Zhao Chengfeng also wants to leave, after all, there are many things to do.

It's true that Po Tian has been destroyed, but the king of Po Tian is at large. In case of a comeback, he can't do anything with Zhao Chengfeng, but it's easy to deal with the people around him.

The most important thing is to enter the inner door, one is to help yuan Shanshan, the other is to find clues about Xia Bingbing. God knows how to enter Chiba world and where it is.

"When the planning map of Tianxing village is finished, a group of staff will be dispatched to teach us high technology. When it's almost done, let's leave." Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke and said.

"I'll go as soon as I say. What about Muxi?" Shangguan Yan'er's eyes flashed a different light and said: "don't you plan to take her away?"

"What can I do if she doesn't go? Can't we just take it away? " In this regard, Zhao Chengfeng also has a headache.

Zhao Chengfeng has Zhao Chengfeng's hegemony, but Xia Muxi also has Xia Muxi's reasons. At least, Xia Muxi will never leave Tianxing stronghold until he deals with the affairs of Tianxing stronghold.

But Zhao Chengfeng obviously does not have much time to wait, this is the biggest contradiction.

In addition, the most uncertain thing is whether the king of Gu in Zhao Chengfeng's body will be like the heart biting Gu. At certain times, he will bite back at Zhao Chengfeng. The heart biting Gu is so powerful. If the king of Gu wants to bite, he will have to die?

"It's up to her whether she's going or not, but you have to be clear." Shangguan Yan'er reminds her that she left with Tang Wei.

Recently Shangguan Yan'er and Tang Wei are very tired. They could have had a good sleep last night, but the pillow people are not honest, so their sleep is much worse. Now they just go back to sleep.

After sitting in the room for a while, Zhao Chengfeng, who has nothing to do with himself, can't help but run out and walk around. After a turn, the whole day's work is over again.

"Brother Feng."

After dinner, Xia Muxi took the initiative to find Zhao Chengfeng and said seriously, "the helicopter landing site has been cleared. In addition, I have prepared the room for the coming staff, and I can check in directly when I come. Besides, do you see anything else you need? "

"Wait till they arrive." Zhao Chengfeng is not particularly concerned about this.

The biggest unaccustom of modern people to Tianxing village is the lack of network. This is an era of "opportunity". In the past, mobile phones were luxury for people, but now almost everyone has a mobile phone, and even beggars in the streets have wechat scanning code to pay.

Too much attachment to the network, to the star village will certainly have some maladjustment, but it must be overcome. Unless we build Tianxing village earlier.

"Oh, in that case, brother Feng, you should have a rest early. You are tired these days." Xia Muxi got up to go.

"Wait a minute!"

Zhao Chengfeng's eyes were quick, and he grasped the woman's hand. It was soft, delicate, and extremely smooth.

"Brother Feng, do you have anything else to do?" Xia Muxi is a little uncomfortable. She earns twice, but she can't get rid of Zhao Chengfeng's hand. She can only let Zhao Chengfeng go, but her face turns red.

"It's something."

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said seriously, "it's about you and me. You sit down first. Let's have a good chat."

"Talk, talk about what." Xia Muxi seemed to think of something, lowered her head, and her face became more ruddy.

"Are you really not going with me?" Zhao Chengfeng is very direct.


Xia Mu Xi finally shook her head, "I can't go yet."

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng in front of suddenly a bright, temporarily can't walk, don't mean later don't walk with oneself.

"Well, tell me when you can come with me." Zhao Chengfeng said: "whether you admit it or not, you can't change the fact that you are my woman. I think Zhao Chengfeng's woman naturally wants to follow me. "

"You, you are too overbearing. Can't I have my own life?" Xia Muxi was very moved, and this feeling of being protected by male chauvinism was very cool. However, she pouted her little mouth and complained: "besides, you have so many women, you take me with you, won't they be jealous?"

"Overbearing? be jealous? Ha ha. "

In this regard, Zhao Chengfeng did not agree with a smile, said: "they are jealous, I do not care, I do not care. I know that as long as I am Zhao Chengfeng's woman, no one can bully me but me! "

"It's just you and me tonight. Will you follow me or not?" Zhao Chengfeng looks women in the eye.


Xia Muxi's eyes dodged and her face flushed.

"Me and..."

Finally, Xia Muxi nodded.

"That's enough!"

When Zhao Chengfeng was overjoyed by the speech, he directly knocked down the woman and put his lips on it.

"Ah... What are you doing..."

Xia Muxi is startled by this sudden scene, screams repeatedly, and wants to push away Zhao Chengfeng. Where is the opponent of the latter?

"What are you doing? What do you say I do! "

Zhao Chengfeng solemnly said: "now you are my woman, that is the couple. Of course, the couple want to sleep."

"Ah... No, I..." Xia Muxi only felt that everything was like a dream, and it was a dream with a sense of crossing joy. The change of painting style was too fast.

"What are you doing?"

Zhao Chengfeng said solemnly: "at the beginning, but you put me to sleep first. Legally speaking, you pushed me. Now I pushed you. It's fair and reasonable. What's wrong?"

"I..." Xia Muxi was confused again. How could she do that?

"Come on, I'll kiss first, first..."

Zhao Chengfeng is very cheeky. He kisses her when he opens his mouth. The woman doesn't dodge. In fact, she can't hide at all. Her red lips are as smooth as silk. They are sweet and delicious

"Dong Dong... Dong Dong..."

However, when Zhao Chengfeng was still thinking about it, the door was knocked.

"Who the hell?" Zhao Chengfeng is not happy. He is paralyzed. Brother Feng wants to go a step further and completely get rid of the woman's shyness. It's good that he is interrupted in the middle of the way. Doesn't it take his own life?

"It's me!"

Outside the door came Shangguan Yan'er's voice. Shangguan Yan'er seemed to know what they were doing in the room. She was a little upset and said, "don't be intimate. They're coming back. You can come out as soon as possible. There's a chance for you to be intimate."


On hearing this, Xia Mu Xi's face became more red. It's not that she wants to be intimate.

"I'll go. If I don't come late or early, I'll come at this time. That's true." Zhao Chengfeng complained, but he had to go out to meet him.

Frankly speaking, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't know that Huisheng will come here at this time. The brotherhood can be seen.

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