"Let it out?"

Zhao Chengfeng turned his lips and said, "do you think I'd like it in my body? Now I'm really afraid of the poisonous insects in Tianxing village. They live in the human body like parasites. "

"That's the charm of the insect." "It can do a lot of things you don't expect," said Xia Muxi

"It's really unexpected. It almost killed me." Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head. Obviously he doesn't have a special cold for Gu Chong. Then he asks, "you can tell me how this thing can leave my body. It won't take surgery, will it?"


Smell speech, Xia Mu Xi also suddenly embarrassed up, Shan Shan way: "this I don't know, I thought you have a way..."


On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly a little anxious, anxious to the corners of his mouth are twitching up, if it is not in front of a gentle and elegant beautiful sister, Zhao Chengfeng will not put the "Grass Mud Horse" in his heart.

"Sister, can we not be joking?" Zhao Chengfeng said bitterly and weakly: "you don't know how to expel the king Gu, do you dare to put it on me? You, didn't you help me drive out the jackal, and here comes another lion

Zhao Chengfeng really has a psychological shadow on these things. Although it's just a small bug, it's not simple. It's stored in the human body and so on. No matter what method you use, you can't get it out. Even high-tech medical equipment can't find its specific location. Once you counterattack, it will be painful!

When the heart biting bug broke out, Zhao Chengfeng just realized its strength. His heart seemed to be cut open with a knife. It was painful, even more painful than death.

It's like watching your body eroded, but there is no resistance, only pain and fear.

Zhao Chengfeng is not afraid of death, but this kind of death is really uncomfortable.

"Brother Feng, I'm sorry. I don't have too much scruples in my hurry. Why don't I look through the ancient books again?" Xia Muxi also felt very embarrassed. At that time, she was so anxious that she forgot everything. Frankly speaking, at that time, she had the idea of a dead horse being a living horse doctor.

"Well, you can turn to the books later. Let's talk about something serious now." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said: "we are all adults. Now that we are adults, we will not cover up. In a word, you are my woman. You are my woman all your life. Whether you want to or not, you are my woman. I'm not asking for your consent, I'm telling you. "

"I..." summer wood Xi face is a red, buried head shy incomparable, the man's words is very overbearing, can be overbearing heart.

However, Xia Muxi finally shook her head, "brother Feng, I have a relationship with you. I'm very moved that you can say that. It's just that I may not be able to go with you. What about Tianxing village? Besides, will other women around you accept me? "

Xia Muxi is very moved. This man is really excellent. He has been like prince charming many times and appears when he needs it most. However, when he is in great trouble in Tianxing village, Xia Muxi has grown up and matured.

We can't give up the whole Tianxing village for the sake of our children's private love. Just like grandma in those years, for the sake of Tianxing village, don't we still give up our love and live a lonely life in the ancestral temple?

"Does it matter to me whether they agree or not? They agree, you are my woman, they disagree, you are my woman Zhao Chengfeng doesn't think so.

Besides, brother Feng is a pure man. How can he not even deal with a few women?

"Speaking of Tianxing village, I have something to talk about with you."

After a pause, Zhao Chengfeng continued: "it's really incredible that Tianxing village can be inherited for thousands of years in Shiwandashan Mountain. However, do you want your people to stay in Tianxing village all their lives?"

Summer wood Xi smell speech a Leng.

"Muxi, you are the only one who has read and seen the world in Tianxing village. The outside world is wonderful. Don't you want the children of Tianxing village to go out to study, travel around the world and do more meaningful things like you?" Zhao Chengfeng said: "society is developing, and we also need to develop ourselves. You should cater to the world. Paradise is not bad, but it's less wonderful. "

Xia Muxi's face changed slightly, and her heart was vaguely moved.

From the bottom of my heart, Xia Muxi also doesn't want to stay in Tianxing village for a long time. After all, she has seen the wonderful world outside. It's hard to avoid boring when she comes back.

Outside, there is Internet and information. But in Tianxing village, there is not even electricity. Life is really inconvenient.

"If you are really for the good of the people, you should make everyone live a better life. In a hundred thousand mountains, the strong labor force can only make a living by slash and burn farming and hunting, but what about the old people and children? How can they solve the problem of birth, aging, illness and death? " Seeing that Xia Muxi hesitated, Zhao Chengfeng continued.

"I need to think about it."

Xia Muxi didn't agree immediately. It might be very simple to agree to Zhao Chengfeng, but Xia Muxi is responsible for the whole Tianxing village. I am willing to take you, but are you really willing to go with me? Or where are we going?

In modern society, why do people live in metropolis?

"I'll give you time. I won't leave you here alone anyway." Zhao Chengfeng looks at the woman seriously.

Women have paid a lot for themselves. Zhao Chengfeng can't accept the kindness for nothing. That is Xia Muxi's innocence and happiness all her life.

"Brother Feng, you don't have to worry about me. I can take care of myself. Go ahead and help yourself. Sister Yan'er, they have been out with you for a long time... "Xia Muxi is very moved, but Xia Muxi is not a selfish woman.

Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and is about to say something, but at this time, Shangguan Yan'er breaks into the door.

"Yan'er, what's the matter with you?" See a woman complexion some abnormal, Zhao Chengfeng asked.

Shangguan Yan'er comes over and gives a note to Zhao Chengfeng, saying: "Lanxin has gone. This note is for you and Muxi."

"Is Lan Xin gone?" Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng brow a twist, hand a shake, opened letter paper.

"Chengfeng, I'm glad that you can wake up, but I still can't cross that barrier. I wish you happiness. In addition, please tell Muxi that I wronged her. I'm sorry. Goodbye

There are not many words, just a few words. But through the lines, Zhao Chengfeng can smell a strong smell of acetic acid. Is he too cold to be an official?

"What's the matter with this letter? Where did Lan Xin go? How long have you been gone? " Zhao Chengfeng looks a little excited.

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