit, and it's normal that you can't understand it, because it's not ordinary Sanskrit. In modern society, this kind of writing is antique." Seeing that the three girls were all silly, Xia Muxi took the ancient books again and said, "now you won't believe what I say, or as long as brother Feng doesn't wake up one day, you won't believe me. Because you won't believe what I said. I gave you the book, and you can't understand it. You thought I was lying to you. "

When the three women heard this, they were more or less embarrassed. They were not rude in their words. It was true. This is human nature. If you believe in a person, he may not have to say anything and will believe without reservation. But if you don't believe in a person, the evidence is conclusive, and people may not believe you.

"Brother Feng's injury broke out, and I remembered that my father had said a word to me before he died - the king Gu of ancestral temple." Xia Muxi also didn't care what the third daughter thought, and then said: "at the beginning, I was wondering if my father could not rest assured of Tianxing village, and could not let go of the Gu king who had been guarding the ancestral temple for thousands of years. He wanted me to be the leader of Tianxing village, and let me be the leader of Tianxing village to serve the Gu king. Later, after brother Feng's injury got worse, I went to the ancestral temple in a hurry and found this ancient book. The ancient book says that there are no poisonous insects in the world that can't be subdued by the king Gu. Only then did I know that my father meant to let me take the king Gu to save brother Feng... "

"Well, how can we save it?" Shangguan Yan'er asked, blushing slightly.

For this matter, Shangguan Yan'er has a bad heart. Although it's nothing to say that Zhao Chengfeng has more than one woman, Shangguan Yan'er always feels that she has a relationship in this way, which is a little uncomfortable.

"You mean I'm shameless, don't you? Ha ha. " Summer wood Xi heart is a cold, want to cry but can't cry out, what is wronged, this is wronged. If Zhao Chengfeng does not wake up, he will never want to wash white.

I have no other mind, just want to save people, just want to repay, is this also wrong?

"I didn't mean that. I was just curious." Shangguan Yan'er is a little embarrassed, but she still insists, "I just think that..."

"You don't have to explain anything, you don't have to ask. I'll tell you. As for whether you believe it or not, I don't care." Xia Muxi interrupted the latter and continued: "yes, I went to bed with brother Feng, and I did it on my own initiative, because I am a place. According to the ancient books, the king of Gu would wake up only if I was led by the blood of place, and the king of Gu would enter brother Feng's body automatically after waking up, swallow the heart eating Gu, and completely eliminate the crisis."

"You are evil enough. You have to deal with the blood." Shangguan orchid heart disgruntled curl mouth, but in the heart is thinking, say oneself seem not place, early said need the blood of place, oneself can go up completely.

However, Shangguan Lanxin didn't mean to say it.

"Ah, so it is." Shangguan Yan'er smiles and looks very embarrassed.

"Muxi, I have a big doubt." Tang Wei frowned.

"He said Summer wood Xi complexion is cold, in the heart actually has the very big grievance, even is the shame.

They bully people too much. Don't they make themselves ugly? A girl's family

"At the beginning, Chengfeng and I met the old Lama in Kangba. The old Lama and your mother-in-law fell in love with each other. Why didn't your mother-in-law use the king of Gu to relieve each other's love?" Tang Wei is very curious, "as long as you remove the love bug, your mother-in-law and the old Lama may be free."

"Love bugs never live alone."

Xia Mu Xi was a little stunned. She thought that Tang Wei had something to do with her. Unexpectedly, it was for this reason that she said, "my grandmother can really use the king of Gu to remove the love in her body, so that she can be absolutely safe. But my grandmother is not willing to let her sweetheart die, so she has to bear it all the time."

"The love between them is really great. I finally understand why there will be relics after the old Lama's death. He is an eminent monk, and your grandmother is not simple either." Tang Wei was awed and moved.

He was moved by the love between the two old people at the beginning, and later they were "together again". Until now, Tang Wei just understand, what is love - life and death together!

"It's a pity that they can't be together until they die. Maybe that's their biggest regret." Xia Muxi is also filled with emotion. If she can have such a love, even if she stays in the ancestral temple all her life, so what?

I do!

"Muxi, thank you for everything you've done for Chengfeng. No matter whether he wakes up or not, I'll thank you." Tang Wei slowly stood up and bowed to Xia Muxi. This time, Tang Wei was sincere.

Tang Wei is very remorseful. She seems to have forgotten that Xia Muxi is such an infatuated grandmother. How can Xia Muxi be a fickle person? Moreover, she doesn't know the identity of Zhao Chengfeng at all. She has no reason to harm Zhao Chengfeng.

I think too much.

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