"Ecstasy? What's going on? " On hearing this, Huisheng's brow twisted.

Xia Muxi was embarrassed when she heard the words.

"Ha ha, it's OK. It's just a joke." Zhao Chengfeng laughs and goes into the yard with Huisheng and others. And the Shangguan Yan son of one side then said the affair of overpowering drug.

Hearing that Miao Yufei wanted to kill Zhao Chengfeng, his eyes turned red instantly, and Pang Hu said: "where is that son of a bitch? I'll cut him with a knife

"Come on, come on, it's all in the past." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and exposed the matter. He couldn't help but look at Shangguan Yan'er. The more she said, the more worried they were when they came back?

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want his brothers to worry too much about themselves. They are not easy these years.

Into the yard, has been placed on a very sumptuous dinner, although Xia an and others died less than three days, but Xia Muxi specifically explained, to prepare some meat dishes.

Also, people can't come back to life when they die. Can they live when they are sad? To live in the present and cherish the people around you is the most important thing.

"Come on, drink, drink!"

Zhao Chengfeng took a big bowl of wine and took the lead in touching one.

"Gollum, Gollum!"

"Have a good time!"

After a few mouthfuls of rice wine, Huisheng exclaimed, "although it's home-made, it tastes mellow and rich. Its quality is much better than that of bottled wine outside. I estimate that this wine has been cellared for at least 20 years!"


Xia Mu Xi chonghuisheng put up his thumb and said, "you're right. This wine has been cellared for 23 years. It's a pity that the wine that has been cellared for 50 years has been drugged, so... "

"It's a pity." Huisheng sighed, as if he thought of something. He patted his brain suddenly and asked Xia Muxi, "by the way, I haven't asked you. How do you call me?"

"Hello, my name is..."

"Let me introduce you."

Before Xia Muxi finished, Shangguan Yan'er interrupted: "this is Muxi. She tried to save Chengfeng. At the same time, she is also your sister-in-law."

"Sister in law, you have to drink a bowl." Huisheng a little Leng, subconsciously swept Zhao Chengfeng a look, the heart is very emotional.

The eldest is the eldest. Before, he was in such a bad condition. Unexpectedly, he had a whole sister-in-law coming out. He was a bull!

"Come on, sister-in-law. In order to express my gratitude to you, I'll dry this bowl. Do as you like!" Voice down, Huisheng holding a wine bowl, Gulu Gulu two then under the belly.

Although Hui grows up to be gentle and gentle, he really wants to drink. Few people are his opponents, and even no one is his opponent. After all, the best medicine for Hui Sheng is medicine. If you take medicine, you won't get drunk. You can only go to the toilet twice at most.

"I, this..." Xia Muxi's face flushed when she was called "sister-in-law" by Huisheng, but she had no choice but to take a drink from the wine bowl.

"Madam, I respect you!"

Who knows, the xiamuxi bowl hasn't been put down yet, panghu's wine bowl has been put up again, panghu still wants to be more fierce, and says: "madam, I respect you three bowls, you are free, I'll do it!"

In this way, Xia Muxi drank a bowl of wine, and her face could not be reddened any more. On the one hand, she was ashamed, and on the other hand, alcohol really played a role.

"I, I can't do it. I want to have a rest. Take your time." Xia Muxi apologized and went back to the room to have a rest.

"Damn it

Zhao Chengfeng glared at them, but he didn't have a good way: "you two are tough enough. As soon as you come, you want to rebel with Muxi, don't you?"

"How can you? Aren't we here to thank my sister-in-law? " Huisheng laughed and joked: "by the way, boss, you don't tell us. How did you cheat your sister-in-law?"

"Yes, master, I have too many nuns. How can I distinguish them in the future?" Pang Hu also has a look of depression.

Master, the old man is Hong Fu Qi Tian. He is a great man. He is a beauty killer. But he is very happy. He is an apprentice. He cries "teacher Niang" and agrees to deal with it?


Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng a burst chestnuts knocked in the past, no good airway: "good, you son of a rabbit, gall son fat is not?"

"Well, stop it."

Tang Wei tugged at Zhao Chengfeng and said, "you, Huisheng and panghu are very tired. Eat something and have a rest early. We still have business to do tomorrow."

"We're not sleepy!"

Huisheng said with a smile: "thank you for your concern. We had already slept on the way when we came here. Now we are in good spirits. We have an agreement that we will not be drunk tonight. We must have a good drink."

"Spirit? Well, let's get down to business first Zhao Chengfeng lit up a cigarette and took a few mouthfuls of it. Then he talked about what he was preparing to transform Tianxing village into a tourist attraction.

"It's easy to do."

Hearing the words, Huisheng patted his thigh and said: "the air of Shiwan mountain is pleasant and suitable for human beings to live in. It is an excellent resting place. A little transformation, is absolutely a good scenic spot, the only thing to pay attention to is that the passenger flow can not be too large

"Why? How can we make money for our people without the flow of customers? " As soon as Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he twisted his eyebrows.

Zhao Chengfeng himself can not care about money, but people need it. Without money, they can only continue to live a life of slash and burn cultivation, with low work efficiency, and naturally there is nothing to make money from.


Huisheng snapped his fingers and said, "on the one hand, we can apply to the government for subsidy, which is not a small amount; Secondly, we can raise the price completely. If you are willing to come, you can come. If you are not willing, you can bring it down. "

"We must pay attention to the price. We must highlight the force. Even if we want to make a lot of people rich, they are not necessarily qualified to come here to play. Isn't it enough to hype?"

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng in front of suddenly a bright, strange smile way: "OK, you, come back to life, in the past know you can make medicine, did not see ah, you boy or a business genius, cow ah."

Huisheng humbly waved his hand and said, "I can't compare this ability with the boss. Isn't it all learned from you?" After a pause, Huisheng asked again, "by the way, boss, how did that sister-in-law save you? I'm going to study your Zhonggu as a medical record. Tell me about it. "

"Ah, this..." Zhao Chengfeng heard the speech and said, "cough, I really can't tell you this."

"Why?" Huisheng is puzzled.

"Cough, it's like this..." seeing Huisheng insist, Zhao Chengfeng can only whisper.

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